Consultancy Service Agreement – Terms of Reference – MMC LAC project advisor – Montevideo, Uruguay – Mixed Migration Center LAC At Danish Refugee Council


The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is one of the world’s leading humanitarian NGOs, operating in more than 40 countries to provide rights-based assistance to refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced persons, returnees and migrants.

MMC is a global network dedicated to data collection, research, analysis and development of policies and programs on mixed migration, with regional centers in Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and Latin America, and a global team based in Copenhagen, Geneva and Brussels. MMC is a leading source of high-quality, independent data, research, analysis and experience. MMC aims to strengthen the understanding of mixed migration, positively impact global and regional migration policies, inform evidence-based responses to the mixed migration of people on the move and stimulate innovative thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. MMC’s general focus is on human rights and protection for all people on the move.

MMC’s global objectives are:

➢ Contribute to a better understanding of mixed migration (knowledge)
➢ Contribute to better informed and evidence-based migration policies and debates (politics)
➢ Contribute to effective and evidence-based protection responses for people on the move (programming)

MMC is part of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC). For more information, visit:

Project 4My Cities

The Mixed Migration Center in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will carry out project implementation 4My Cities, to support policies and / or programs for the integration of the migrant population in urban settings. Working closely with local governments in receiving and including refugees and migrants, data from 4My Citiesthey will reveal the needs, resources and aspirations of refugees and migrants in their interaction with local policies and services. The objective of the project is to produce evidence to inform local and national responses to mixed migration in cities, as well as creating a solid case for the promotion of legal frameworks and favorable political responses, at the national and international levels.

One of the five key priorities for action outlined by the Mayor’s Mechanism at the 13th summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) is “ allowing cities to drive the economic inclusion and development through consultation and localized data collection. ” The 4Mi Cities project aligns with this priority by providing the necessary data for informed decision-making and effective policy implementation.

  1. Consulting objectiveThe Mixed Migration Center seeks a project advisor to participate in MMC LAC knowledge management initiatives in South America, and more specifically to coordinate different activities of the 4Mi Cities project in Montevideo, design, supervise and participate in data collection activities and consolidate the reports and products of the project.

The MMC project advisor in Montevideo will work in close collaboration, dialogue and coordination with the national and local authorities of Uruguay and Montevideo, as well as civil society actors.

Based in Montevideo, the MMC project advisor in Uruguay works under the direct supervision of the MMC LAC Regional Manager and in collaboration with the MMC LAC team.

Consultant responsibilities

The MMC project advisor in Uruguay will have to carry out the following activities:

Adaptation of research methodology and tools

  • Adapt the methodology and tools of 4Mi Cities designed for other contexts (Medellín, Barranquilla, Mexico City) to the context of Montevideo, Uruguay, and to the specific information needs of national and local authorities.
  • Develop new tools for the implementation of the 4Mi Cities project in Montevideo with the support of the MMC LAC team.

Project management

  • Provide monthly planning of 4Mi Cities project activities in Montevideo, in coordination with the MMC LAC team, including the preparation of a global and monthly work plan,
  • Maintain dialogue with the MMC LAC team and provide the necessary guidelines and recommendations to achieve the project goals and respond to the expectations and needs of national and local authorities in Montevideo and Uruguay.
  • Coordinate activities with national, local authorities and civil society actors: interviews, workshops, participatory mapping and validation of findings.
  • Organize and lead 2 workshops with authorities and 1 workshop with civil society.
  • Coordinate the activities of quantitative data collection with a migrant population established in Montevideo (for 2 months), in coordination with the local partner of MMC LAC in Montevideo.
  • Hold weekly follow-up meetings with MMC LAC Regional Manager and / or MMC LAC team as needed.

Data Collection and Analysis

  • Carry out a mapping of national and local actors in Uruguay and Montevideo, to carry out participatory workshops, the collection of quantitative / qualitative data and the consolidation of reports.
  • Carry out search and analysis of secondary sources, interviews with local and national actors, experts and the migrant population to consolidate Montevideo’s context analysis.

How to apply

  • Identify existing databases on the migrant population established in Montevideo for context analysis and the mapping workshop.
  • Participate in data collection (surveys and interviews) with a migrant population in Montevideo.
  • Analyze the quantitative and qualitative data collected, under the supervision of the research coordinator MMC LAC, for the consolidation of the final reports.

Technical Supervision of Surveyors 4Mi Cities

  • Design the strategy of collecting quantitative data (surveys) with the migrant population in Montevideo.
  • Technically supervise pollsters during the quantitative data collection phase (2 months).
  • Follow up on daily, weekly, and monthly data collection goals.
  • Provide regular feedbacks and trainings, if necessary, to pollsters during data collection.
  • Coordinate the field work with the implementing partner of the project in Montevideo.
  • Support the local partner to successfully meet the objectives and goals of the project, in terms of data collection.

Consolidation of Reports and Research Documents

  • Prepare a preliminary context analysis on the migrant population in Montevideo, covering research questions such as:
    • ¿What drives migration to urban contexts in Uruguay and, specifically, to Montevideo?
    • ¿How is the movement towards Montevideo characterized?
    • ¿What are the profiles of migrants, refugees and internally displaced persons in Montevideo?
    • ¿What is the current state of integration of the migrant population in Montevideo?
    • ¿What is your interaction with local authorities and civil society?
    • ¿To what extent do migrants and refugees have access to rights, public services and opportunities in Montevideo?
    • ¿What are the main protection risks they face?
  • Lead the analysis of all the quantitative and qualitative data collected and the consolidation of the final reports of the 4Mi Cities project, including context analysis, analysis of the data collected with the migrant population and with experts, as well as recommendations for authorities.
  • Design a policy brief with the main findings of the study.

Internal and External Coordination

  • Facilitate communication between MMC LAC, national and local authorities, and civil society.
  • Monitor the information and humanitarian context in Uruguay and make recommendations for MMC LAC.
  • Represent MMC LAC in coordination platforms and in front of authorities in Uruguay and Montevideo, for 1 event of dissemination of the results of the project.


  • Guide the MMC LAC team in the design of the dissemination plan for the 4Mi Cities project in Uruguay.
  • Coordinate logistics for 4Mi Cities results dissemination events at the national and, if necessary, regional level.
  • Participate in the dissemination of the findings, representing MMC LAC in national / regional events and forums.
  • Scope of work and methodologyThe MMC project advisor in Uruguay should establish a combination of the following methodologies to carry out the work:
  • In-depth study of existing protocols and tools for 4Mi Cities projects.
  • Adaptation of these tools for the implementation of 4Mi Cities in Montevideo.
  • Frequent meetings with the MMC LAC team, in groups and individuals, with the leaders of the different components.
  • Coordination with national and local authorities, as well as civil society organizations.
  • Coordination with the implementing partner of MMC in Montevideo.
  • Observation field visits, establishing main observations, recommendations and development opportunities for the MMC program in Montevideo.
  • Frequent dialogue with the MMC LAC team.
  • Activities and deliverables – Month
  • Activities and deliverables:one.
  • Induction meeting with MMC LAC team
  • Detailed schedule of activities for the duration of the contract.
  • Mapping of actors (national and local authorities, civil society) to include in the project design, in participatory workshops and as experts to interview during the different phases of data collection.
  • Work plan for the consolidation of context analysis with dates of interviews with key actors.That report will provide a baseline to contextualize the quantitative data to be collected at a later stage of the project, as well as inform the development of the project methodology (data collection tools and locations, sampling strategies, etc.).The analysis will be carried out mainly through a review of secondary sources. In addition, secondary data will be supplemented by a limited number of interviews with key informants. The consultant will have to identify the contact of the relevant actors.This analysis will cover the geography of the city, as well as its social, cultural, economic and political environment, including information on demography and what is already known about the dynamics of displacement and migration in the municipality.
  • Preliminary plan of the context analysis, including titles of main parts and paragraphs, reference of the databases to be used, bibliographic references.
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting minutes.2.
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Interviews with key actors and digitization of the results (approx. 15 interviews).
  • Montevideo context analysis.3.
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Research protocol (so its tools) adapted to the context of Montevideo.
  • Adjusted methodology for holding 1 workshop with the authorities, 1 civil society workshop, as well as 1 participatory mapping workshop.
  • Protocol for conducting the workshops.
  • Final report with the fingering of the results of the workshops and analysis of the results.4.
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Quantitative (survey) and qualitative (interview) data collection tools tailored to the results of workshops with authorities and civil society.
  • Follow-up meetings (2) with the local partner for logistics organization of the data collection phase.
  • Training (2 days) for 4Mi Cities pollsters.
  • Adjusted protocols for the data collection phase.5.
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Coordination of data collection exercises: monitoring of weekly and monthly goals and delivery of weekly and monthly reports.
  • Interviews with experts and the population of interest.6
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Coordination of data collection exercises: monitoring of weekly and monthly goals.
  • Interviews with experts and the population of interest (approx. 15 interviews).7
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Processing and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Delivery of a report with preliminary analysis of the quanti / quali data.
  • Preliminary plan of the final report (introduction, part titles and main paragraphs, conclusion)8
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Final draft of the report.
  • Protocol and schedule for conducting validation workshops with authorities and civil society.
  • Reports with the results of the validation workshops.9
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Delivery of the final report.10
  • Bi-monthly follow-up meeting.
  • Protocol for the dissemination of results.
  • Delivery of 1 policy brief.
  • Participation in 2 dissemination events of the results of the 4Mi Cities project.
  • Duration, calendar and payment
  • Contract start date: September 15, 2024.
  • Contract end date: July 15, 2025
  • The total value of the contract will be divided into 10 months and payment will be made monthly, upon receipt of a collection account detailing the tasks and products delivered during the month.
  • Transportation costs for field activities in Uruguay / Montevideo (carrying out interviews and surveys) will be reimbursed to the consultant monthly, upon presentation of the transport invoices and an additional collection account for these expenses.
  • The consultant will work from his residence and will be based in Uruguay (Montevideo or nearby cities).
  • Eligibility, qualification and experience required
  • Required qualifications and experience
  • Researcher, with a degree in social sciences.
  • At least 3 years of work experience, preferably in leadership of research projects and / or integration programs for the migrant population, with excellent references.
  • Experience in the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data.
  • Research design experience, including survey design.
  • Desirable experience in field research among hard-to-reach populations.
  • Knowledge of the dynamics of mixed migration in Latin America and Uruguay.
  • Experience in design and consolidation of academic and / or scientific documents.
  • Desirable:
  • Experience in humanitarian and / or development projects with national and local authorities, NGOs and civil society in Montevideo / Uruguay.
  • Experience in integration projects of the migrant population in Uruguay.
  • Experience in managing budgets.
  • Experience in coordinating teams that are located in different places.
  • Excellent computer skills, including advanced knowledge of Excel and quanti / quali analysis software: R, Stata, among others.
  • Great organizational capacity and attention to detail.

Technical supervision

  1. The consultant will work under the supervision of:

Simon Tomasi – Regional Manager MMC LAC,


Punctual trips within Montevideo (expenses covered by DRC LAC).

Evaluation of proposals

The candidate must deliver:

  • An economic proposal, including VAT, whose total value cannot exceed $ 35,000 USD.
  • A letter of motivation, explaining how you will fulfill the responsibilities of the position, as well as a description of your previous experiences and motivations.
  • Life Sheet (HV) detailing relevant skills and experience for the position.
  • Portfolio of relevant research papers (studies, articles, policy brief)The proposals will be evaluated according to the quality of the motivation letter, the HV and the economic proposal, according to the following score:Document% of the final score
  • Economic proposal 30%
  • Motivation letter 15%
  • 25% resume%
  • 30% research portfolio%

A follow-up interview will be conducted with the shortlisted candidates. 3 job references will be requested prior to the selected candidate, before hiring.

Additional information

  1. For more information on this request for a quote, please contact Simon Tomasi ( The deadline to apply for this call is Wednesday, August 28, 2024.

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