Coordinator/teacher in Communication and Influence (Local contract) At International Plan

The/the Coordinator (trice) in Communication and Influence, under the supervision of the Country Director, is responsible for the development of the communication and’influence strategy of Plan International RCA, as well as all the activities of’influence ; il/she also provides communication and public relations (PR) in coordination with the Director of Programs and Influence.

Role dimensions

  • He/she is responsible for the planning, implementation and monitoring evaluation of communication and’influence initiatives ;
  • He/it has the responsibility to strengthen communication by providing significant support to the programmatic and’influence objectives of the Humanitarian Response Plan 2023-2027, reinforcing the legitimacy and positioning of Plan International as a qu’a reliable, credible NGO committed to the promotion of the rights of children and young people, especially girls in CAR ;
  • He/she is responsible for the management of the budget of the department of communication and’influence (RP)
  • He/she submits to the Director of Programmes and’Influence reports of’activity on a monthly basis.

Responsibilities and expected results

Responsibilities Influence

  • Develop the influence strategy of Plan International RCA on the basis of the humanitarian response plan, the pan-African advocacy strategy (PAAS), as well as the global advocacy strategy (GLAS).
  • Develop and ensure the implementation of the RCA’s PAAS’ Action Plan with a quarterly progress report submitted to the regional office through the Regional Policy Specialist, of advocacy and research.
  • On the basis of programmatic priorities at national and international level, work with technical advisors for the’ identification of topics and areas that will require actions of Plan International RCA in terms of’influence.
  • For each of the’influence themes identified in the projects and programs, develop a’influence plan that systematically takes into account the best partnership strategies, strategic communication, etc, advocacy and public mobilization.
  • S’ ensure that initiatives carried out within the framework of’influence actions are in line with the Humanitarian Response Plan 2023-2027, including Plan International’s approaches to Influencing, and, partnership and resource mobilization.
  • Update and follow the thematic plans of’influence on a regular basis with regard to the evolution of the national and global socio-economic and political context, including the internal organizational contexts of Plan International.
  • Work with the Domain Specialists and the’ monitoring and evaluation team on the data collection and research initiatives to serve as an evidence during the advocacy in relation to the violations of rights girls and young people.
  • Support’ teams to develop projects to take into account the specific needs of’influence and public mobilization.
  • Mobilize technical and financial partners, as well as potential local donors (including private sector companies) to increase their interest in the issue of the rights of girls and young people in their financing plans by CAR, including financing directly provided to the Government in the form of loans or grants.
  • Develop and maintain relationships within coalitions, with civil society actors, intergovernmental institutions and academics for concerted actions of’ influence.
  • Support project managers and local NGO partners including youth organisations in the implementation of their’influence actions.
  • Participate in program meetings, initiatives and research and’assessment to discuss progress of work and develop appropriate strategies to ensure the achievement of project objectives / programmes in the field of’influence.

Responsibilities Communication

Communication strategy

  • Develop/update communication and public relations strategies and annual plans, to promote the response of Plan International in CAR and improve communication to the internal’ and the external’.
  • To ensure the integration of the gender dimension in communication and public relations activities and to maintain a sensitivity to the’ equality of the sexes with regard to the staff in order to promote the’equality of the sexes.
  • Support Plan International’s new campaign, with the contribution of the media,
  • Support the visibility and operational communication of Plan International programmatic activities ;
  • Contribute to the accountability of Plan International RCA by communicating its role, actions and results ;
  • Ensure the dissemination of good programmatic practices through case studies and publication (Planet, social media)
  • Anticipate and animate (if necessary) a dynamic crisis communication in an emergency.
  • Finalize the communication strategy ;
  • Regularize the production of the internal newsletter,
  • Actively participate in program meetings to discuss activities, recommendations, successes related to the’ communication support ;
  • S’ ensure that the production of media and content is appropriate (children and young people), quality and inclusive ;
  • Choosing the right channels for the distribution of content and media by varying content on social platforms.

Internal liaison and communications

  • Disseminate a constant flow of’information (social media updates, stories of HUMAN interest’s, discussion points and question-answers, blogs, etc.) to the’Regional unit of communications for internal and external dissemination.
  • Regularly provide high-resolution, high-quality digital images and videos of Plan International’s work, including the views of children, youth/young girls and communities.
  • Perform a written or digital media monitoring to detect any mention of Plan International and’ other subjects of interest for the’organisation, and to inform the Country Director and the communications officer of the region of all that is important.
  • Conduct regular field visits to interview staff and beneficiaries, write stories of HUMAN interest and take photos and videos.
  • Identify and create discussion points and question-answers on potentially sensitive issues and inform the Country Director, or the communication officer at the regional level.

Media and public relations

  • Facilitate the creation of’a strong professional image of Plan International with external media in order to’ reach the right audience inside and outside the CAR.
  • Develop and manage relations with the national media, networks of journalists as well as NGOs and government authorities in the field of communication to ensure that communications under the Plan reach the right audience.
  • Act as the main point of contact for the media and respond to requests for’information from journalists, national offices and donors, including organising interviews and field visits.
  • Act as spokesperson for the’organisation, s’here and with the’approval of the DC.
  • Support/facilitate media visits at national level to ensure that the objectives of these visits are well achieved. Develop, manage and control the public relations budget of the country office to ensure that the’ optimization of resources is achieved at all times.
  • Support measures to strengthen the capacity of staff to communicate using various channels and for different audiences to support the effective dissemination of Plan International programmes and projects : training of designated spokespersons and media coaching.
  • Effective communication management in crisis/disaster situations to create the right environment. Reporting on’ emergencies or disasters according to the required standards.
  • Set up and ensure that the database and resource centre have up-to-date information for storytelling and provide information to internal and external audiences. Adequate documentation of’ diet information is available at all times.
  • Comply at all times with the Child Protection Policy of the Regime to protect children from all forms of abuse.
  • Perform any other task related to the work entrusted to it to support the’ achievement of the objectives of the’organisation.

Operational Support

To ensure that the global policies of Plan International in the field of child and youth protection and’ equality of the sexes and’inclusion are fully integrated in accordance with the principles and requirements of the policy, including relevant standards and implementation guidelines applicable to their area of responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that staff and associates know and understand their responsibilities under these policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), their relevance to their area of work, and that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with appropriate procedures

How to apply

Candidates(e)s interested(e)s in this position can send their applications by going through: before August 19, 2024 at 23.59min.

Plan International RCA encourages Central African applications, especially women and girls, who have the desired profile to apply.


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