Consultant – NDCs and Targets, Remote At International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Vacancy Announcement

Secretariat of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Knowledge, Policy, and Finance Centre (KPFC)

Renewable Energy Targets in NDCs and National Plans

Publication Date: 22 August 2023

Deadline for Application: 21 September 2023 (at midnight, Abu Dhabi Local Time)

Title: Consultant – NDCs and Targets

Total Fees: USD 12,000.00

Contract Type: Individual Contractor /Consultant

Duration of Contract: Six months (with possible extension)

Location: Remotely

Expected Date for Entry on Duty: As soon as possible


The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) is an intergovernmental organisation that supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future and serves as the principal platform for international cooperation, a center of excellence, and a repository of policy, technology, resource, and financial knowledge on renewable energy. IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy, geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar, and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development, energy access, energy security, and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.

IRENA’s publication Renewable Energy Targets in 2022: a guide to design finds that while some jurisdictions have raised their ambition in their renewable energy targets, the current targets are not sufficient to achieve the objectives of decarbonising energy systems for climate goals, or improved energy access, energy security, reliability and affordability, and socio-economic development.

IRENA’s previous analysis finds that by 2030, countries are targeting to reach 5.4 terawatts (TW) of installed renewable power capacity. This would only be less than half of the installed capacity needed according to IRENA’s 1.5°C Scenario. To achieve net zero, the targeted renewable power capacity by 2030 would have to more than double compared to the level of ambition in current targets. Moreover, IRENA finds that renewable energy targets set in national policies, laws, roadmaps and similar documents, are often not aligned with those set in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) within the framework of the Paris Agreement.

This alignment was assessed in IRENA’s technical paper on the quantification of SIDS’ renewable energy targets, comparing commitments made within their national policies and plans with those in NDCs. The conditionality of commitments is explored, where applicable, highlighting the urgent need to mobilise international support to SIDS in the form of financing, technology transfer, and technical assistance, to help meet their renewable energy commitments and achieve their broad policy objectives.

This analysis is underpinned by IRENA’s Quantified Targets Database. This consultancy will focus on updating and refining this database to support future publications.


Under the guidance of the Head of the Policy – RE Markets Unit in the Knowledge, Policy, and Finance Center (KPFC), the consultant will support the team working on targets to analyse the alignment of renewable energy targets in national energy plans with those set in NDCs. The project will build on the previous work done in the report Renewable Energy Targets in 2022: a guide to design, and Renewable Energy Targets in SIDS to provide insights into the ambition outlined in renewable energy targets.

The consultant will support the team refine IRENA’s existing methodology for quantifying targets, and update the quantified estimates based on the latest announcement of renewable energy targets as per countries’ NDCs, as well as national policies.

This analysis will help further the understanding of the ambition and feasibility of renewable energy targets in national policies, and NDCs, and their potential impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving sustainable development goals. The findings will support policymakers in developing strategies to meet their renewable energy targets and other policy objectives.

Outputs of this analysis will feed into the annual brief on NDCs that quantifies and tracks ambition outlined in renewable energy targets to be published ahead of COP28, as well as IRENA’s Regional Energy Transitions Outlooks for Africa, and IRENA’s Regional Market Analysis.

Scope of work and description of tasks

The consultant will undertake the following activities under the supervision of the project manager:

Assist the team in identifying and collecting the latest data on renewable energy targets in both the NDCs and energy plans.

The consultant will support the update of IRENA’s existing (raw) data on country-level renewable energy targets and NDCs based on the latest commitments made by countries.

Review and update existing methodology for quantification of targets.

The consultant will assist in updating the existing methodology based on consultation and feedback from IRENA and external partners, as well as through independent research. The peer-reviewed methodology will form the basis of the target’s quantification exercise.

Review the existing database of quantified targets and update/restructure, if needed, based on the updated methodology.

The consultant will review IRENA’s existing database on quantified renewable energy targets and if needed, restructure the database based on the peer-reviewed quantification methodology.

Quantify renewable energy targets.

Based on the updated targets, methodology, and restructured database, the consultant will quantify the country’s national renewable energy targets. This may require the consultant to input collected data in the database, and if needed, develop country-specific Excel models to estimate future demand growth and share of different renewable energy technologies in the future energy mix.

Present results through visualisations in a dashboard

The consultant will finalise the target databases and present results in the form of a user-friendly visual dashboard.

Target Audience

This analysis is targeted toward policymakers, the private sector, financing institutions, regional inter-governmental bodies, and academic institutions.


The outcome of these activities will be input to IRENA’s ongoing work on renewable energy targets in NDCs and national energy plans on a global, regional, and sub-regional level.

Deliverables, milestones, and payments:



Payment (USD)


Revised methodology to quantify renewable energy targets based on comments received on IRENA’s existing methodology

31 August 2023



Restructured quantified targets database based on the updated methodology

15 September 2023



Updated quantified targets database

15 October 2023



Visual dashboard for the analysis of quantified renewable energy targets

15 November 2023



Support for the brief on NDCs to be published at COP28.

30 December 2023




The dates are estimates and are subject to acceptance of the proposal and agreement on the dates.

IRENA/OECD style requirements

Reports, working papers or other documents prepared for IRENA must conform to IRENA/OECD style requirements. These requirements are outlined in IRENA’s style guide (IRENA Publications: A Short Guide – PDF attached) and further elaborated in successive editions of the OECD Style Guide.

All IRENA publications must strive for clarity and accuracy, consistent with building an evidence-based narrative in line with the mandate to promote renewable energy worldwide.

Crucial style details include English-UK spelling, Harvard-style source citations, and full explanation of abbreviations or acronyms.

IRENA provides a template Microsoft Word document (attached) for the drafting of reports and papers in a suitable format for IRENA-branded publications.

Texts that do not meet IRENA’s stipulated style requirements will be returned to the commissioned writer or partner entity with a request for revision. IRENA reserves the right to withhold payment to a commissioned writer or partner entity until any such revision is satisfactorily undertaken.

Anti-plagiarism policy

Plagiarism will not be tolerated whatsoever in IRENA publications. Any report, working paper or other document prepared for IRENA must constitute original work, in which all sources for information or data receive complete and accurate attribution. Passages taken from prior publications or other works must either be presented as direct quotations (marked “…”) or paraphrased, with the source clearly stated in a Harvard-style citation in either case.

IRENA uses plagiarism-detection software to review all draft publications. Passages found to resemble existing publications too closely may require rewriting and more explicit source citations. Passages copied from prior publications (by IRENA or other publishers) cannot be accepted as original work and may be returned to the commissioned writer or partner entity for further revision. IRENA reserves the right to withhold payment to a commissioned writer or partner entity until any such revision is satisfactorily undertaken. Plagiarism, including either copy-and-paste text production or failure to cite sources, may result in the rejection of the draft with no financial obligation on the part of IRENA.


Education: Advanced degree (Master’s or Ph.D.) in energy economics, energy analytics, engineering, and/or other social sciences related to the clean energy sector.

Experience: Minimum of 2 years experience working in a professional environment. A high level of proficiency in Microsoft Excel (including VBA) and Power BI is required. Knowledge of programming languages (R, Python, Stata) is also desirable. Some experience with energy modeling and data analytics is desirable. Experience in working with multi-disciplinary teams across regions and geographies is desirable.

Language: Excellent command of both written and spoken English is required. Knowledge of other UN official languages is an advantage.


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