Consultancy on the creation of’a game for children in Burkina Faso – Terre des Hommes Lausanne At Land of men

  1. Presentation Terre des hommes

Founded in 1960, the Terre des hommes Foundation (Tdh) is dedicated to implementing lasting changes in the lives of children. We aspire to a world where children’s rights are always respected. Our programmatic priorities are to respond to the challenges of’ access to health and justice and to address the different aspects of migration impacting children and young people. In particular, we aim to improve access to quality care for newborns, children under 5 years of age and their mothers, in rural and semi-urban areas of’Africa. For this, Tdh develops digital health as a tool to amplify’impact. Tdh s’ is set as objective, d’improve– thanks to the synergy between digitalization and innovation – the quality of care in particular the management of malnutrition, the,the performance of health systems, the accuracy of diagnosis, and the’ exploitation of data. Thanks to its in-depth understanding of the needs and issues in its countries of intervention, Tdh S’ relies on a series of’actors (local authorities, high-level institutes, hospitals, universities, the private sector, etc, Local and international NGOs, etc.) to provide a holistic, multisectoral, innovative and sustainable response.

  1. Background and Justification :

In the majority of humanitarian crises, children make up about 55% of the affected population. However, their perspective is very little taken into account by humanitarian organizations for various reasons :

  • Lack of consideration for the’opinion of children in general, and this because of the perception of the’child, of its place in society.
  • Lack of capacity, time, skills and means to adopt relevant approaches, appropriate to approach children, generate the necessary trust and collect their opinion.

However, the humanitarian standards (the Basic Humanitarian Standard of Quality and Accountability (CHS) and the Minimum Standards for the Protection of Childhood in Humanitarian Response (CPMS)) clearly state the importance of place accountability mechanisms that are inclusive, safe and accessible to those affected by crises. Accountability to children is a strategic pillar of the’Alliance for the Protection of’child in the’intervention Humanitaire – strategy 203-2025.

The participation of children is a cross-cutting right and principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CDE). Children have the right to share their views on matters that concern them and to see actions taken on the basis of these opinions and analyses. Humanitarians have a responsibility to put in place appropriate mechanisms for children to enable them to participate in all phases of the’ cycle of a project, since its conception, its implementation and evaluation.

The HARPE project, implemented by Terre des hommes and Ground Truth Solutions in Burkina Faso aims to develop a method and tools to facilitate consultation of children on accountability issues by humanitarian actors in Burkina Faso (see project presentation sheet). The project is based on a process of co-creation with groups of’children identified in areas of intervention of Tdh.

Ground Truth Solutions is a non-governmental organization specializing in research and advocacy on the accountability of’ humanitarian and development assistance to people affected by crises. GTS develops projects that put people’s perceptions at the heart of humanitarian programs.

2. Objective of the Consultancy :

General Objective : Accompany and guide Tdh and GTS in the co-production with children involved in Tdh interventions in Burkina Faso of a game, included in a set of 3 sessions, which facilitates a discussion with children about the quality and accountability of’Humanitarian aid to gather feedback on their experience, and recommendations. An interactive game, introduced by a session on participation and finalised by a session on’analysis of collected data, and the construction of advocacy messages, is, that promotes the participation of and accountability to all children in humanitarian interventions, taking into account gender and diversity aspects, including disability.

Specific Objectives :

  • Guide the design of’a game that is educational, engaging, and accessible for different age groups of children and accessible to children with different types of disabilities. Incorporate diverse scenarios and characters that reflect a variety of genres, cultures, and abilities to teach rights and accountability in a local and global manner
  • Incorporate the game into the HARPE approach and its humanitarian aid awareness program and that strengthens the listening and participation of children in humanitarian interventions, contributing to greater accountability.
  • Ensure that play enables children to understand their rights to participation, the benefits to children and communities resulting from their participation and accountability mechanisms in the humanitarian sector
  • The game should encourage children to express themselves on what’s know of’humanitarian aid in their environment, and examine what works well and less well from their perspective in local humanitarian projects and collect their recommendations.
  • Create a tool that can be used on a larger scale with minimal cultural adaptations. The’ tool would be intended to be used by professionals implementing humanitarian programmes.
  1. Scope of the Work :
  • Initial Research : Conduct a needs and existing analysis on educational games focused on children’s rights.
  • Understanding of the issues and the work already done by GTS and Tdh on the subject, integration of these elements in the design of the game
  • Game Development : Guide the design and development of the game prototype, including test sessions with targeted groups of children through a co-creation methodology with children
  • Support the’integration of the game into a wider programme of sessions for children on the right to participation issue and the’data analysis/advocacy
  • Training and Implementation : Develop training materials for animators who will use the game (Rules of the game »).
  • Article explaining the process of creation and learning generated, with recommendations for future users, especially in terms of methodology to contextualize the game.
  • S’ ensure that the game respects the ethical protocol created as part of the HARPE project by Tdh.
  1. Deliverables :
  • Research Report : An initial report detailing the results of the initial research and needs analysis, as well as the methodology for the development of co-creating play with children
  • Game Prototype: A functional prototype of the game.
  • Training Guide : A manual or guide for the animators created in collaboration with GTS and Tdh who will use the game as well as guide for its contextualization, including a part explaining the methods of’analysis and the possibilities of advocacy on the basis of the data collected during the game.
  • Test Report : A report that includes feedback from test sessions and recommendations for improvement.
  1. Methodology and steps

The methodological proposal will be refined by the consultant in deliverable 1.

  1. Phase 1 : identification – needs and context analysis : via briefings with Tdh and GTS teams, reading the reflections already made by the teams on the creation of the game and secondary review (Pre-harp study, review of existing games on the subject of the rights of the’enfant, etc, accountability in humanitarian assistance’, traditional Burkinabe games)
  2. Phase 2 : Development of’a prototype
    1. Briefing of the’ team GTS, Tdh Lausanne and Tdh Burkina Faso, integration of feedback
    2. Consultation with children (following sessions of’information on the subject of participation and humanitarian aid).
    3. On-site and remote support of’an experiential approach of children
    4. Analysis of children’s productions
    5. Proposition of prototype – test with children
  3. Analysis of test data and changes.

5. Calendar :

Duration of Consultancy: 1 month

Key Maturities :

  • Week 1: Realization of’an initial study on the needs and existing in terms of games for children
  • Week 2 – 3: Co-creation and co-development of the game prototype with a target group of’children and with project stakeholders
  • Week 4: Tests of the final prototype with a target group of’child and project stakeholders
  • Week 5: Co-development with project stakeholders of training materials for facilitators who will use the games

6. Budget :

Budget Details : The budget will be provided by the consultant as part of the financial proposal Consultant fees, materials for game development, costs of test sessions.

Estimated workload: equivalent to 15 working days

7. Profile of the Consultant :

Qualifications and Skills :

  • Expertise in the development of educational games for children’s audiences
  • Experience working co-construction of play with children, knowledge of emotional and cognitive abilities of groups of’children of different ages.
  • Ability to work quickly and efficiently under pressure with a diverse team
  • Familiarity with the context of’humanitarian aid
  • Inter-cultural communication
  • Ability of’animation and remote coaching
  • Flexibility, dynamism and spirit of’innovation

How to apply

The Submission Process :

Offers are sent by email to the’address

With a copy: and

Or physically deposited at’ :

Boulevard Thomas Sankara (ex Charles de Gaulle – 9Sector 28 (Dassasgho) in front of the Ouaga 5 tax office, not far from pediatrics, 01 BP 2212 Ouagadougou.

Deadline : Final date for the submission of proposals shall be fixed at the latest on 23 june 2024

9. Technical criteria for evaluating tenders :

  • Relevant Experience : Previous experience in similar projects under time constraints.

Please attach the proofs of’experience (Contract, certificate of completion, Minutes, …)

Please also attach a list of the consultations carried out over the last 07 years in relation to the domain, highlighting the references.

  • Qualification/training : Study in the field of’education and development of children’s games

Attach the CVs of the consultancy team and the diplomas related to the discipline

  • Understanding of terms of reference and interpretation of objectives

Attach an explanatory note on the understanding of the TdRs and the reasons for the submission

  • Methodology proposed in the technical offer.
  • A detailed chronogram highlighting the work plan, timetable and different stages.
  • Detailed financial offer including all costs listed above as well as VAT
  • Document proving that the consultant is registered as a legal legal entity

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