FNT/EOI/29/2024:EU STITCH End of Project Evaluation. At The African Women’s Development and Communications Network

  1. Introduction

1.1 About FEMNET

The African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) is a pan- African, feminist and membership-based network based in Nairobi, Kenya with over 800 individual and institutional members across 50 African countries and in the diaspora. FEMNET envisions a society where African women and girls thrive in dignity and well-being, free from patriarchal and neoliberal oppression and injustices.

Over the years, FEMNET has strategically positioned herself as a convener, organizer and facilitator of critical dialogues around women’s economic justice and rights; transformative women’s leadership; sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); climate justice and natural resource governance as well as, ending all forms of violence and harmful/ discriminatory practices against women and girls.

FEMNET continues to be intentional in influencing decisions made at national, regional and global levels, constantly ensuring African women voices are amplified and their needs, priorities and aspirations are prioritized in key policy dialogues and outcomes that have direct and indirect impact on their lives. FEMNET mobilizes African women to hold their States accountable to women’s rights and gender equality commitments.

FEMNET has played a lead role in building the women’s movement in Africa and has ensured that African women voices are amplified, and influence decisions made at national, regional, and global levels, which have direct and indirect impact on their lives. (Visit our website www.femnet.org for more information).

1.2 STITCH Project Introduction

Strengthened Network for Greater Impact​ (EU STITCH) was a 4-year project running from 2019 to 2022, with a no cost extension period of one year, concluding in 2023. This project was funded by the European Union under the EU Framework Partnership Agreement (FPA) and was implemented by FEMNET in partnership with Oxfam International, in the Horn, East, and Central Africa (HECA) region. The program covered 7 African countries: Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritius and Tunisia and engaged with 13 women rights organizations (WRO partners) spread across the 7 countries.

The goal of the project was to enhance effectiveness and impact of regional and country umbrella organizations working on women’s rights in the African continent at regional and country level to influence policies on women’s rights and gender equality.

This goal was to be achieved through three specific objectives: ​

  1. Strengthening governance and operational capacities of FEMNET Secretariat as well as that of FEMNET members operating in 7 targeted countries in Africa.​
  2. Building the capacities of FEMNET members in policy advocacy and influence at national and regional levels holding governments accountable to implementing Maputo Protocol, gender commitments under 2030 Agenda for sustainable Development and Africa Agenda 2063​.
  3. Improving mobilisation, coordination and sharing of information between the Secretariat and the members and among members themselves.​2.Purpose

The purpose of this end-of-project evaluation is to comprehensively review the implementation of the EU STITCH project for the 5 year implementation period across the 7 countries, capturing lessons learned and providing insights into the project’s nature, extent, potential impact and sustainability. At in-depth, it will assess the project design, scope, implementation status, and capacity to achieve objectives, while collating and analyzing lessons learned, challenges faced, best practices and significant stories of change. The evaluation aims to understand what has and has not worked as a guide for future planning while on the other side compare the project’s performance against planned results, and assess preliminary indications of impact and sustainability and propose actionable recommendations for future programming.

3.Scope of the End of Project Evaluation

3.1 Scope.

The EU STITCH end of Project evaluation will assess the effectiveness of the implementation strategy and the results. This will include the implementation modalities, FEMNET and Oxfam roles and responsibilities, coordination, partnership arrangements, institutional strengthening, beneficiary participation, replication and sustainability of the project. The evaluation will include review of the project design and assumptions made at the beginning of the project development process. Project management including the implementation strategies; project activities; it will assess the extent to which the project results have been achieved, partnerships established, capacities built, and cross cutting issues have been addressed. It will also assess whether the project implementation strategy was optimum and recommend areas for improvement and learning for future projects.

Specific Objectives of the Evaluation

  1. To examine the extent to which the project objectives have been achieved.
  2. Assess how the project contributed to the impact including key enabling and/or constraining factors that led to project achievements.
  3. To generate relevant comparative statistics from the baseline, project reports, and end line data/information on key project indicators to facilitate eventual measurement of progress and extent of contribution made by the project.
  4. Evaluate relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the project amidst the changing context and eventual closure of the project.
  5. To generate lessons learned and best practices, as well as draw recommendations to guide future similar interventions.

3.2 Expected Project Outcomes

The project result areas/outcomes are outline below: ​

  1. Result area 1: FEMNET Secretariat has strengthened governance and management systems to mobilize, coordinate and carry out joint policy and advocacy with its members at national and regional levels across the African continent.​
  2. Result area 2: Institutional and operational Capacities of members of FEMNET built to effectively influence policies on women’s rights and gender equality in their respective countries.​
  3. Result area 3: FEMNET members using emerging Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) to tell and document their stories and contribute to the body of knowledge on women’s rights and gender equality in Africa and globally.​
  4. Result area 4: African women know about their rights and gender equality commitments as recognized in key policy and development frameworks.​
  5. Result area 5: Women in Africa have improved capacities to meaningfully engage and influence policy making processes and outcomes.​

3.3 Project target groups and final beneficiaries

The target groups include STITCH Implementing Partners in Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Mali, Mauritius and Tunisia and 13 WROs spread across the 7 Countries, Government Ministry Officials, local authorities and the final beneficiaries. The consultant will reach out to National and Local level duty bearers and respective implementing partners will be targeted by the study in addition to the benefiting communities in the different location, including community women and girls reached over the project period.

3.4 Methodology.

The applicants will develop a comprehensive study methodology that will be reviewed by a technical evaluation committee during the inception phase. A mixed survey design is preferred for this study with clear methods, techniques and processes of data collection, analysis and reporting referencing various sources with a view to triangulate data. Overall, the methodology should cover details of study design and approaches, sampling techniques, sample size determination, data collection methods/instruments, data analysis techniques, plan for dissemination of study findings and a statement on quality assurance and ethical considerations during the evaluation. The applicants should develop a methodology that takes into account the information outlined in the ToR to ensure accuracy.

The methods should be participatory, ensure collection of disaggregated data, interrogate gender roles, be context and culturally sensitive and whenever possible mixed (qualitative and quantitative).

The following methods are suggested for answering the evaluation questions:

  • Desk review of documents
  • Semi-structured key informant interviews
  • Group discussions
  • Face-to-face and self-administered (incl. online) surveys

The evaluators should suggest further methods as appropriate in the inception report.

4.Terms of References (TORS).

The following key areas and key questions will guide the end of project evaluation:

4.1 Relevance

  • To what extent did the EU STITCH project achieve its overall objectives?
  • To what extent were the results (impacts, outcomes and outputs) achieved? (make a comparative analysis of the findings from the Baseline survey at the onset of the project and End of Project)
  • Were the inputs and strategies identified realistic, appropriate and adequate to achieve the results?
  • Was the project relevant to the identified needs?

4.2 Effectiveness (Describe the management processes and their appropriateness in supporting delivery)

  • Was the EU STITCH project effective in delivering desired/planned results?
  • To what extent did the Project’s M&E mechanism contribute in meeting project results?
  • How effective were the strategies and tools used in the implementation of the project?
  • How effective was the project in responding to the needs of the beneficiaries, and what results were achieved?
  • What are the future intervention strategies and issues?

4.3 Efficiency – (of Project Implementation)

  • Was the process of achieving results efficient? Specifically did the actual or expected results (outputs and outcomes) justify the costs incurred? Were the resources effectively utilized?
  • What factors contributed to implementation efficiency?
  • Did project activities overlap and duplicate other similar interventions (funded nationally and /or by other donors?
  • Are there more efficient ways and means of delivering more and better results (outputs and outcomes) with the available inputs? Could a different approach have produced better results?
  • How was the project’s collaboration with the Government, national institutions, development partners and the stakeholders at National and Regional Levels.
  • How efficient were the management and accountability structures of the project?
  • How did the project financial management processes and procedures affect project implementation?
  • What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the project implementation process?

4.4 Sustainability

  • To what extent are the benefits of the EU STITCH project likely to be sustained after the completion of this project?
  • What is the likelihood of continuation and sustainability of project outcomes and benefits after completion of the project?
  • How effective were the exit strategies, and approaches to phase out assistance provided by the project including contributing factors and constraints
  • What are the key factors that will require attention in order to improve prospects of sustainability of Project outcomes and the potential for replication of the approach?
  • How were capacities strengthened at the individual and organizational level (including contributing factors and constraints)?
  • Describe the main lessons that have emerged
  • What are the recommendations for similar support in future? (The recommendations should provide comprehensive proposals for future interventions based on the current evaluation findings).

4.5 Impact (Road to Impact)

  • What are the intended and unintended, positive and negative, long-term effects of the EU STITCH project?
  • What would the situation have been like without the project intervention?

5.Key Deliverables.

  1. Inception report that details the following:
  • Detailed framework/design and implementation plan agreed up on with the FEMNET team (This should include a description of the evaluation objectives, scope, methodology/methodological approach, data collection process, list of key informants/agencies, review of evaluation questions, issues to be studied and work plans for all members of the evaluation team with clear timelines and responsibilities.)
  • The data collection tools
  • Provide a detailed sampling framework

2.A Draft Evaluation report

The structure of the draft and final reports should be as follows:

  1. Executive Summary (to be prepared for final report)
  2. List of acronyms
  3. Programme description
  4. Evaluation Purpose
  5. Evaluation Methodology and Process
  6. Findings organized by evaluation questions (numbered)
  7. Conclusions
  8. Lessons Learnt/Good Practices/ Most Significant stories of change.
  9. Recommendations
  10. Annexes (Including interview list –without identifying names for sake of confidentiality/anonymity, data collection instruments, list of all documents consulted, Terms of Reference.)3. Power point presentation of findings to FEMNET project team4.Validation of findings with country teams. This will be done virtually and/or through email correspondence.5.Final Evaluation report .6.Comprehensive and verified data sets7.Three hard copies of the final report and a soft copy to FEMNET

6.Required Qualification, Skills, and Competencies

Academic Qualifications

  • Team leader of the applying firm must have A master’s degree in Gender, Development Studies, Law, Social Sciences, Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation or relevant fields from a recognized university and relevant professional qualification with current membership in good standing with relevant professional body.

Team leader and/ or team members’ qualification and experience must include:

  • Strategic planning and MEAL Experts.
  • Programme management experts with experience in handling a European Union Funded Projects.
  • Should demonstrate comprehensive understanding and alignment with Pan African feminist principles as outlined in the African Feminist Charter.
  • Should have extensive experience and expertise working with Women’s Rights and Human Rights Organisations, CSOs and county governments (local authorities).
  • In-depth knowledge of gender issues, women’s rights, and development policies.

Team leaders’ Knowledge and Skills

  • Should have at least 10 years of proven and well-documented experience in conducting evaluations, assessments, studies, etc. especially for EU projects.
  • Experience working with quantitative and qualitative methodologies
  • Experience in governance especially CSO strengthening and engagement and women rights.
  • Excellent communication skills.

7.Duration of Assignment.

This consultancy is estimated to run for 25 days inclusive of field work, with the End of Project Evaluation expected to start off by 15th July 2024 and the latest completion date should be 15th August 2024. The applicants should provide a tentative plan considering the dates mentioned.

8.Liaison, Coordination and Reporting .

The consultants will work closely with FEMNET’s management and other STITCH Project team members to deliver the assignments.

9Intellectual Property Rights

The consultant expressly assigns to FEMNET any copyright arising from the outputs produced while executing the service contract. The consultant may not use, reproduce, disseminate, or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate any output produced under the service contract without prior consent from FEMNET.

10.Terms of Service.

This is a non-staff contract and therefore the consultants or their assignees are not entitled to medical cover or any other status or conditions as FEMNET staff.

11. Selection of Consultant.

The consultant shall be contracted by FEMNET. The contract will include Withholding Tax (WHT) deduction in line with laws of contracting where FEMNET is headquartered. A WHT certificate will be issued to the consultant. Payment will be done through bank transfer to the consultant bank account. FEMNET will not meet the costs of bank charges. Payment schedule will be agreed upon with the consultant upon successful selection. In case of team/firm applicants, a designated assignment contract manager will be the contact between FEMNET and the team and responsible for all deliverables.

How to apply

12.Selection Process.

A firm will be selected in accordance with generally accepted procurement processes for the firm selection.

Applications: Interested eligible firms should send:

  • Technical proposal (not more than 10 pages responding to each major requirement.
  • Not more than 2-pages indicative financial proposal. This should clearly outline

i) A detailed quotation of the Consultancy Professional Fees

ii)A detailed budget on Field work/Travel Logistics with possible field visits within Kenya, Mali, Rwanda and Mauritius. The field visits should be limited to 3 days, including 2 days of travel and 1 day of outcome

  • CVs of the key consultant/s who will be engaged in the assignment. The CVs should include names and addresses of 3 professional referees, telephone, and e-mail contacts.
  • 1 sample of work preferably an evaluation report. Please do not share more than one sample of work.

Applications by e-mails can be sent to: recruitment@femnet.or.ke. Please indicate the reference on the subject line as: FNT/EOI/29/2024:EU STITCH End of Project Evaluation Hard copies not more than 2 copies can be delivered at the address below**:**

All applications should be addressed to: The Executive Director, FEMNET
12 Masaba Road, Lower Hill, off Bunyala Road,
P. O. Box 54562, 00200 Nairobi, Kenya.

Deadline for submission of applications is Wednesday 10th July 2024, 18:00 hrs.

Please note**:** FEMNET is committed to prevention any type of unwanted behaviour including sexual harassment, exploitation, abuse, and lack of integrity as well as other ethical breaches. All staff and consultants are expected to share this commitment through our code of conduct and Safeguarding Policy. Offers of engagement will be subject to satisfactory references and appropriate screening checks, which can include criminal records and fraud.

We welcome people from the widest possible diversity of backgrounds, culture, and experience. We will make any practical adjustments to enable people with disability participate fully in an inclusive working environment. By submitting your application, you acknowledge that you have given consent to the collection, use and/or disclosure of your data by us for the purposes set out in this request for expression of Interest.

Only complete applications will be reviewed, and only selected firm will be contacted. All applications will be kept for immediate future use, where possible. Firms observing sustainability in their operations are encouraged to indicate so and apply.

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