Consultancy on Baseline Survey for the Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa (BORESHA-NABAD) At Danish Refugee Council

1.Danish Refugee Council

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few with specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement-affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included in hosting societies; and works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence.

2. Purpose of the consultancy

To measure changes in the performance indicators against which progress and success of the project will be measured, BORESHA-NABAD calls for the services of a research firm to lead the implementation of the baseline survey across the Somalia, Ethiopia, and Somalia borderland areas also known as the Mandera Triangle. The baseline information should include detailed data on programme indicators and current information on outputs 1 to 4 in the target sectors. More specifically, the baseline information should provide robust data for the programme indicators and other key measures including current product outputs in the target sectors (crops, livestock, honey, and other income-generating value chains in the programme areas), production practices, output markets, household incomes and access to economic opportunities, access to finance, households’ social connectedness, adaptation to climatic shocks, communal conflict, and violence extremism. The list of indicators to be reported has been summarised in the ToR – Annex 1. Additionally, the findings from the survey will also help the programme team, its donors, and partners to understand better:

  1. The different shocks and stresses faced by the communities in the target locations and how this is different between urban, peri-urban areas and how it leads to pendular migration patterns.
  2. Adaptation measures applied by these communities that contribute to their resilience capacities, such as mixed migration methods within Mandera Triangle.
  3. Current performance of the target market systems, access to services by the different categories of the target group, and needs of communities based on detailed stakeholder analysis that considers the cross-border nature of the context.
  4. The effectiveness of the different local level structure and committees (Peace committees, Natural Resource Management Committees, Women for Change, Border Management Committees, and other local level structures.) in resolving the underlying causes of conflict and displacement and implementing a community-centred approach to conflict prevention and management and stabilization.

3. Background

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is leading a consortium of partners in implementing the EU-funded Building Opportunities for Resilience in the Horn of Africa (BORESHA- NABAD) Programme in the Borderland areas of Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia also known as the Mandera Triangle. The BORESHA-NABAD Programme aims to enhance the effectiveness of conflict prevention and mitigation, disaster risk reduction and management, and resilience-building in these borderland areas that are faced with multifaceted shocks such as drought, floods, conflicts, violence extremism, and diseases. The programme focuses on strengthening the resilience capacities of communities, government, and businesses using mixed approaches to help them withstand these shocks and stresses that also exacerbate conflict and violence extremism. BORESHA-NABAD is building on investments and lessons learned from the successful, DRC-led, five-year BORESHA programmes (Phases I, II, and III) to maximize impact. DRC is partnering with Rural Agency for Community Development (RACIDA), Voice for Peace for All in the Horn of Africa (VOPA) and Mandera Women for Peace and Development (WFPD) to deliver BORESHA NABAD.

Programme Over-all Goal

To enhance the effectiveness of conflict prevention and mitigation, disaster risk reduction and management, and resilience-building in cross-border communities.

Specific Objectives to Achieve Results:

  1. Disaster risk reduction and conflict prevention capacities of cross-border stakeholders and communities are strengthened: This first outcome focuses on building the capacity of community structures, fostering (horizontal) cross-border engagements, and testing their delivery and response capacity. This will be achieved with an integrated approach by linking different thematic interventions. Equally important will be to build on horizontal linkages (connections between communities and actors across borders) and establish vertical linkages (foster engagement between vulnerable groups/communities and government actors).
  2. Peacebuilding is enhanced through stronger linkages between communities and local, national, and regional authorities: This outcome focuses on ensuring the community-level efforts (Outcome l) are integrated into existing mechanisms and higher-level institutions. These linkages will ensure efforts are aligned with wider government priorities and help to achieve the programme’s sustainability.
  3. Women and youth in marginalized borderland communities have improved access to income generation opportunities: This outcome focuses on improving access to income generation opportunities for women and youth in marginalized borderland communities. Using a market systems approach, women and youth will be prioritized for activities such as expanding access to financial and business development services, accessing loans through formal and informal financial structures and provision of TVET training and apprentices in sectors with market demand.
  4. Borderland communities are better able to adapt their livelihoods to climate change and environmental degradation: This outcome focuses on improving the communities’ adaptation to climate change and environmental degradation, including climate-smart livelihood activities.

4. Objective of the consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to:

  1. Script the survey tools in a mobile-based platform (ODK/Kobo Toolbox/Survey CTO) with clear validation checks and skip patterns where applicable. The firm MUST have its own tablets/smartphones for data collection.
  2. The firm will present a recommended survey methodology, including.
    1. Sampling framework that identifies stratification of households across the target groups/sectors in each of the target locations, list of key informants to be interviewed and number and types of population groups to be interviewed through focus group discussions (FGDs).
    2. Data management and quality mechanisms and analysis plan
    3. The firm will be responsible for its security and acquiring necessary authorizations/approvals for data collection in the target areas. In adherence to the relevant code of ethics and practices for survey research and demonstrated competence of the core team.
  3. Provision of a Field Procedure Plan detailing protocols and guidance for all fieldwork, including team composition, roles and responsibilities, activity schedule, selection and replacement of households and key informants, securing consent, logistics, security, data collection using mobile phone technology (using ODK/Kobo Toolbox/SurveyCTO and visualisation maps), and quality assurance, verification, and supervision, while allowing for course correction/substitution as needed.
  4. The plan to include the development and roll-out of a training programme, such as field pre-testing of the data collection instruments. The firm should also provide training materials, consent forms, and a brief field manual to help operationalize the plan. The field team should also meet for daily check-ins after the start of field work to review progress, and issues, and troubleshoot with the BORESHA – NABAD MEAL team.
  5. Pre-testing and enhancement of survey instruments, monitoring efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of the applied field and data entry procedures in the study area (e.g., 30 households in two enumeration areas). Pre-testing will help eliminate any ambiguities, ascertain the importance and relevance of questions, and ensure that skip logic in questionnaires is accurately set.
  6. All information produced under the assignment should be managed discretely and securely, to be the property of the BORESHA – NABAD Programme in digital format. The deliverables will include cleaned datasets in SPSS/STATA formats, analysis outputs and syntax used to produce the results.
  7. Deliver the final formatted baseline report in Word and PDF formats. The report should have the following flow:
    1. Acknowledgements
    2. Glossary/Acronyms
    3. Executive Summary
    4. Introduction
    5. Methodology
    6. Limitations
    7. Findings (tables and interpretations)
    8. Conclusion and recommendations
    9. Annexes (survey tools and completed indicator table)
  8. Prepare Overall pamphlets outlining the summary of findings in this format, Purpose, Content, Design, Distribution, Effectiveness, and recommendations.

5. Scope of work and Methodology

A consultative and participatory approach will be used to develop a project baseline in line with the objectives. This will include capturing quantitative data for Logframe and SRI indicators, as well as qualitative data on shocks, conflict resilience, business performance, income generation for women and youth, and also adaptation of communities to climate change and environmental degradation in the cross-border areas through pendular migration. Stakeholder discussions will involve community members, local authorities, county, district, Woreda leaders, and other partners.

The firm will review previous assessment findings & recommendations on conflicts, gender, humanitarian, food systems and security needs; lessons learned from BORESHA I, II, & III, and recommendations for the BORESHA –NABAD under each objective area.

6. Deliverables

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables as mentioned below:

Phase 1  Review

Expected deliverables – Inception Report

Indicative description tasks  Sourcing, Documentation

Maximum expected timeframe  5 working days

Phase 2  Analysis

Expected deliverables – Training and Data Collection

Indicative description tasks – Mobilisation of the field team, completion of enumerator training, pre-testing of the survey tools, and data collection.

Maximum expected timeframe  14 working days

Phase 3  Draft Report

Expected deliverables – Intermediate Report

Indicative description tasks – Prepare the first draft report, Feedback from DRC to submit the final report

Maximum expected timeframe  14 working days

Phase 4  Final Report

Expected deliverables – Reporting

Indicative description tasks – Final report and cleaned datasets

Maximum expected timeframe – 5 working days

7. Duration, timeline, and payment

The total expected duration to complete the assignment will be no more than 50 working days

The consultant shall be prepared to complete the assignment within July – August.

Payment Schedule

i) 1st Instalment – 20% of contract value upon approval of the inception report by the Chief of Party

ii) 2nd Instalment – 30% of contract value upon submission of a draft report

iii) 3rd Instalment – 30% upon approval of the draft report

iv) 4th Instalment – 20% upon approval of final report & cleaned datasets

8. Proposed Composition of Team

a. Project Manager/ Team Leader (Full time)

The key expert proposed for the position of project Manager/ Team Leader must possess a minimum Master’s degree in Project Planning and Management, Political sciences, Business Administration, Development Economics, Statistics, Mathematics, or related fields. The Team Leader will possess at least 10 years of experience in research/data collection. Experience in conducting baseline surveys for resilience and market systems programmes will be an added advantage.

b. Field Supervisors (Full Time-3)

The key experts proposed for the position of Field Supervisors (Deputy Team Leader) must possess a minimum bachelor’s degree in development studies, Sociology, Political Science, Business Administration, Management studies or related fields. A postgraduate qualification in Monitoring and Evaluation will be a plus. The field supervisors will possess at least five years of working experience in data collection in Somalia, Kenya, and Ethiopia or at least two of these countries with demonstrated capacity to work in the target areas.

c. MIS Specialists/ Data Analyst (Full Time-1.)

This position will be responsible for leading data analysis and management. S/he will also be responsible for scripting the questionnaire in a mobile-based application (ODK/Kobo Toolbox/Survey CTO). The key expert for the position of Data Analyst/ Data Manager must possess a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in computer science/mathematics, Applied Statistics, or related fields. The Data Analyst must be familiar with at least one data analysis software for quantitative and qualitative analysis such as SPSS, Stata, R, Nvivo or Atlas ti. They will possess at least a minimum of five years’ experience in Data analysis and management.

d. Interviewers/Enumerators

The interviewers/ data enumerators will be responsible for administering the questionnaires and checklists for data collection. They will also be responsible for transcribing qualitative data obtained from FGDs and KIIs. They will possess a minimum of a Diploma in Social works, Political Studies, Public Administration, Community Development, or related disciplines. The Interviewers/ enumerators must possess at least one year’s experience in data collection. Prior experience in a resilience project or as a Research Assistant will be an added advantage. They should be familiar with English and Somali language. The enumerators should be drawn from the target borderland areas where possible.

e. Community Focal Persons

The community focal persons will act as key contact points at community levels during data collection. They will guide the enumerators and lead them to the authorities for formal introduction during the surveys. They will also lead the survey teams to the targeted/ sampled respondents/ households during the data collection process. They will be responsible for mobilizing participants of the relevant target categories for the FGD sessions. The selected focal person should be a resident of the community. No academic qualifications are required for this role, however, possession of one will be an advantage.

9. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required

The consultant/s should possess the following qualifications.

  1. A master’s degree in a relevant livelihoods discipline,
  2. 10 years of experience in complex multi-sector grants within the Horn of Africa region,
  3. An understanding of cross-border issues, working experience on resilience and livelihoods programming, and experience in areas close to the border.
  4. They should have solid experience in planning and executing large-scale studies,
  5. Excellent writing skills, good data presentation, cultural sensitivity, gender balance, and adherence to humanitarian principles.

10. Technical supervision

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of:

  • MEAL Coordinator – BORESHA – NABAD Program
  • MEAL Manager – DRC Region Office

11. Location

The consultant will be expected to work in the following locations:

  • Somalia – Dollo & Belethawa
  • Kenya – Dollo, Belethawa, Benissa, Mandera North, Mandera East, Laffey, Mandera South
  • Ethiopia – Dollo Ado

12. Travel

Travel will be required. The Consultant will therefore be expected to arrange transportation, accommodation, insurance, food and to make adequate provision in the Financial Proposal.

12. Submission process

Interested Firms/Individuals that meet requirements should send their proposal and other required documents to the email address on or before 13th June 2024 at 5.00PM EAT. Bids submitted after the stated time will not be considered.

Please indicate “Consultancy on Baseline Survey for BORESHA-NABAD: RFP-RO01-002761” in the subject line of your email application.

13. Evaluation of bids

Please refer to the RFP Letter of Invite

Additional information

For additional information regarding these terms of reference, please send your questions to Regional Supply Chain Manager EAGL RO:

Please find complete bidding documents in the following linkRFP-RO01-002905 – Consultancy on Baseline Survey for BORESHA-NABAD

How to apply

Bids can be submitted by email to the following dedicated, controlled, & secure email address:

When Bids are emailed, the following conditions shall be complied with:

  • The RFP number shall be inserted in the Subject Heading of the email
  • Separate emails shall be used for the ‘Financial Bid’ and ‘Technical Bid’, and the Subject Heading of the email shall indicate which type the email contains
    • The financial bid shall only contain the financial bid form, Annex A.2
    • The technical bid shall contain all other documents required by the tender, but excluding all pricing information
  • Bid documents required, shall be included as an attachment to the email in PDF, JPEG, TIF format, or the same type of files provided as a ZIP file. Documents in MS Word or excel formats, will result in the bid being disqualified.
  • Email attachments shall not exceed 4MB; otherwise, the bidder shall send his bid in multiple emails.

Failure to comply with the above may disqualify the Bid.

DRC is not responsible for the failure of the Internet, network, server, or any other hardware, or software, used by either the Bidder or DRC in the processing of emails.

Bids will be submitted electronically. DRC is not responsible for the non-receipt of Bids submitted by email as part of the e-Tendering process.

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