Consulting: VCMN prevalence study, dependency of women and children in the Honduran Justice System At International Justice Mission

The proposed objectives:

Goal 1: Measure the prevalence of physical and / or sexual violence against women and children, throughout life and in the last 12 months.

Goal 2: Measure the dependence of survivors of physical and / or sexual violence in the period 2019-2020 so that, instead of remaining silent, report the violence and remain until the end of the case.

Goal 3: Measure the perception of trust of key actors at the national and municipal levels, regarding the capacity of the justice system to apply the law equitably, fair and legitimate in cases of physical and / or sexual violence against women and children in the period 2019-2020

Goal 4: Measure reported trauma care within interactions officials have had with VCMN victims.

Goal 5: Measure the availability, use and interconnection that the officials responsible for the information systems refer to, for the comprehensive management of VCMN cases and accountability*.*

On the technical proposal

In its proposal, the requesting group must explain how it will achieve the following actions, paying particular attention to how the team will be formed and function to:

  1. Offer a technical and logistical capacity to select the sample, collect the information within the national territory and ensure quality
  2. Provide high-level expertise for the analysis, discussion, and meaning of the quantitative data that the survey provides regarding the prevalence of NMV, the justice system and the dependence of people on it, as well as the interrelation with the other protection domains.
  3. Access key actors to interview them, including high-level officials from the justice system
  4. Write a report consistent with concrete findings and useful recommendations for the country’s justice system.
  5. Manage study resources
  6. Comply with the requested ethical considerations
  7. Comply with planning and correct contingencies
  8. Offer a dynamic, close and cordial relationship between parties.

The technical proposal will be evaluated with a maximum value of 100 points, distributed as follows:

  1. Proven experience in executing similar population surveys, preferably with vulnerable populations and / or victims of violence and incorporating ethical standards. (Maximum score 30 points)
  • Accredit 3 or more jobs: 30 points
  • Accredit 2 jobs: 20 points
  • Accredit 1 job: 10 points
  • Does not prove references: 0 points

2. Proven experience in executing studies in the justice sector that includes interaction with officials of the penal system and key actors from different sectors and levels, as well as the interpretation of statistical and qualitative information. (Maximum score 20 points)

  • Accredit 3 or more jobs: 20 points
  • Accredit 2 jobs: 15 points
  • Accredit 1 job: 10 points
  • Does not prove references: 0 points

3. Suitability of the profiles proposed to integrate the work team: The score will be awarded according to the suitability of the profile for the specific role, supported on the professionals’ resume (maximum score 45 points)

  • Project manager: 10 points
  • Criminal justice expert and editor: 10 points
  • Technical Writer (s): 10 points
  • Survey coordinators: 15 points
  • Interviewers: without score, can be added later.

4. Access to cartographic information and census segments, in order to have the most up-to-date and reliable information possible to generate the sample of homes to use during the survey in the field ( Maximum score: 5 points )

IJM will establish the order of eligibility of the offers, according to the score assigned to each one of them, based on the weighting of the technical criteria previously described.

How to apply

Ethical considerations

In each study, IJM and its contractors have an ethical obligation to ensure that participants can choose and participate in the study, without coercion or other factors that may impede your ability to weigh potential risks and benefits accurately.

IJM has developed a measurement protocol, which defines in detail the procedures for measuring protection domains with the ethical considerations due to all the people participating in the study.

Contractor Selection

The presentation of a technical and economic offer from the Confidence, Prevalence and Dependence domains is requested, incorporating the interview survey of trauma informed care officials and information systems officials.

The pre-selected proposal will be the one with the highest score in the total evaluation (technical + economic).

On the economic proposal

An economic offer must be included for each of the three scenarios requested. The economic offer must indicate the price reflected in dollars and lempiras, in numbers and letters, including the applicable taxes of law for Honduras, since payments will be made from the IJM El Salvador office. Updated certification of the tax registry and information of the legal representative of the company must be attached.

A maximum score of twenty ( 20 ) points will be assigned to the cheapest offer, and the rest of the proposals will be assigned the score proportionally according to the following formula: Value of the cheapest proposal ∗ 20 / Value of the evaluated proposal.

Final considerations

IJM is not obliged to disclose to the proponents information on the other proposals received or on the details of the evaluation process. The criteria described above will be evaluated by a committee, who will assign the qualification that in its concept corresponds to what is presented by each proponent for each of the defined variables. If selected, the proponent must guarantee that the profiles indicated for the work team are those that effectively participate in the project, for this, In the event that any of the team members changes, their replacement must have at least similar academic training and years of work experience and must be approved by IJM.

Proposals must be submitted electronically, to and no later than day December 7 at 08.00 pm. Proposals delivered out of time will not be considered. Any questions or concerns should be directed to these same emails. A call will be made to address questions or concerns before the proposal submission date.

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