Coordinator (trice) of Human Resources – NIGER – H/F At ALIMA


The NGOs ALIMA and BEFEN benefit together from’ a medical technical expertise recognized since 2009 in Niger. They work together in the areas of health and nutrition for children under five years of age ; emergency response with the monitoring and management of epidemics as well as access to healthcare for host, displaced and refugee populations.

Since August 2018, ALIMA and its local partner BEFEN have been conducting a medico-nutritional care project to provide access to health care for host populations, remote and displaced people affected by the conflict on the border with Mali and Burkina Faso, in the Tillaberi region

ALIMA is currently conducting projects in the following regions :

→ The Tillabery Region (Left Bank) : health districts of’Abala, Ayorou and Banibangou

→ Tahoua Region : sanitary districts of Tchintabaraden, Tillia and Tassara

In these two regions, ALIMA and its partner BEFEN (Wellness of Woman and Child’) are carrying out RRM (Quick Response Mechanism) projects due to the security situation. The medico-nutritional response is made at three levels :

● Community : in Integrated management of diseases of the’child (PCIME) with the mobilization of community relays and matrons, raising awareness on certain health-related problems

● Primary : through the deployment of mobile clinics and support to existing health structures (integrated health centers), ALIMA-BEFEN supports districts in SSR activities(CPN , Births , etc , CPON , etc ) , curative consultations (OPD) , mental health & nutrition (outpatient and hospital)

● Secondary : in support of district hospitals, in particular within the Outpatient Nutritional Recovery Center (CRENI), maternity and pediatric services

→ Maradi Region : health districts of Dakoro, Guidan-Roumdji and Madarounfa

A medico-nutritional response project for displaced populations in Guidan-Roumdji , Madarounfa and Dakoro at two levels of patient care in the health system and capacity building of health personnel :

● Primary : through the deployment of mobile clinics in Madarounfa and guidan romdji and’ support to existing health structures (integrated health centers) in DAKORO

● Secondary : in support of the district hospital of DAKORO, in particular within the Outpatient Nutritional Recovery Center (CRENI), and pediatric services

● Capacity building on integrated management of acute malnutrition through a recycling structure of health personnel from all nutritional units of the country called CRENI-School

→ Zinder Region : health district of Mirriah

ALIMA supports the Mirriah health district on the management of acute malnutrition by introducing a simplified management protocol in 21 Mirriah health areas

Tillaberi region right bank (Say , Tera , Bankilare )

In progress, ALIMA through a consortium with’ONG ACF and DICKO is setting up a medico-nutritional project, food safety and protection at say , terra and bankilare with 3 levels of patient care :

● Community : in Integrated management of diseases of the’child (PCIME) with the mobilization of community relays and matrons, raising awareness on certain health-related problems

● Primary : through the deployment of mobile clinics and support to existing health structures (integrated health centers) , ALIMA-BEFEN supports districts in SSR activities(CPN , Childbirths , CPON , etc ) , curative consultations (OPD) , mental health (outpatient and hospital) nutrition

● Secondary : in support of district hospitals, in particular within the Outpatient Nutritional Recovery Center (CRENI), maternity and pediatric services

Place of mission: Niger


Level 3 : The incumbent is responsible for the’application of the recruitment process and may be required to conduct field visits. It may therefore be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Therefore, the verification of the criminal record or the presentation of a certificate of good life and morals will be necessary. In situations where the’ impossibility of providing a criminal record or a certificate of good life and morals is noted, a declaration on the’honneur will be requested.


Hierarchical Superior: Chef·fe de Mission

Technical Referent: Referent· RH Desk

Personnel under his hierarchical responsibility : HR/Admin Manager in coordination, the’Assistant· HR and house staff. HeIt is functional responsible on the HR aspects of Project Administrative Managers (RAP)

Collaborates with project coordinators (capital and land)


Major responsibilities

  • Ensure the proper management of the human resources of the mission in accordance with the administrative management framework of’ALIMA and local legislation. To this end, be the ALIMA representative to the administrative authorities (Labour Inspectorate, Lawyer, Social Security, Taxes, etc.)
  • Define, adapt, plan and oversee the implementation of mission human resources policies, ensuring that they are consistent with the context, and, local legislation and operational issues.
  • Contribute to the definition and implementation of mission objectives, including the components related to team sizing, profile and HR capacity required, and, the strengthening of the skills of staff in order to effectively achieve the objectives of the mission.
  • To be the focal point and advisor for HR issues with the managers of the mission

Main tasks and responsibilities

Administrative management of the mission, legal monitoring

  • S’assure of the updating of legal documents for the proper functioning of’ALIMA
  • In collaboration with the other members of the coordination, in particular COFIN and CDM, ensure the annual registrations of lease contracts and under the terms of the house contracts, coordination and projects
  • Ensure the legal watch of the mission by creating and maintaining a relevant information network in particular on labor and tax legislation
  • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations within the mission in its areas of responsibility ( labor law, social and tax legislation, etc. )
  • Contribute to the definition, validation, updating / revision and ensure the application of HR management documents, procedures and policies on the ( internal regulations mission, employment contracts, recruitment policies … )
  • Staff monitoring bonus or under incentives

Administrative Management of Human Resources


  • Ensure the rigorous application of the recruitment policy on all bases and applied to all ( positions from the definition of need to the archiving of recruitment files )
  • Train Admin Project Managers ( RAP ) in ALIMA procedures, good practices and recruitment techniques
  • Participate in the recruitment process for executives of bases ( HR validation )
  • Participate in the recruitment process of ETAM bases at the request of CP and / or RAP
  • Provide RAP and team leader with recruitment tests when required or advised and requested
  • Provide RAP with a general induction of ALIMA and the mission, support the updating of the project part and ensure that each employee benefits from this induction
  • Provide’induction for all managers recruited by headquarters or in coordination and for all positions at level 12 and above
  • S’ ensures that each new employee recruited on the basis is briefed on the rules of procedure, the code of good conduct, and, the anti-fraud policy and the policy for the prevention of harassment and gender and sexual violence
  • S’ensure that the’induction process is understood by stakeholders and implemented on the mission (coordination and bases).

Employment contract and follow-up

  • S’ ensure that personnel records are complete and kept in electronic format
  • Implement efficient contract tracking tools and ensure that RAPs use them (monitoring contract dates, leave, etc.)

Payment of wages, taxes and social contributions

  • Supervise the’ use of payroll software and train RAPs on their responsibilities
  • Validate the pay each month for each base

Life and composition of’team

  • Support the organization of monthly staff meetings
  • Participate in staff representative meetings /coordination
  • Participates in the resolution of labour disputes in collaboration with project coordinators, RAPs and’teams managers

Operational Management of Human Resources

  • Accompany the project coordinator and service manager in the definition of the composition of their teams
  • Update and share the mission flowcharts with the bases, coordination and headquarters on a monthly basis
  • Participates in the preparation of mission budgets for the HR part (organigram, salary, bonuses..), International transport, Rent.

Qualitative management of staff

Job Profile – Plan d’Objectif de Performance – Bilan

  • To provide RAPs and’team managers with standard job profiles
  • S’s ensure the presence of updated job profiles for each· employee and that each· employee read and signed, support the RAPs and responsible for’ team in case of blockage
  • Train the leaders of’teams to the’use of POP documents and balance sheets
  • Verify that’teams managers set objectives at the beginning of the period and make staff assessments at the end of the period
  • Analyzes staff balance sheets in a career path approach

Training and capacity building

  • Contribute to the’ identification of training needs for mission staff
  • Compile annually the’ set of training needs and elaboration of’an annual training plan for the mission
  • To be proactive in the identification of sources of funding for training, and in the identification of collaborations with’ other NGOs, training organizations present in the country
  • Be in charge of the’ training organization taking place in coordination or in the city of coordination
  • Propose and anticipate staff secondments within other ALIMA missions
  • Support the capacity building of all employees in support of the managers of’teams
  • Collect data related to the training provided on the ground and propose an analysis of these data
  • Apply the methods of monitoring and post-training’assessment in order to measure their impact

Specific management of international staff


  • In conjunction with the administrative department of Dakar, S’ ensures the administrative follow-up of international staff: arrival and departure dates, paid holidays, passports, visas and tickets’avion
  • In collaboration with the Admin/RH official shall ensure the renewal of the· expatriate visas, security visas and/or any other legal documents required by the police and the Ministry (Agreement, Security, Convention with the Ministry of Guardianship, Application for’ authorization of’entry…).
  • Track contract dates and attract the’attention of line managers at month 3 months in advance’
  • S’assures the constitution of the files of the internationals and provides the necessary documents for those who do not’en (map ALIMA, order of mission, residence card.).

Recruitment & follow-up

  • Support the head of mission and project coordinators in the planning of breaks and provide a monitoring tool
  • In collaboration with administrators, alert for intermediate and final balance sheets
  • Ensures the transmission of balance sheets and reports end of mission to the referent or HR referent of the
  • Supports the head of mission in the management of human resources of expatriate staff (conflict management, anticipation of recruitment, drafting of job profiles..).

Supervision and animation of’team

  • Set up an HR department to coordinate with recruitment and training of’a national team
  • Define the job profiles and the’ performance objectives plan of the members of his team
  • Carry out the balance sheets of his team in a professional career approach
  • Facilitate training actions for the development/strengthening of skills of teams on HR and cross-cutting themes.
  • Propose and accompany job developments in accordance with ALIMA policies
  • Propose and anticipate detachments
  • Promote the mobility (internal and external) of staff within the framework of current policies
  • Identify the skills that team members must acquire to master their positions and organize training to strengthen them
  • Organize and animate’team meetings


  • Develop an evaluation report including the training needs expressed
  • Produce the monthly HR report and related documents

Implementation of measures to prevent the abuse of power, gender-based violence and sexual violence:

  • Support the head of mission in the implementation of the’action plan for the prevention of abuse.
  • Participate in training and awareness sessions
  • To apply the standards relating to the prevention of abuse, in particular the’ procedurea safe recruitment
  • Ensure that members of his team attend training and awareness sessions and apply abuse prevention rules
  • Contribute to creating and maintaining a nurturing and protective environment.


Training :

  • Training in human resources management or in the field of international solidarity

Experiences :

  • Previous experience in the’humanitaire, on positions of Coordinator or Finance and human resources Coordinator and/or Human Resources Coordinator
  • Experience of’at least 3 years in a similar position
  • Experience highly desired in contexts of’urgency and degraded security

Skills :

  • Ability of’analysis and critical sense
  • Meaning of’organisation, rigour and autonomy
  • Editorial qualities
  • Excellent computer knowledge (Word, Excel..).
  • Knowledge of the HOMERE software
  • Ability to prioritize and work under pressure
  • ’adaptation and diplomacy capacity
  • Ability to work as a team in multicultural contexts
  • Skills in training and support

Languages :

  • Mastery of French is essential
  • Knowledge of’anglais is an asset


Duration and type of contract : CDD of French law from 6 to 12 months renewable.

Taking of post : 10/12/2023

Salary : According to salary grid ALIMA + valuation of’experience + Perdiem

ALIMA supports :

  • The travel costs between the country of’ origin of the’expatriate and the place of mission
  • The costs of’accommodation
  • Medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the date of departure from the country of
  • Mission for the’employee and its beneficiaries
  • L’ evacuation for the’employee and its beneficiaries

How to apply


To apply, please send your CV and Motivation Letter online by 09/11/2023

Applications are processed according to the’order of’arrival. ALIMA reserves the right to close the’offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Motivation Letter) will be studied.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.

Application link:

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