Evaluation of the SMSP support of VBG survivors, Tunisia At Doctors of the World – Belgium

Full description of the terms of reference in the PDF to download on our website


Doctors of the World is an international medical development NGO that is part of an international network. We provide medical assistance to vulnerable groups in Belgium and in the rest of the world. We want universal health care coverage where every person has access to care, without barriers.

In Belgium and around the world, our projects are aimed at all people who have no or no access to health care. In particular, they are structured in five axes: people on the margins of society, children in vulnerable situations, women, etc, migrant or displaced persons and victims of crises or conflicts.

To carry out our mission, we rely on three pillars :

  • Heal : give real access to care to the population.
  • Change: more than helping, we want to change things in the long run.
  • Testify : we do not remain silent. Thanks to our experience and our presence on the ground, we challenge the powers (local, regional and (inter)national) with facts, figures and realities.

Our projects follow a series of values common to our entire organization: Social justice, Empowerment, Independence, Commitment, Balance.


In recent years, Tunisia has taken historic steps to advance women’s rights and the fight against Gender-based Violence (GVB). On August 17, 2022, a new constitution was adopted[1]. In its articles 23 and 51, respectively : the principle of’equality before the law between citizens ; the protection of the acquired rights of Tunisian women and their promotion ; the’commitment of the’ State to take the necessary measures to eliminate violence against women. L’ adoption on July 26, 2017 of organic law no. 2017-58 on the elimination of violence against’ women[2]made it possible to take important steps in the fight against GBV. The law adopts a broad definition of violence, taking into account physical, psychological, sexual, economic and political violence. Its approach is comprehensive through the prevention, prosecution and conviction of perpetrators of violence and the care of victims. According to Law 58-2017, the main services responsible for the management of GBV are: health services, social affairs, justice, etc, of the woman and the’interior. Alongside these sectors, CSOs play an essential role mainly through’ centres for listening, care and/or’ accommodation for women and girls survivors of violence.This law complements an institutional framework composed of sectoral protocols for the care of survivors of GBV and’a cross-sectoral convention for the coordination of care services. In terms of accountability, the ministry of the Family, the Woman, the, DE L’Enfance et des Personnes Agedes (MFFPA) publishes an annual report on the implementation of the Law 2017-58 to present the efforts made by the various sectors involved and the components of civil society in the various areas of the Act: prevention, protection and care. The Centre for Research,’Studies, Documentation and’Information on Women (CREDIF) has also published a mapping of servicesIn terms of accountability, the ministry of the Family, the Woman, the, DE L’Enfance et des Personnes Agedes (MFFPA) publishes an annual report on the implementation of the Law 2017-58 to present the efforts made by the various sectors involved and the components of civil society in the various areas of the Act: prevention, protection and care. The Centre for Research,’Studies, Documentation and’Information on Women (CREDIF) has also published a mapping of servicesIn terms of accountability, the ministry of the Family, the Woman, the, DE L’Enfance et des Personnes Agedes (MFFPA) publishes an annual report on the implementation of the Law 2017-58 to present the efforts made by the various sectors involved and the components of civil society in the various areas of the Act: prevention, protection and care. The Centre for Research,’Studies, Documentation and’Information on Women (CREDIF) has also published a mapping of servicesprevention, protection and care. The Centre for Research,’Studies, Documentation and’Information on Women (CREDIF) has also published a mapping of servicesprevention, protection and care. The Centre for Research,’Studies, Documentation and’Information on Women (CREDIF) has also published a mapping of services[3] as well as several works related to the VBG as the national’ observatory to combat violence against’ against women created under article 40 of Law 58-2017.

[1] Presidential Decree n° 2022-691 of 17 August 2022, promulgating the Constitution of the Tunisian Republic – Tunisia – Legal Databases (legislation-security.tn)

[2] Organic law n° 2017-58 of August 11, 2017, relating to’ elimination of violence against women – Tunisia – Legal Databases (legislation-security.tn)

[3] Violence against women in Tunisia – Guide of’organismes to contact – Sos Femmes Violences

Description of the consultancy

Objectives of the mission:

This mission is’ in the extension of’a previous research work that allowed the production of :

Within the framework of’a person-centered care approach, MdM believes that taking into account the mental health of survivors of GBV is an integral part of’a holistic and integrated approach. The’study will have a national scope.


Deliverable 1 : A mission start report including a detailed methodology with a work plan, a timeline, collection tools and an ethical protocol

Deliverable 2 : A bibliographic review on mental health and gender-based violence in Tunisia and the MENA region

Deliverable 3 : A report of’assessment of the quality of the care SMSPS of survivors of violence within the care systems existing on the Tunisian territory with operational and strategic recommendations and an analysis of good reproducible practices

Deliverable 4 : A business reference for the actors of care (and in particular the people in charge of the’ listening and the’orientation).


The search profile is as follows :

  • Clinical psychology profile (master) with research skills and knowledge of key themes (VBG and SMSPS). A pair/group of consultants with each of’an expertise is recommended.
  • Spirit of’analysis and synthesis capabilities.
  • Excellent writing skills in French.
  • Knowledge of the specific sectors of the mission : Gender-based Violence (GVB), Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (SMSPS)
  • Knowledge of the Tunisian context, the’ offer of care in SMSPS and the path of care for survivors of violence is an asset.

How to apply


The application file must include a technical offer and a financial offer in Tunisian dinars.

  • L’technical offer should include a synthesis of the RTD understanding, proposed methodology, mission schedule and up-to-date CV.
  • L’financial offer for delivery. Be sure to include any travel, accommodation and expenses related to the realization of this mission.

The file must be sent before Thursday, July 25, 2024 to the following address: recruit.mdm.tunisie@gmail.com specifying in subject of the mail « Consultance sanitaire et VBG – Sehaty ».

Doctors of the World S’ is committed to people with disabilities and fights against all discrimination. We do not ask for any financial participation during our recruitment.

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