Expert Legal Analysis under a 3-year framework contract At DanChurchAid

Terms of Reference

  • Background information

The UN General Assembly voted in June to elect Denmark to the UN Security Council (UNSC), as a non-permanent member, for the period 2025 – 2026, pursuant to Art 23 of the UN Charter. As such DanChurch Aid (DCA) is seeking to support on identifying and providing targeted and evidenced-based policy analysis on key priority areas to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), which Denmark can effectively and purposefully pursue throughout its tenure.

  • Contract purpose and Expected results


Through this consultancy DCA will seek to draw on its practical field experience and its own research and analysis of key trends and developments that impact humanitarian and development needs and responses globally, to identify potential priority areas that the MFA may champion at the UNSC level.

To this extent, DCA will contract two legal and humanitarian experts, with long-standing experience of providing targeted legal and humanitarian advice to UN organs, and to the international community, to assist in framing those key priority areas.

Pursuant to nascent discussions, DCA has identified the following themes as being key areas that Denmark could meaningfully champion, both within the UNSC arena, or elsewhere. These themes are:

Theme 1: Rule of Law and impacts on humanitarian needs and responses(including Conflict Prevention, Protection of Civilians & IHL considerations)

Theme 2: Climate and Security (including Women, Peace and Security)

Each consultant will explore one of the above-mentioned key areas, provide analysis of the legal and humanitarian impacts of these dynamics, including the impact on DCA’s operations and those of other humanitarian organizations, and offer recommendations of practical measures Denmark could pursue to champion positive change on these issues. Ideally, this analysis and recommendations would be relevant for Denmark to pursue through other fora such as the UNGA and the Council of the EU. The consultant may also be invited to brief stakeholders from DCA and MFA on these findings and recommendations.

Results to be achieved by the Contractor:

  1. Separate pieces of analysis outlining the relevant concerns relating to the Theme 1 or Theme 2 as well as a roadmap of recommendations (from humanitarian & development NGO perspective)
  2. Participation in virtual briefings with stakeholders from DCA, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Danish Civil Society

September 2024:Separate pieces of analysis outlining the relevant concerns relating to the Theme 1 or Theme 2 as well as a roadmap of recommendations (from humanitarian & development NGO perspective)

October 2024 until the end of this framework agreement: on demand consultancy regarding Theme 1 / Theme 2.

  • Logistics and facilities

The successful consultant will work remotely and provide his/her own facilities

  • Contact and reporting

All contact and reporting must be done in English, sent to:

Brona Higgins, Senior Humanitarian Policy and Practice Advisor, DCA.


Expertise of the Candidate submitting proposal:

  • Candidate’s relevant academic (postgraduate) qualifications (i.e. law, international law, law of armed conflict, protection of civilians, climate and security etc)
  • Candidate’s specialised knowledge of functioning of UN bodies including UN Security Council
  • Candidate’s experience in developing specialised legal analysis on issues of international law, particularly as relating to relevant UN processes
  • Candidate’s relevant experience in advising international States, multilateral bodies and NGOs on related issues of international law and security
  • Candidate’s knowledge of humanitarian crises and humanitarian responses.

How to apply

The Instructions to Bidder, the Terms of References and the Draft Contract is available in the Request for Proposal.


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October 2024