Consultant for the realization of’a survey Knowledge, Aptitudes and Practices (CAP), Morocco At Doctors of the World – Belgium

Full description of the terms of reference in the PDF to download on our site


Doctors of the World is an international medical development NGO that is part of an international network. We provide medical assistance to vulnerable groups in Belgium and in the rest of the world. We want universal health care coverage where every person has access to care, without barriers.

In Belgium and around the world, our projects are aimed at all people who have no or no access to health care. In particular, they are structured in five axes: people on the margins of society, children in vulnerable situations, women, etc, migrant or displaced persons and victims of crises or conflicts.

To carry out our mission, we rely on three pillars :

  • Heal : give real access to care to the population.
  • Change: more than helping, we want to change things in the long run.
  • Testify : we do not remain silent. Thanks to our experience and our presence on the ground, we challenge the powers (local, regional and (inter)national) with facts, figures and realities.

Our projects follow a series of values common to our entire organization: Social justice, Empowerment, Independence, Commitment, Balance.


Member of the international network of Doctors of the World, Doctors of the World Belgium (MdM) is a medical NGO that works for vulnerable groups in Belgium and around the world.

The project « Children and Youth on the migratory routes in West and North Africa’ » has as its essential purpose to strengthen in a sustainable way the national and regional systems of protection, of’education and of socio-economic insertion to ensure to the children and young people in mobility (EJM) the protection and the’access to the’education. Implemented by a consortium led by Helvetas, Terre des Hommes and GIZ, in collaboration with ENDA, MAEJT, MdM, MMC, SSI and SSI-AO, this project, with a first phase in 5 pilot countries (Guinea, Mali, Morocco, Niger and Tunisia) is funded by the Swiss Confederation, the, represented by the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs acting through the DDC Development and Cooperation Directorate.

In its first phase (april 2022–mars 2025), the project « Children and Youth on Migratory Routes of’Africa of’West and North » (project EJRM) aims to respond to the challenges faced by EJMs in North and’West Africa, in a systemic and sustainable way. The mission of the project is to improve the’ accompaniment of the EJMs through a transformative effect on national and regional systems of protection, education and’ insertion and creation of’opportunities.

The aim of the project is for countries in West and North Africa to have and apply a normative framework and capacities to ensure that children and young people on the move have access to protection,’access to’education and training with a view to’improve their chances and opportunities for a dignified life.

Description of the consultancy

General objective :

Assess knowledge, attitudes and practices (CAP) of the EJM (slice of’age to be taken into account to be evaluated with the proposals of the consultants) in the field of sexual education in order to’ have an initial database that will allow to make recommendations to develop training sessions dedicated to civil society actors (CSOs) and’ development of recommendations and awareness for target MBEs

Specific objectives :

  1. Measuring the level of information and knowledge of target audiences (EJM age range to be taken into account to be evaluated with the proposals of the consultants) on sexual health and rights and
  2. To identify the attitudes and practices of the EJMs regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  3. Identify the sources, networks and means of’information on the sexual and reproductive health of the target audience.
  4. To identify the barriers to’access of EJMs to reliable, accessible and adapted information.


Deliverable 1 : A methodological note including a work plan for interviews, data collection tools,’ data analysis methodologies and the consultation schedule

Deliverable 2 : Bibliographic review containing the main publications related to the theme in Morocco

Deliverable 3 : preliminary report version of the’ CAP investigation

Deliverable 4 : A final report of the’ CAP survey including recommendations for capacity building of stakeholders to the target audience


Consultants will have to justify the following profile :

  • University degree (Master 2 or equivalent), preferably in development, political science, social science, legal science, public health or related fields ;
  • Minimum of five years of experience in the field of services requested, in particular in terms of participatory methodology and collection/analysis of qualitative data ;
  • Specific experience and expertise in
  • Specific experience and expertise in the field of migration and with the adolescent population ;
  • Mastery of French and’anglais, the mastery of’arabe is an asset ;
  • Spirit of’analysis and synthesis capabilities ;
  • Excellent editorial qualities.

How to apply


Interested candidates are kindly requested to send a submission file before the 19/07/2024 at 23h to the following e-mail addresses: and, by registering « CAP EJM survey » in object of l’email.

The submission package must include :

A technical offer including :

  • A methodological note with the number of days necessary for the’ accomplishment of the mission (number of days worked), the detailed calendar and the choices of approaches, methods and tools of the
  • An updated CV with experiences

A financial offer including :

  • A detailed financial proposal also taking into account the costs related to the’organisation of the mission (travel costs, perdiem, accommodation etc.). Your offer must contain the amount of all taxes including.

Doctors of the World S’ is committed to people with disabilities and fights against all discrimination. We do not ask for any financial participation during our recruitment.

We inform you that the data concerning you are computerized, they will be treated confidentially. In the context of this application, your data is kept for a period of 6 months. Only persons authorized by our General Privacy Policy will be able to access your data for strictly internal purposes.

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