Documentary Production on Community Voices and Change at the Institutional Level for the Women Rights Fund Project At Oxfam GB

About Oxfam

One person in three in the world lives in poverty. Oxfam is determined to change that world by mobilizing the power of people against poverty. Around the world, Oxfam works to find practical, innovative ways for people to lift themselves out of poverty and thrive. We save lives and help rebuild livelihoods when crisis strikes. And we campaign so that the voices of people living in poverty influence the local and global decisions that affect them. In all we do, Oxfam works with partner organizations and alongside vulnerable women and men to end the injustices that cause poverty.

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Background of the project

Oxfam in Kenya in partnership with Badili Africa, Dhobi Women Network (DWN), Indigenous Resource Management (IREMO), Usikimye, Association for Women in Agriculture, Kenya (AWAK) and Association for Women in Energy and Extractives in Kenya (AWEIK) are implementing the Women Rights Fund Project in Kenya. The Women’s Rights Fund provides multi-year, flexible funding to grassroots organisations so they can invest in their own priorities. The project was launched in December 2020 and currently works with 6 WROs in Kenya to respond to their organisations’ and communities’ urgent and strategic needs. In addition, the Fund is also committed to supporting its member organisations to become more sustainable, through tailored mentoring in fields such as fundraising, campaigning and policy formulation.

The project has 4 outcomes namely:

  1. Small WRO’s have strengthened organizational capacity and are better able to respond to the needs of women and girls in their communities.
  2. Oxfam and WRO partner staff gain awareness of mental health issues and identify ways to integrate actions to promote self-care amongst their constituency.
  3. Improvement in Oxfam’s partnership policies, practice, processes, and ways of working with WROs, in alignment with our ambition to be feminist and partner led.
  4. Learning generated from the project is used to influence other INGOs, donors and service providers to enhance support for small WROs and for women’s rights actions.

Scope of work

Under the supervision of Oxfam, the consultant will be required to undertake a video and photo documentation of the community voices and change at the institutional Level for all the 7 partners in the following locations:

  • Nairobi: Oxfam, Badili Africa, Usikimye and Dhobi Women Network (DWN)
  • Marsabit: Indigenous Resource Management (IREMO),
  • Kitui: Association for Women in Agriculture, Kenya (AWAK)
  • Voi: Association for Women in Energy and Extractives in Kenya (AWEIK)

Specifically, the consultant will engage with targeted community members and partners in the video documentation and include still photographs to cover stories (community voices) from project participants and partner staff (change at the institutional level).

Ethical conduct and safeguarding

During content gathering, the consultant shall adhere to Oxfam ethical conduct; Data protection law and regulations, respect for diversity, gender, and safeguarding.


The consultant will provide:




Badili Africa

2-3-4 min video for looking back at 3 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2020-


  • Exported Full HD (1920×1080px), high-bitrate (15-20Mbps) video files encoded using H264 compression in MP4 format with square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan, and stereo AAC audio compression at 128kbps and
  • Properly filled consent forms for ALL subjects.
  • All raw videos for the interviews with Oxfam staff and partners.
  • Properly filled consent forms for ALL video subjects. Content may be shared on Oxfam’s social media channels, as well as directly with potential donors

Dhobi Women Network

2-33-4 min video looking back at 3 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2020-


Indigenous Resource Management (IREMO)

2-3-4 min video for Feb 24, looking back at 2 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2021-



2-3 min video looking back at 2 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2021-


Association for Women in Agriculture, Kenya

2 -3 min video looking back at 2 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2021-


Association for Women in Energy and Extractives in Kenya

2-3 min video for looking back at 1 year of the Fund & impact/learning (2022 –


For all partners

2-3 min video covering in general the Fund & impact/learning including Oxfam staff voices.

At least 70 (minimum 10 per partner) High resolution quality photographs covering the partner organizations in action.

  • Photos in Hi-Res format e.g. (Tiff or a RAW equivalent of at least 10Mbs per photo) and not JPEGs.
  • Photographed from a variety of angles (e.g., wide, and medium shots, close-up portraits and extreme close ups. Strive to capture storytelling images of the project at all times.
  • A variety having visibility items like banners on the background of some photos.
  • Properly filled consent forms for ALL photography subjects.

NB: All the footage should be uploaded on Iconik, or hard drive to be sent to Oxford for further edits.

Content, Audience and Use


The primary audience for content about Badili Africa and Dhobi Women’s Network (who are leaving the Fund after 3 years) is Oxfam as well as the partners involved. Keen to capture what the fund did for the communities they work with, the impact and any learning. We are also keen to include the Dhobi Women’s Network in our three-year look back at impact video and report to be shared with donors in 2024 if possible. Types of content we’re keen to have are:

  • Looking back at 3 years of the Fund & impact/learning (2020-2023) – what worked, what the challenges have been and how things have evolved through the Fund.
  • What things were like at the start of the funding and now, what’s changed, challenges/what we’ve learnt and what’s next/what now? It would be great to capture the difference this Fund has made and how they can take things forward and the impact of their work (e.g. can domestic workers who have been trained in their office, e.g. how to use water taps, now get better paid work and have more protection?)

IREMO, AWAK, AWEIK & USIKIMYE – these are the priority partners we’re keen to capture content about (photos & videos) for our donors and prospective donors.

  • The primary aim of all content for IREMO, Usikimye, Association for Women in Agriculture, and Association for Women in Energy and Extractives is to raise funds from new donors – we want to inspire prospective new donors to donate to the Women’s Rights Fund and recognise the impact and effectiveness of this work and how it’s different from other Funds.
  • For these 4 partners, we would like each video and photographs to focus on different ‘hooks’ or themes which we know donors are interested in, so they are different from each other and we can use at different points across the year.
  • We’re keen to capture the work of each partner and community voices, why the Women’s Rights Fund is more effective and different than other Funds (with examples) and any key learnings.

The four different themes are below.

  • Climate change – this theme will be an important focus for us, especially around the United Nations Climate Summit in November 2023. It would be great to capture how climate change impacts IREMO’s work and the impact on the communities they work with, and the challenges it brings and use this to tell the story of challenges and change in the community and the unique value of the Women’s Rights Fund.
  • Mental health – this is a really important theme for us to capture. One funder in particular, People’s Postcode Lottery, is funding this work and will value hearing more about the project, learning and the impact it has had and why it is so important. peer to peer learning & capacity building too.
  • How valuable the flexible funding has been, how they chose what to prioritise funding with it, what it was spent on and why important – and why being part of the Women’s Rights Fund(and network with the other Women’s Rights Organisations) is a game changer for these partners.
  • What organisational capacity building support the partner has received from Oxfam and each other and why this is important/valued

We anticipate the products will also be useful for other actors and donors in the development sector.

Assignment Duration & Schedule

The consultant will complete all deliverables by 31st October 2023.

Tax and VAT arrangements

Oxfam in Kenya will deduct withholding tax from the consultancy fees which will be in conformity with the prevailing government rates and submit the same to the Government of Kenya. The consultant will be entitled to a copy of the tax submission certificate on request.


Full payment of the sum to be paid upon submission of the final outputs/ and satisfactory completion of each assignment to the quality set out in the scope of work, incorporating suggestions and recommendations from Oxfam.

How to apply

Application Process

Oxfam in Kenya invites individuals who meet the criteria to submit Expression of Interest that clearly articulates the consultant(s) understanding of the terms of reference, methodology for executing the work including key deliverables and tentative budget. Applicants should clearly indicate “Documentary Production on Community Voices and Change at the Institutional Level for the Women Rights Fund Project” as the email subject.

Expression of Interests shall be sent to no later than close of business on 28th September 2023. Only applicants who qualify will be contacted.

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