Coordinator of Zone – Nord Kivu – RDC At First International Emergency

Fixed term contract: 9 months

from 01/08/2024, based in RDC-Goma

PUI in all corners of the world

With its 40 years of’experience, First International Emergency :

Helped out nearly 6 million beneficiaries

With a budget of more than 100 Millions € per year

Distributed in 22 country, on 5 continents

Thanks to’involvement and’engagement of :

More than 2000 national collaborators

About 200 expats of 45 different nationalities

And 90 employees at headquarters

PUI works in 10 sectors of’intervention and is distinguished by the implementation of’an integrated approach in its response. This method aims to identify and understand the’ set of needs of people affected by a crisis. Our teams are mobilizing to provide a global response to the’ set of basic needs of populations victims of humanitarian crises in the’ emergency to allow them to regain autonomy and dignity.

To learn more about our historyour valuesour fields of’intervention.

Zoom on our activities in/in the COUNTRY

Our mission in the DRC has existed since 2001. PUI is developing its integrated approach with projects in primary health and the fight against malnutrition. PUI intervenes in Ituri with projects in health nutrition, and in North Kivu through an integrated approach in health emergency nutrition complemented by activities in food security.

And the.the Zone – North Kivu Transmitter Coordinator in all this?

En as a Zone Transmitter Coordinator, you will be responsible for the supervision of all programs, including, the operations and safety and security of all personnel under your responsibility in a specific area of the country. You will represent PUI with local actors, monitor and analyze the humanitarian context, and assess needs based on the programmatic strategy. You will also be in charge of the monitoring and negotiation of the humanitarian access’.

For this purpose, your responsibilities will be as follows :

  • Safety & Security : In collaboration with the·la Head of Mission, you will be responsible for the safety and security of the’ all PUI personnel, assets and premises in your’ operation areas.
  • Humanitarian access : In collaboration with the·la Head of Mission, you will be responsible for the negotiation of humanitarian access’ with the appropriate stakeholders at the regional level.
  • Programmes : You will be responsible for the proper definition and effective implementation of the projects, including, who are under the responsibility of the programs department and project managers at the grassroots level.
  • Management d’team : You will indirectly supervise all teams within your area of responsibility, consisting of national and international staff. You will support the recruitment of the’team, the briefings of new staff and HR, and ensure the necessary follow-up.
  • Representation : You will represent PUI locally (if security allows) and promote optimal operational space for pursuing PUI strategic priorities in coordination with all relevant entities.
  • Fundraising : You will assist the·the Head of Mission and the·The Deputy Head of the mission programs in the relations with donors and the identification of fundraising opportunities, especially in your area.
  • Coordination : You will centralize and disseminate information from/to the area and consolidate the internal and external reporting activities located in your’operations area before submitting them to the· to the Head of Mission and coordination. You will ensure effective communication and dissemination of information between the area you will be supervising and coordination between the’ field team and the’ operations bases.
  • Strategy evaluation : You will proactively monitor the humanitarian context and needs in your area, propose, design and direct assessments and the development of appropriate interventions. You will actively participate in the development of the mission strategy.

The challenges ahead of you:

– Daily monitoring of the security context in order to propose mitigation measures, jointly with the Head of Mission – External representation towards local partners (donors, NGOs, authorities, etc.) – Monitoring the implementation of new projects in progress, by supporting its Programme Assistant – Monitoring the evolution of the humanitarian context of North Kivu in order to propose adaptations of projects, and contribute to design new interventions

What’it will take you to succeed

  • Formation

You can justify a Master’s degree or equivalent in social sciences, political sciences, programme management, or preferably in international development. You also have training in safety and security management.

  • Experience

You have at least 3 years of’ experience in the humanitarian field and/or in the development and implementation of multisectoral projects, including, as well as d’ at least one year of’experience as Field or Base Coordinator. You have a strong experience in budget/financial management (cost-effectiveness ratio), as well as in the management of logistics processes, safety and security. You have also had experience with a multitude of donors. You have skills in methodology of collection and’analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, and’experience in capacity development of national staff. An experience as a Programmer Coordinator will be valued. Have you worked with First International Emergency ? It will be an undeniable asset !

  • Skills

You have excellent editorial skills, in team and project management, in external representation and negotiation but also in security management and context monitoring. You have a strong interest in the negotiation of the’humanitarian access. Knowledge of procedures relating to institutional donors (BHA, ECHO,’ONU agencies.) as well as knowledge in health/nut programming, MHPSS and protection will be valued.

  • Qrequired ualities

You are able to work independently, take the’ initiative and assume responsibilities within the framework of’a proactive approach. You are autonomous, flexible and able to adapt to the needs of the’team and the’organisation, and have a strong commitment to humanitarian principles. You are RESILient to stress, diplomatic and open· of’ spirit, have a good capacity of’analysis, are organized· and know how to manage priorities and a varied workload. You guarantee effective and timely results, and work with professionalism and maturity. You have problem-solving and leadership skills, as well as the ability to integrate into the local’environment, taking into account its political, economic and historical characteristics.

  • Languages

French and’anglais have no secrets for you ? So much the better, it’is essential for this post ! If you also speak’arabe, this will be an undeniable asset.

The word from the manager

« PUI RDC celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2022, but remains a very dynamic mission, in the image of the Congolese context. The years 2021 and 2022 have allowed PUI to see its operational volume increase, and’ 2023 will be focused on structuring and stabilizing the mission. In this context, the role of the/coordo Zone will be fundamental to develop this strategy and ensure the effective implementation of our various projects. »

PUI will propose

  • Status: Framework in Contract with Determined Duration
  • Gross monthly salary: 2 970,00 – 3 500,00 EUR according to your experience in international solidarity + 50€ per semester of’ seniority with PUI
  • Assurance including medical and complementary health coverage, 24/24 assistance, repatriation and pension
  • Hosting in collective house
  • Living expenses (« Per Diem »)
  • Break regime: 5 Working days to 3 and 9 months mission + break premium
  • Paid Leave Plan: 5 Weeks from CP/year + ticket’avion A/R at home every 6 months

Our commitments

First International Emergency considers the diversity of nationalities, genders, beliefs, profiles and statuses within its Human Resources as a major asset for its humanitarian action, and is therefore subject to strict compliance with the principle of nondiscrimination throughout the recruitment process.

First International Emergency practices a policy of zero tolerance towards the exploitation, sexual abuse and abuse, in all its forms, of women, children and all other vulnerable persons. It mobilizes’ all its staff in the promotion, dissemination and respect of the principles set out in its ethical charter.

Please note that Premiere Urgence Internationale will not in any way request a financial contribution for administrative costs related to recruitment. Any information going in this direction would be fraudulent, thank you for not taking into account.

You recognize yourself in this profile and you adhere to our commitments ? You feel ready to LIFT the challenge and to join the big family PUI ?

How to apply

Thank you for following this link: Career website ( and fill out the form on our career website.


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