Description of tasks for a Creative Agency: Project to promote biofortified beans and hygienic milk management – Honduras At Magenta FZE

Description of tasks for a Creative Agency: Project to promote biofortified beans and hygienic milk management – Honduras


MAGENTA is a research and communication agency for Social Change and Behavior (SBC, for its acronym in English) that specializes in understanding human behavior and designing communication solutions to positively impact social development. It is a global agency that works in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Through the theory of social and behavioral change; designs and implements evidence-based communication strategies and campaigns.

Our client base includes United Nations agencies, international non-governmental organizations, cooperation agencies, governments and the private sector. We seek to recognize the importance of local actors, as well as contribute our expertise at the international level and our methodological rigor. To do this, we collaborate with civil society actors, creative agencies, the media and academics to design innovative and relevant solutions that impact today’s most challenging problems.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, MAGENTA administers a set of research projects, strategy development, behavioral and social change interventions, and evaluation.

Currently, MAGENTA is working on a project to design and implement a gender perspective SBC Strategy to promote the consumption of biofortified beans and the hygienic management of milk in Honduras.

Project Context

MAGENTA is carrying out an SBC project in order to promote that girls and boys accept and consume the biofortified bean that is part of the school feeding basket in Honduras.

In addition, it seeks to promote healthy practices in the handling of pasteurized milk in the educational centers of the municipalities where the current project is carried out.

The promotion of consumption of biofortified beans It can prevent nutritional deficiencies and contribute to healthy growth, especially in children and pregnant women. Likewise, proper handling and hygiene of dairy products, including pasteurized milk, is crucial in preventing foodborne illness. A project that promotes safe handling and consumption practices can help reduce the incidence of diseases associated with contaminated food.

For the promotion of both behaviors, MAGENTA seeks to create a campaign of multi-format communication of approximately 8 weeks of implementation that directly addresses the determinants of the two behaviors indicated (consumption of biofortified beans and hygienic milk management).

MAGENTA seeks a creative agency for the realization of the campaign. The corresponding activities and deliverables are specified below.

Activities and Deliverables

The creative agency will be responsible for the following activities:




Activity 1.Campaign design


  • Startup meeting with MAGENTA
  • Production plan: design of a detailed pre-production plan for the communication campaign for Social and Behavioral Change that includes inputs on:
    • Creative campaign plan
    • Campaign production plan
    • Pre-production joints
    • Production schedule
    • Production budget breakdown

Deliverable 1. Multimedia Campaign Production Plan

The document to be delivered will be carried out with the support of MAGENTA’s strategic communication and creativity advisor and must:

  • Refine central campaign idea with key messages, tone of voice, visual identity / branding
  • Identify and describe the multimedia content to be produced in detail
  • Casting proposals for formats where it applies
  • Implementation and dissemination plan that includes distribution channels, promotion strategies and a plan for monitoring and measuring performance

Design of a detailed production plan that includes inputs on:

  • Content and production schedule that covers all stages of the campaign, with clearly defined intermediate deadlines and deliverables, including two weeks of campaign piloting.
  • Pre-production joint plan
  • Production budget breakdown, considering all the costs associated with campaign execution, including design, advertising, human resources, and any other relevant costs

2 weeks after the start of the contract

Activity 2. Production of campaign materials

With the support of MAGENTA’s strategic communication and creativity advisor, the agency will produce to produce the multimedia materials for campaign dissemination. All products will include review processes, post-production process, and printing if necessary.

Once the materials are approved, the agency will implement two focus groups for piloting and validating the materials with a target audience. If adjustments are required, the agency will implement them. The client will support the call for said focus groups.

E2. Material production and implementation plan that includes:

  1. Products in their final and editable version.
  2. Boosting plan
  3. Detailed campaign implementation plan
  4. Strategy-based material design.

Approved multimedia products that meet the campaign objective are produced.

Some deliverables may be, without being limited, to:

– Multimedia content (printed and digital posters, videos, print and digital leaflets, etc.)

The process could include collaboration and reviews in the following stages:

– For videos: scripts, casting, management plan, review of rushes filmed with editing plan

– Review of design and written content for posters and leaflets etc. digital and printed

– Copy review for posts on social networks for the campaign

– Implementation plan with boosting, broadcasting and social media marketing.

For the elaboration of the materials of the digital campaign, the following must be produced:

  • Brandbook
  • Products in their final version (can be in various dimensions for social media channels).
  • Products in their editable version.
  1. Testing of communication material materials in two focus groups.
  2. Adjustment to materials according to feedback from focus groups

5 weeks after the first deliverable

Activity 3: Dissemination and implementation of the campaign

Once the products are approved, two weeks of campaign piloting will be implemented. After the adjustments according to the piloting, the campaign will be disseminated and implemented in the channels defined by 8 weeks.

E3 Monitoring results of the M&E plan indicators

  • Weekly reports:
    • Analysis of digital metrics to define including Social Listening
    • Boosting results
  • Monitoring and evaluation results
  • 2 weeks of piloting implementation.
  • 2 weeks for material adjustments and approval.
  • 8 weeks of campaign implementation

Payment distribution




E1. Multimedia campaign production plan


$ 2,480.00

E2. Material production and implementation plan


$ 4,960.00

E3 Monitoring results of the M&E plan indicators


$ 4,960.00



$ 12,400.00

Payment of deliverables is subject to approval by the client.


$ 12,400.00

Within the budget it is expected:

  • A minimum of 3 to 5 rounds of reviews for deliverables and materials.
  • Let the production agency bear the cost of printing, the community manager if necessary, boosting, and any other cost of production and dissemination.

Payment terms will be 30 calendar days (individuals) or 60 calendar days (companies) from the most recent date of the following: (i) receipt by MAGENTA of the appropriate invoice from the supplier and those deliverable as stipulated in the contract (ii) acceptance of the work by MAGENTA.

Profile and Evaluation Criteria

The profiles will be evaluated by a committee made up of members of the MAGENTA team. The purpose of profile evaluation and comparison is to determine compliance with the following criteria:

  • 8 to 12 years of experience in strategic planning, design of communication strategies and media.
  • Work experience with multilateral organizations, including United Nations agencies.
  • Ability to work under pressure and ability to receive and respond to feedback rounds on deliverables in a timely manner.
  • Interest shown in social impact work.
  • Punctuality.
  • Experience working with international development agencies or projects and / or communication consultancies will be considered an advantage.
  • Experience working in Honduras.
  • Fluency in Spanish.
    • Agency portfolio and CV

How to apply

Instructions for submitting proposals:

Applicants must include the following documents in their proposal:

  • List of relevant clients and previous campaigns with labor references
  • CV of team members and each member’s focus (for example, if they have experience in video management, graphic design, illustration, social media broadcast, copywriting, etc.).
  • Economic proposal
  • A detailed and disaggregated budget in USD based on the activities to be carried out, explaining total and partial amounts.

All interested persons should send their CV, portfolio, and budget proposal to, copying

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