Consultancy Services for Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Training of Trainers (TOT) Training in Marsabit and Turkana Counties, Kenya. At Concern Worldwide

Consultancy Services for Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Training of Trainers (TOT) Training in Marsabit and Turkana Counties, Kenya.

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Concern Worldwide is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization dedicated to the reduction of suffering and working towards the ultimate elimination of extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries

Background and context

Turkana and Marsabit Counties are divided into three livelihoods zones: pastoral, agro-pastoral and fisher folk/petty trade. About 96% and 80% of the population in Marsabit and Turkana counties, respectively, in pastoral and agro-pastoral zones, relies on livestock keeping for both income and food. These counties have, over the years, experienced recurrent cycles of shocks including drought, conflict, flooding and desert locusts negatively impacting on the rangelands’ productivity, leading to up to 40-60% loss of livestock and reducing returns on assets with a subsequent negative impact on livelihood outcomes including food and nutrition security and general wellbeing. Following the failure of five consecutive rainfall seasons between 2021 and January 2023, the two counties have gradually recovered, following average to above average long and short rain seasons in 2023.

As communities continue to grapple with the recovery of the lost livestock, there is need for support to enhance sustained community participation in recovery measures, enhance protection of the remaining and the growing herds and to build community resilience on drought preparedness and response to future emergencies. Although communities have faced recurrent drought over the years, the level of preparedness has been sub-optimal with the government dominating the design and implementation of response plans. The increased drought frequencies and successive loss of livestock has seen multiple households regressing from high- and middle-income band to poor income bands, and a number dropping out of livestock-prolonging recovery from chronic poverty and delaying progression toward Sustainable Development Goals and Vision 2030. As the pastoral communities continue to recover, there is a need to re-examine existing adaptation and coping strategies and devise measures for sustained community preparedness towards future shocks and strengthen their capacity to both respond and sustainably recover.

Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) provide an appropriate tool for use in planning the humanitarian emergencies that affect livestock. The LEGS handbook provides standards, key actions and guidance notes for undertaking emergency interventions in six key technical areas including: Livestock feed, water, veterinary support, livestock offtake, shelter and settlement, and provision of livestock. Subsequently the crisis-affected communities either obtain immediate benefits using the existing livestock assets or effectively protect key livestock assets or rebuild key livestock asset. Livestock sector is currently implementing the 3rd edition of LEGS globally. Since its launch in 2023, majority of County government officers have not been updated limiting their capacity to effectively support communities and institutions on drought emergency preparedness and response planning.

Concern Worldwide is currently funded by the USAID/BHA to support Sustained Emergency Response and Recovery for the Most Vulnerable Households in the ASAL Counties of Kenya (SERVE), in Marsabit and Turkana Counties. Under livestock sector, the project among other interventions aim at strengthening the institutional and community capacity in livestock emergency preparedness and response. This will be achieved in two tiers including: Training the County technical officers on the Third Edition of the LEGS and certifying them as LEGs trainers; and supporting community to undertake participatory development of ward level livestock emergency preparedness and response plans (guided by the LEGS technical approaches). To achieve this, the project aims at engaging a competent LEGs master trainer to support the County level training.

Purpose of the Consultancy

To engage an accredited LEGS Trainer of Trainers to train the County technical officers on Livestock emergency guidelines with an aim of graduating them as LEGs trainers.

Objectives and Specific Tasks to be undertaken by the Consultant(s)

The primary objective of this engagement is to support the relevant County technical officers to familiarize, understand and implement livestock emergency guidelines and standards towards mitigating the effect of the slow onset drought emergencies on the livestock sector. The trainer should effectively equip the trainees with skills to engage and support the communities to use LEGS in designing own preparedness and response plans.


Specifically, the trainer will deliver the a LEGS 6 days, Training of Trainer(ToT) course in line with LEGS training policy employing adult learning principles and training practice sessions with the following deliverables:

  1. Familiarize the trainees on the Livestock emergency guidelines and standards, highlighting the changes from the previous edition
  2. By the end of the training ensure that the participant are well versed with the standards , key actions and guidance notes that applies to the key technical approaches defined in LEGs 3rd edition
  3. Enhance participants understands how the eight LEGS principles applies in the implementation of the different technical approaches
  4. Enhance the participant’s understanding of the Participatory Response Identification Matrix (PRIM) and its application at the community level.
  5. Support the development of the work plan and modified tools to guide ward level planning process.
  6. Detailed training report clearly highlighting observations and recommendations that would enhance continued support.


The assignment will be implemented in Marsabit and Turkana Counties between 14th August and 30th September 2024.

Essential and Desirable Experience/Qualifications

Concern is looking for a consultant with updated knowledge of the contents of the 3rd Edition of LEGS, having participated in the review of the second edition and updating of the content to develop the third edition. The individual/ firm should have a previous experience in training and/or supporting county governments to implement LEGS principles in livestock emergency preparedness and response. In addition, the desirable candidate should be accredited as LEGs Trainer, and must have implemented the Participatory Response identification Matrix (PRIM) with stakeholders and /or community.

Working conditions

Concern worldwide will provide transport and accommodation for the Consultancy team during engagement while in the field locations of Marsabit and Turkana. The consultant is also expected to comply with Concern Code of Conduct and other program participant protection policies during the time of engagement.


It is a requirement that the consultant will comply with [Kenya] security policy and in-country security procedures. Failing to comply will result in immediate termination of contract.

Required documentation with your proposal:

  1. Company / Consultant profile; including website.
  2. Certificate of Incorporation (firms) or National ID card (individual).
  3. Valid Tax Compliance Certificate.
  4. PIN Certificate.
  5. CVs of key staff.
  6. Certificate/reference information of previous undertakings of similar contracts with NGOs/UN agencies.
  7. If a Veterinary Practitioner, a Certificate of practice by Kenya Veterinary Board
  8. Accreditation as a LEGs trainer
  9. Safeguarding Policy, Code of Conduct etc. or what are the necessary provisions have you put in place to keep everyone safe in the course of your engagement.
  10. Attach copy of Certificate of Good Conduct or proof that you have applied for the same.
  11. A detailed work plan (Gantt chart) showing specific milestone.
  12. Confirm the gender ratio for the team that you will be engaging in this exercise.
  13. Technical proposal.
  14. Financial proposal (Should be presented in Kenya Shillings). NB: Concern worldwide will provide transport and accommodation for the Consultancy team during engagement while in the field locations of Marsabit and Turkana.
  15. Evidence of previous related works (Supplier contracts, LPOs, technical reports).
  16. For companies, audited financial accounts for the last two years.Safeguarding at Concern: Code of Conduct and its Associated PoliciesConcern has an organisational Code of Conduct (CCoC) with three Associated Policies; the Programme Participant Protection Policy (P4), the Child Safeguarding Policy and the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Policy. These have been developed to ensure the maximum protection of programme participants from exploitation, and to clarify the responsibilities of Concern staff, consultants, visitors to the programme and partner organisation, and the standards of behaviour expected of them. In this context, consultants have a responsibility to the organisation to strive for, and maintain, the highest standards in the day-to-day conduct in their workplace in accordance with Concern’s core values and mission. Any candidate offered a consultancy opportunity with Concern Worldwide will be expected to sign the Concern Code of Conduct and Associated Policies as an appendix to their consultancy contract. By signing the Concern Code of Conduct, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the content of both the Concern Code of Conduct and the Associated Policies and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provisions of these policies. Additionally, Concern is committed to the safeguarding and protection of vulnerable adults and children in our work. We will do everything possible to ensure that only those who are suitable to do consultancy work or volunteer with vulnerable adults and children are recruited by us for such roles. Subsequently, being hired as a consultant with Concern is subject to a range of vetting checks, including criminal background checking.Concern’ is the trading name of ‘Concern Worldwide’, a company limited by guarantee, registered number 39647; registered charity number CHY 5745, registered in Ireland, registered address is 52-55 Lower Camden Street, Dublin 2, Ireland. Follow Concern online:

How to apply

Submission of proposals

Interested candidates, who meet the above requirements, should submit their proposals by email to;

With the subject line “SR109368 – Consultancy Services for Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards Training of Trainers (TOT) Training in Marsabit and Turkana Counties, Kenya.” by 13th August 2024.

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