Consultancy for the study of Americas-Caribbean regional capacities for emergency operations waste management At Croix-Rouge Française

Ref : PF267_ABY_ABY_2024_0003

Context :

Created in 2005, the Regional Intervention Platform for the Americas and the Caribbean (PIRAC) is the representative delegation of the French Red Cross (FRC) for the Caribbean region, based in Guadeloupe, as well as its operational mechanism for humanitarian action and regional cooperation. PIRAC assists people in the Caribbean in the event of major disasters, and works to build resilience in French territories, as well as in the countries of the Caribbean arc and the Guyana Plateau.

PIRAC started the READY 360° program in January 2023 co-financed by the INTERREG Caribbean program. The READY 360° program aims to build global and greener resilience in Caribbean territories by strengthening disaster preparedness and response capacities at all levels: from the individual and family, to organizations and businesses, right up to the level of regional institutional coordination of risk management. It is divided into two phases: phase 1 to be implemented in 2023, and phase 2 from 2024.

It aims to achieve 4 main objectives: (i) Strengthen regional coordination and legislative frameworks for disaster management; (ii) Prepare for, anticipate and respond to disasters and crises with greener preparedness measures. (iii) Improve information, awareness and preparedness of citizens to disasters and crises; (iv) Develop technical studies and research on disaster management with experts and academic actors.

Emergency professionals (disaster risk management operators and National societies), entrepreneurs, the general public and young people are the main targets of the project, through actions to structure regional technical cooperation, emergency pre-positioning, training and the development of innovative educational 3 tools. The fundamental principle of this new approach is to reduce the environmental impact of risk management practices.

The program’s institutional partners are the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), and 8 Caribbean territories are involved in the program: Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. As part of this program, PIRAC carries out emergency preparedness actions, including strengthening the storage capacities of Caribbean National societies (National Red Cross).

As part of this program, PIRAC carries out emergency preparedness actions, including strengthening the storage capacities of Caribbean National Societies. The Red Cross Movement encourages the systematic integration of sustainability into the emergency response cycle and its members to reduce their own environmental impact. The CRF, along with several National Societies in the Caribbean zone, is a signatory to the Humanitarian Charter on Climate and the Environment, which commits them to minimizing environmental damage. By supporting National Societies in implementing their commitments, in particular by building and equipping storage facilities using an eco-responsible approach, they will be able to reduce their environmental impact.

To strengthen the disaster preparedness of Caribbean territories, the material capacities of the region’s National Societies have been improved through the construction in 2021 of storage warehouses meeting anti-hurricane and earthquake standards, and the creation of contingency stocks in 6 Caribbean territories (Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent & the Grenadines).


As part of the research and innovation activities of the READY 360° program, studies aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of humanitarian emergency operations in the Americas-Caribbean region are planned.

One of these is a study of waste management and treatment capacities for emergency operations in the Americas-Caribbean (see study scope below), and the formulation of financially evaluated operational recommendations for effective waste management integrated into emergency operations.

With a perspective of eventually including the waste disposal phase in the planning of an emergency operation, this study will identify existing circuits, qualify their level of maturity and efficiency, and develop operational recommendations so that humanitarian response actors in the region can include waste disposal in the sizing of their emergency response in line with donor commitments and environmental requirements.

PIRAC is looking for a service provider to carry out this study.

How to apply

We invite interested service providers to download the Terms of Reference via this link, or to request them by e-mail at the addresses below:

Files must be submitted to the French Red Cross PIRAC no later than january 14th 2024 with the following subject line: “PF267_ABY_ABY_2024_0003 Study on waste treatment capacities” to the following email addresses:



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