Consultant to Develop Training Package At CARE International

Consultant to Develop Training Package

for Local Partners in NES


In northeast Syria, 155,000 IDPs in Northeast Syria live in informal settlements characterized by makeshift shelters, poor infrastructure, and limited access to services and 17,037 live in collective centres, other last resort sites. Although these sites were established as temporary emergency housing, mostly in 2017 but with many over a decade old, today they remain one of the only options for displaced Syrians for years on end. Sanitation, drainage, and electricity infrastructure is largely absent, and 1 in 3 IDPs in these sites live in heavily damaged shelters and tents. This leaves people exposed to extreme weather conditions and at risk of negative health and safety outcomes. For the majority of IDPs living in last resort sites including 152 informal settlements and 85 collective centers across Northeast Syria, the possibility of a more sustainable, dignified living situation is out of reach. Safety risks, economic constraints, lack of land and legal rights prevent them from accessing viable living alternatives, such as acquiring housing in host communities, returning to areas of origin, or improving their existing shelters.

CARE has been providing humanitarian assistance for the Syrian crisis since 2013 and began working in Northeast Syria in 2017 with the goal to empower conflict affected communities to meet their needs. CARE’s approach to programming in NES focuses on ways in which CARE can help to meet the emergency needs of communities both in and out of camps, whilst building resilience at both the individual and community levels. A key area of CARE’s work in the northeast is to work with partners to support IDPs living in last resort sites to find alternatives to displacement.

Scope of Work

CARE Syria, working with partners s looking is for a remote consultant to develop a training package that will assist local NGOs in their advocacy efforts and engagement with local authorities, in order to meet the needs of displaced Syrians living in informal settlements.

The consultant will work with CARE Syria and partners to collate existing training materials, consolidate, and compile other content to develop a training package on the following topics: CCCM Principles, Access, and Advocacy that is suitable for local NGOs (in Arabic and English).

Key Focal Points

Key focal points will be disclosed upon contracting of the candidate.


  • Training package (PowerPoint, facilitation guide, any participant materials) in both English and Arabic for 2-day training on the following topics: CCCM Principles, Access approaches with local authorities and stakeholders, and advocacy strategy development principles, that is suitable for local NGOs (in both English and Arabic).

Suggested Work Plan:

  • 2 days: Review of existing training content, presentations, factsheets, briefings etc from relevant actors and partners
  • 1 day: Draft structure of the training, review from CARE Advocacy and partner focal points
  • 3 days: Development of content (in English or Arabic)
  • Review by Advocacy Advisor and partner focal point (Dependent on language)
  • 2 days: Second draft
  • 2 days: Translation and review of supplementary materials
  • Final sign off by Advocacy Advisor and partner focal point

Please note, design and formatting will be completed separately and are not within the scope of work.

Suggested Topics to be Included:

  1. CCCM Principles:
  • Global CCCM cluster guidance
  • Programming in informal settlements and other last resort sites in NES
  • Coordination mechanisms in NES and for informal settlements/last resort sites
  • Attributes of informal settlements, collective centers and site-type specific challenges
  1. Access approaches with local authorities and stakeholders,
  • Participatory stakeholder mapping
  • Developing an access approach
  • Specific dynamics within informal settlements, collective centers, and other last resort sites
  • Key issues including ID cards, selection criteria, tribal dynamics,
  1. Advocacy strategy development principles:
  • What is advocacy, why is it important in programming, what this looks like at a NES level
  • How to develop an advocacy strategy
  • Participatory exercise in developing a small advocacy strategy on informal settlements
  • Discussion on wider issues that need to be raised at different levels

Scope and Level of Effort of the consultancy

  1. To be completed between 1st -20th June 2024
  2. Maximum 10 working days

Payment terms

Consultant to submit an invoice to CARE Syria upon completion outlining days worked, tasks completed, and amount owed from CARE. Final invoice to be submitted by June 20th.


  1. Fluency in written Arabic and English, Kurmanji would be an added benefit
  2. Experience in developing training materials
  3. Ideally, experience working with Syrian NGOs and understanding NES context

Application process

Please submit:

  1. A current CV
  2. One work sample demonstrating experience in a similar area
  3. Daily rate in USD

How to apply

Please take the below points into consideration before submitting your proposal to (

  • Financial proposal inclusive of taxes and in USD.
  • Proposals will be accepted until 1:00 PM Amman time June 2, 2024, Any bid received after the deadline time will not be acceptable.
  • Valid copy of income tax ID card/ certificate.
  • Valid copy of your (ID/Passport)
  • Please read & fill out and sign the below RFP & TOR/SOW and send it to ( incuding you best proposal.
  • RFP.docx
  • ToR-SOW _Consultant NES_local NGO training.pdf

Please confirm your receipt of our request December 29 May, 2024 / 02:00pm.

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