Database Specialist, USAID/Madagascar HARENA At Global DAI


Under the supervision of the MEL/CLA Director, the Database Specialist provides the’administration of the Harena data transfer and information system. He or she develops and maintains applications and data collection forms that are essential to the smooth running of MEL/CLA activities. He or she develops and administers the Harena database.

He collaborates with the’ MEL/CLA team in data processing,’data quality assurance and the consolidation of Harena results for’USAID.


Develop and manage the Harena information system and database :

  • Develop and administer Harena’s information and database system.
  • Design and adapt the project performance monitoring database, control the accuracy, input and cleaning of data.
  • Develop and/or update data collection forms.
  • Develop and maintain various applications related to MEL/CLA activities.
  • Manage organizational units and users.
  • To develop performance monitoring dashboards and recommendations within the framework of the Harena project.
  • Ensure the monitoring and maintenance of all data collection equipment : tablets, smartphones, GPS, etc.
  • Design and prepare spatial and temporal data/geographic information systems (GIS) maps and related spatial data presentations, including,
  • Together with members of the monitoring and evaluation team, ensure that the monitoring and evaluation system accurately reflects the needs of the project and donors.
  • Leading and ensuring data quality assessment and addressing challenges in data and information management.
  • Coordinate investigations and evaluations, including the management of monitoring and evaluation functions performed by external service providers.
  • Contribute to the smooth operation of the MEL/CLA system of the project

Knowledge Management and Capacity Building :

  • Develop training tools and information system documentation, and,
  • Train and assist staffs and partners at all levels on the’use and’ exploitation of the d`information system and data collection forms.
  • Build capacity for data collection and analysis in line with project objectives.
  • From the data set, in collaboration with the MEL Director, ensure internal accountability for the results in order to avoid late delivery.
  • Support the Staffs of the partners in the data entry and the analysis of data quality.
  • Contribute to the coordination between MEL/CLA teams, communication teams and technical teams to produce data for activity updates, newsletters, newsletters, etc, success stories and performance reports.
  • Contribute to the integration of gender equality in all aspects of the database and reporting, including, and ensure that the required data on gender equality and youth are monitored, recorded and reported in an appropriate manner.
  • Contribute to the organization of break and reflection workshops and other knowledge management events.


  • Foster ongoing positive cooperation with HARENA stakeholders and staff.
  • Assist in coordinating the dissemination of key lessons learned and knowledge/learning products through various communication channels.


  • Generate accurate and timely MEL reports for both regular reports and ad hoc requests.
  • Know how to manage the data in the allotted time and ensure the good quality of the shared data.

The Database Specialist reports to the Director Monitoring Evaluation and Learning/Collaboration and Adaptation.

The’employee may be called upon to perform other tasks relating to his responsibilities and skills, so the above list is not exhaustive.


  • HOLDER of’a degree from Bac + 4 in Computer Science, Option Database or Development ;
  • At least 5 years of’ experiments in the development and use of a decision-making information system ;
  • Experience in web development (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP framework CodeIgniter, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MVC model);
  • Advanced mastery of the’ use of tools on Office 365 : Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Teams, Sharepoint…
  • Experience in conducting and developing activities related to databases and related project components, particularly for form design, and, the use of applications for data collection and dashboard creation.
  • Experiences in skills transfer and training of end users of different levels of knowledge.
  • Ability to make a plea for the work of MEL at all levels of the’organization.
  • Professional experience in geographic information system (GIS) to facilitate spatial data analysis and visualization of results.
  • Experiences in data quality assurance ;
  • Ability to solve complex database and M&E challenges, evaluate options, and advise strategic decision making based on existing evidence, data trends, lessons learned and other relevant information.
  • Excellent communication and personnel management skills and ability to get along with people at all levels of an organization.
  • Good knowledge of the management system of protected areas in Madagascar would be an asset ;
  • Professional proficiency in both oral and written French and Malagasy is required; professional ability in written and oral English would be an asset.
  • Experience on the`use of Kobotoolbox would be an asset.
  • Experience on the MEL/CLA system of’USAID would be an asset.
  • Ability to make frequent movements in the areas of’ intervention.

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September 2024