Consulting technical assistance in social and behavioral change to water, sanitation and hygiene interventions At GOAL

Objective of technical assistance

Provide remote technical assistance[one] Nicaragua’s implementing partner in the design of barrier analysis, framework of social and behavioral change, orientation of the application and evaluation of application results.

[one] virtual

  1. Preparation of the consulting work plan.

The consultant must prepare a work plan detailing how he will carry out the activities requested in the terms of reference in an effective time of 3 months. However, this intervention period is not continuous, so you should consider developing actions equivalent to 90 days, to be developed with interventions over an 8-month period (project duration). You should also consider the execution of actions 2 and 3 in the first stage of intervention, which will provide the guidelines and bases for the execution of the project.

2. Orientation to PROCAVIN / GOAL on the approach required in the field to implement the behavior change process

The consultant will guide PROCAVIN / GOAL on how the application of instruments / consultations / approaches will be developed to implement the barrier analysis and the framework of social and behavioral change, as well as the analysis of its application.

3. Design of the barrier analysis approach or others

The design of the queries / surveys necessary to obtain and analyze data should be carried out in order to provide the findings of the characteristics and determinant of people/families with good WASH practices and the conditions of those people / families who do not have effective practices. To do this, it will lead the analysis of the information collected by PROCAVIN in the barrier analysis.

4. Design of the framework of social change and behavior and monitoring of its application

The provider with the inputs of the barrier analysis, Knowledge of the activities proposed in the project should design the framework of social and behavioral change to promote the WASH culture in the 2 intervention communities. Said framework will be implemented by PROCAVIN. The consultant must have regular meetings to evaluate progress and help resolve implementation consultations as well as define the mechanism of how the quality of the actions carried out will be measured and the impact that can be achieved in the project intervention period. This includes the definition of certain indicators that will guide the measurement.

5. Final report

Based on the monitoring and documentation of the progress of the application of the framework of social and behavioral change, generate its final report.

Contractor Profile

  • Professional with experience in design and application of barrier or related analysis; design and application of processes of social and behavioral change.
  • Appreciation of GOAL’s protection policies, purposes and objectives;
  • Immediate availability

How to apply

Offers must be delivered as follows:

  1. By email to and in the Subject field:
  2. HN-HH9 – Consulting for social and behavioral change in WASH
  3. Name of your company with the title of the attached file
  4. Number of emails being sent, p. 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3.

Download documentation at the following link:

Application deadline July 24 at 16:00

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