Consultant/company for Online Coaching and Digital Film Editing At Search for Common Ground


Rights Advance:
Improving Fundamental Freedoms and Human Rights in Iraq

Consultant/company for Online Coaching and Digital Film Editing


Founded in 1982, Search for Common Ground (Search) is the world’s largest dedicated peacebuilding organization. We work to transform violent conflict into peace, building healthy, safe, and just societies in the process. We work in the world’s most challenging contexts and develop lasting solutions that are based on the needs of communities. We engage with leaders and elected officials to advance dialogue and collaboration. We are community leaders. We are youth activists. We are women. We are peacebuilders. Over the last 40 years, we have developed our understanding of what peace looks like, being able to quantify our impact and design more effective programming, working on the frontlines of today’s most consequential conflicts. Active in 36 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and the United States. and thanks to more than 900 employees, 91% of which are local to the country where we work, we are building a future where collaboration in the face of conflict is the norm—where our differences stimulate social progress, rather than precipitate violence.


Rights Advance: Improving Fundamental Freedoms and Human Rights in Iraq is a project implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search) and the Iraqi al-Amal Association (IAA). The project aims to create a supportive environment for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and duty bearers, promoting inclusive human rights reforms and addressing political and governance concerns.

The project’s overall objective is to contribute to the protection and promotion of fundamental freedoms, particularly freedom of association and peaceful assembly, strengthening the human rights enabling environment. Search will support HRDs in producing five short films focusing on human rights issues and opportunities to address them. Through online coaching sessions in content creation, production, and post-production, they will create innovative and attractive films that are social media-friendly in terms of video size, length, and language, aimed at engaging diverse audiences, including community members, civil society, and potential stakeholders. Seventeen applicants who have previously received capacity building in digital filmmaking will participate in this advanced phase. The focus now is on providing additional online coaching sessions to process their skills and support the production of these films.


  • Engage a proficient Digital Filmmaking consultant, technical team, or company specializing in short filmmaking, video editing, and video creation to provide online coaching to 17 selected HRDs in creating five films on Human Rights messages in Iraq.
  • Conduct three online coaching sessions for each of the 17 applicants to strengthen their understanding and skills in digital filmmaking, focusing on short film creation and post-production.
  • Deliver customized advice for each participant to enhance their initiatives by providing specialized skills and knowledge in short filmmaking, video editing, video creation, and post-production to address human rights messages in Iraq innovatively.
  • Ensure the produced films are social media-friendly, considering video size, length, and language, to engage diverse audiences efficiently.
  • Teach HRDs throughout the entire filmmaking process, from initial concept to final editing, ensuring alignment with project objectives.
  • Oversee the final editing of the films, ensuring they are completed to a high technical and creative standard, aligned with project objectives.
  • Integrate positive and comprehensive messages into the films to effectively raise awareness about human rights, ensuring they resonate with local audiences and communicate essential human rights messages.
  • Ensure responses to participants’ questions or concerns are given within 24 hours.

Scope of the work

Online Coaching

  • Arrange two private online coaching sessions per participant (a total of 34 sessions, each for 45 minutes), which will cover technical aspects of digital filmmaking, video editing, and content creation.
  • Develop specific plans for participation for each participant to improve their learning experience, taking into account their particular needs and preferred methods.
  • Give feedback on the film ideas, scripts, and methods of filming of the participants.
  • Provide tailored coaching sessions that assist Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) improve their advocacy skills. These sessions will give HRDs the tools and knowledge they need to effectively advocate for human rights issues.
  • Provide guidance and advice to participants regarding video editing software, adjustments, sound editing, and color rating, as they edit their films.
  • Providing immediate assistance during the editing process, assisting participants in the completion of their edits.

The final version for Film Editing

  • Once the initial edits have been completed by the participants, take full responsibility for the final editing of the five films.
  • Ensure that the films are professionally edited and finished, complying to technical standards for audio quality, visual clarity, and storytelling.
  • Provide the final versions of the films that are prepared for distribution on social media and other platforms.


  • A comprehensive work plan and schedule for the online coaching sessions, which must be submitted before they begin.
  • Provide three online coaching sessions for each of the 17 HRDs, focusing on advanced aspects of digital filmmaking.
  • Ensure the films produced by the HRDs and the final edited versions are social media-friendly and suitable for platforms like Instagram reels.
  • Provide detailed documentation of the coaching process, including descriptions of each film, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
  • A final report containing feedback and recommendations for future HRD support in filmmaking



  • The coach will engage in a virtual meeting with the Search team to gain an understanding of the project and align their approach with the Search staff.
    • Provide a work plan and initial session structure for Search.
    • 15, Oct, 2024
  • Submission of work plan and session structure by the coach
    • 17, Oct,2024
  • The coach will conduct an initial one-on-one online session with the selected applicants to develop an engagement plan for their coaching support, tailored to the applicant’s preferred coaching methods. The coach will then submit the engagement plans to Search.
    • A total of 34 sessions. 2 Sessions per participant.
    • 20, Oct- 20, Nov
  • Develop a final report and delivery of the films with feedback, recommendation and improvement to support the Human Right Defenders in future engagements and film making capacity building.
    • 28, Nov, 2024


  • Experience in training for short film making, video editing, and video creation.
  • Skills in creating engaging content for social media platforms.
  • Ability to monitor the progress of each film project, provide constructive feedback, and offer solutions to overcome any challenges encountered during production.
  • Proven experience in supporting participants through all stages of the filmmaking process, from initial concept development to post-production, ensuring the delivery of high-quality films.
  • Knowledge of gender-sensitive project approaches.
  • Knowledge of human rights issues and the Iraqi context.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills to engage effectively with HRDs and stakeholders.
  • Fluency in Arabic; knowledge of English and Kurdish is preferred.


  • Proof of Company Registration.
  • Technical proposal: Portfolio (evidence of experience with both documentaries and short clips strongly preferred),especially those related to human rights or social media-friendly content.
  • 3 References (with names, emails, phone numbers, and relationships)
  • Financial proposal: Budget break down, covering costs for coaching sessions and film editing.
  • Financial proposal for full service in Iraqi dinar

How to apply


Interested candidates should submit their resume/CV along with a cover letter detailing their relevant experience and qualifications, a financial proposal in Iraqi dinar, and examples of relevant previous work. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further interviews. To apply, please send the required documents to with the subject line “Rights Advance: Online Coaching and Filmmaking Consultant” by the deadline of 28, sep 2024.

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