Consultancy for the Development of a Mental Health Care and Promotion Project aimed at Human Rights Defenders ( SSA ), Brasilia, Brazil At UN Women – United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Closing date: Sunday, 3 September 2023

Consultancy for the Development of a Mental Health Care and Promotion Project aimed at Human Rights Defenders ( SSA )

Location : Brasilia, BRAZIL

Application Deadline : 03-Sep-23 ( Midnight New York, USA )

Additional Category : Gender Equality

Type of Contract : Other

Post Level : Other

Languages Required : English Portuguese

Starting Date : ( date when the selected candidate is expected to start )


Duration of Initial Contract : 4 months

Expected Duration of Assignment : 4 months

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.



UN Women, based on the vision of equality enshrined in the United Nations Charter, works to eliminate discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Putting women’s rights at the center of all their efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates the efforts of the United Nations system to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender integration translate into actions around the world. It offers strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.

In Brazil, we operate in three thematic areas:

  •  Leadership and political participation of women
  •  Economic empowerment
  •  Elimination of violence against women

With regard to the thematic area of Elimination of violence against women ( EVAW ), the results stand out: 1 – Women, girls, men and boys, in particular those facing multiple forms of discrimination, have an expanded knowledge of violence against women and girls;

2 – National and subnational authorities and partners with greater capacity to implement and monitor laws, policies, strategies and budgets to respond to violence against women and girls.

The UN Women’s Office in Brazil is an international reference in the integration of an intersectional perspective, that is, which considers the impact of multiple and cross-discrimination on the lives of women and girls in their diversity, focusing mainly on the overlaps of oppression of gender, race, ethnicity, class and regionality. Based on the recommendations of the UN General Assembly resolution on the protection of women defenders of human rights, adopted on December 18, 2013, attention is focused on women in their diversity who work individually or collectively in the defense of collective rights.


The consultancy’s proposal contributes to the achievement of Result 3.1 of the current Strategic Note, “ Legislation, favorable social environment and policy are in place to end violence against women and girls ”, as well as Results 3.1.2, “ National and subnational authorities and partners have improved their ability to implement and monitor laws, policies, strategies and budgets to respond to violence against women and girls ” and 3.1.1, “ Women, girls, men and boys, particularly those facing multiple forms of discrimination, have increased knowledge of violence against women and girls. ”

The consultancy takes place within the scope of the project “ Connecting Women, Defending Rights ” ( CMDD ), an initiative of UN Women Brazil financed by the European Union, which aims to strengthen solidarity, skills and communication among women human rights defenders for early warning and self-protection against threats and violence against women and girls.

Work related to the prevention and confrontation of human rights violations, which implies daily contact with situations of violence, has several effects on the lives of women defenders, including psychological distress. Therefore, permanent actions to promote and care for mental health are necessary for women who defend human rights. Still experiencing a serious economic crisis aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the intensification of threats to the life or physical and mental integrity of the defenders, which has been aggravating their suffering, the construction and implementation of these actions becomes even more urgent.

During 2020, the CMDD project defined as a priority to involve mental health professionals in strategies to protect and prevent violence against women defenders. In this sense, the CMDD project implemented a Pilot Strategy for Mental Health aimed at Human Rights Defenders, aiming to contribute to the objective of providing safe spaces for women human rights defenders, paying special attention to the effects of violence and threats on your mental health. To achieve this goal, UN Mulheres has entered into a partnership with psychology institutes and health professionals specialized in psychosocial care, to develop and implement a mental health promotion and care device for women human rights defenders in Brazil.

The worsening of the VOC-19 pandemic made it impossible to continue the Strategy, so that in this post-pandemic period the need for a new intervention is evident, in which there is consistency in the spaces for care and promotion of mental health, capable of opposing the fragmentation of territories and the bonds that permeate the performance of human rights defenders. It is also imperative that these spaces are collective and intercultural to allow the exchange and co-creation of care strategies among the defenders themselves, in order to overcome the individualizing understanding of the psychological suffering inherent in the work of facing human rights violations and the profile of defenders. Based on the Pilot Mental Health Strategy aimed at Human Rights Defenders,UN Mulheres intends to continue the experience and proposes a new work aimed at sustainability, continuity and multiplication of the promotion of mental health care for women defenders. This stage will focus on the production of a guiding document, multiplication and exchange of knowledge that can expand the reach of care and the promotion of mental health.

Duties and Responsibilities


This Term of Reference aims to hire an individual specialized in the promotion of mental health and psychological and psychosocial care services for the purpose of producing a technical and guiding document methodological approach to mental health care for women who defend human rights.

The action includes the systematization of reflections and previous experiences to contribute to the composition of guiding material that contains strategies and flows for the care and promotion of mental health for women who defend rights humans.

At the end of the consultancy, Psychology professionals and multidisciplinary psychosocial care teams are expected to have access to technical guidance document for improving support services and promoting mental health for women who defend rights humans.


The work consists of systematizing the memory of the activities carried out in the first stage of the Strategy, in order to share the technical accumulation of the professionals who facilitate the activity, adding to the care technologies already used by organizations and collectives of women human rights defenders. Besides that, this term of reference deals with the production of guiding material about psychosocial care practices for women human rights defenders to be disseminated through institutional arrangements within the scope of the Unified Health and the Unified Social Assistance System, among others.

Under the direct supervision of the Project Manager “ Connecting Women, Defending Rights ” ( CMDD ) and technical monitoring by the Specialist in the area of coping with violence against women, the contracted party must implement the following activities: 1. Development work plan for the development of the Guiding Document with mental health care and promotion practices addressed to Human Rights Defenders

  •  Proposition of work plan and detailed work schedule.
  •  Facilitation of up to 2 ( two ) remote meetings, with the UN Women team, to discuss the work plan and detailed schedule.
  •  Adjustment of the proposal based on the appreciation of UN Women.

2. Knowledge management and exchange of experiences on Mental Health Care and Promotion Practices aimed at Human Rights Defenders

  •  Consultations with psychosocial care professionals participating in the first stage of the Strategy.
  •  Elaboration of technical and methodological guide, on mental health care for human rights defenders, with accessible language and friendly format, to be disseminated through physical and digital means with professionals and multidisciplinary teams of psychosocial care, as well as with human rights organizations, partner institutions, movements, networks of human rights defenders. The responsibility for the layout / design and printing of the guide will be UN Women.

3. Monitoring and reporting

  •  Regular meetings, as established in the work plan, were held with the UN Women team for returnees.
  •  Elaboration of Activity Report regarding the process of composing the guiding document.


Products to be delivered



Work Plan and Detailed Schedule

7 working days after signing the contract


Draft of the Guiding Document on clinical and political devices for the mental health care of human rights defenders, containing the structure of the final document

30 days after signing the contract


Guiding Document on clinical-political mental health care devices for human rights defenders, containing the structure of the final document

45 days after signing the contract


Report with a summary of progress and results achieved presented

60 days after signing the contract

* All products must be presented in Portuguese and include the complete set of support documents, such as training agendas and methodologies, handouts, lists of participants, etc. Supporting documents must be presented in Portuguese.

UN Women will review each product and return with comments or approval in up to 10 working days. In the case of comments, UN Women will approve each product after incorporating comments and the product is considered final.


Payments for services will be made after the delivery of each product set out in the table above, upon certification of satisfactory performance by UN Women according to the established schedule.

Payments will be processed up to 10 working days after final product approval and delivery of the signed Payment Certification form.

When processing the last payment, it must be accompanied by the Performance Evaluation of ( a ) consultant ( a ).

The Special Service Agreement ( SSA ) modality establishes that the remuneration for this type of contract must include all expenses necessary for the performance of the service and social protection of the contracted person. The organization will not be responsible for additional costs or benefits. Therefore, it is the responsibility of ( a ) consultant ( a ) to provide adequate and valid medical insurance during the term of the contract, and it is recommended that the referred policy include coverage for diseases related to COVID-19. Medical coverage must be international when the contract requires travel / missions or stay in a foreign country during its term.

If ( a ) is selected for this consultancy, proof of medical coverage must be presented within the first two months of the contract.

No trip is planned for the development of the consultancy.


The ( a ) consultant ( a ) is expected to work remotely during the term of their contract using their own computer and should be available for virtual meetings with UN Women when necessary.

UN Women will provide ( to ) consultant ( a ) inputs and technical support documents related to the tasks / activities to be developed, as well as logistical and coordination support for organizing meetings with key stakeholders and partners.


The work and performance of ( a ) consultant ( a ) will be evaluated and monitored by ( a ) supervisor ( a ) regularly to ensure that contractual obligations are fully complied with. The ( A ) consultant ( a ) will maintain permanent coordination with your / your supervisor ( a ) to execute and develop the products requested by this consultancy effectively. It ( a ) will also provide the information requested under the terms of reference.

Performance Indicators

The performance of ( a ) consultant ( a ) will be evaluated in relation to criteria such as: information / products delivered at the time determined in the contract, responsibility, initiative, communication, precision and quality of the delivered products. The evaluation will be carried out by ( a ) supervisor ( a ) and will serve as input for payments to / to the consultant ( a ) upon delivery of the planned products.



Organizational Values and Principles

  •  Integrity: Demonstrate consistency in the defense and promotion of UN Women’s values in actions and decisions, following the United Nations Code of Conduct.
  •  Professionalism: Demonstrate professional competence and experience in the knowledge of their substantive areas of work.
  •  Cultural sensitivity and diversity: Demonstrate recognition of the organization’s multicultural nature and the variety of its ( its ) employees ( as ). Demonstrate an international perspective, valuing the difference in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Organizational skills

  •  Awareness and sensitivity towards gender issues
  •  Corporate responsibility
  •  Creative problem solving
  •  Effective communication
  •  Inclusive Collaboration
  •  Stakeholder engagement
  •  Lead by example

Functional skills

  •  Good communication skills.
  •  Good teamwork skills.
  •  Ability to collect and interpret data, reach logical conclusions and present findings
  •  Good analytical skills
  •  Good knowledge of eliminating violence against women and human rights

Required Skills and Experience


For ( a ) candidate ( a ) to be considered ( a ), they must meet the following qualifications and requirements: Mandatory: Education

  •  Complete higher education in an area related to mental health promotion ( Psychology, Social Work or related areas )
  •  Postgraduate studies and / or specializations in an area related to mental health promotion

Professional experience

  •  Proven experience in conducting at least one consultancy or work similar to this call
  •  At least 5 years of work in the area of psychosocial care
  •  At least one experience at work with issues of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls.
  •  At least professional experience in the development of technical products related to gender equality and / or combating racism.
  •  At least one experience in human rights in any of the following areas: mental health and / or women human rights defenders and / or discrimination against black people, LGBTI and other minorities and/or women’s rights and / or the rights of people of African descent.


  •  Distinct competence in consulting and communication skills, as well as the ability to work independently and with virtual teams.

Languages and other skills

  •  Excellent knowledge of Portuguese

Desirable: Education

  •  Master’s or Doctorate in an area related to the promotion of mental health of women human rights defenders

Professional experience

  •  Experience in coordinating projects and collective initiatives in the area of mental health and human rights
  •  Experience with coordination of support groups and / or similar collective activities, aimed at promoting mental health and / or comprehensive care for women.
  •  Specific experience in mental health care work with women human rights defenders

Languages and other skills

  •  Knowledge of English at an intermediate level ( working knowledge ) is an advantage.


For the selection process, the evaluation committee will carry out a technical review of the curricula ( 70% ) and of the financial proposals ( 30% ) based on the established requirements and criteria.

The contract will be offered if the proposal submitted by ( a ) o ( a ) candidate ( a ) is evaluated as:

  •  Adequate / According to the rules / acceptable.
  •  Have received the highest score according to a predetermined set of technical and financial criteria defined specifically for the contract in question.

The total number of points awarded to the technical qualification component is 70. The technical qualification of ( a ) candidate ( a ) is assessed based on documentary analysis and following the following criteria: Evaluation of Technical Requirements

Maximum points to be obtained: 70

Criterion A – Relevant Education

20 including: Complete higher education in an area related to mental health promotion ( Psychology, Social Work or related areas )


Postgraduate studies and / or specializations in an area related to mental health promotion


Master’s or Doctorate in an area related to the promotion of mental health of women human rights defenders


Criterion B – Relevant Professional Experiences

45 including: Proven experience in conducting at least one consultancy or work similar to this call


At least 5 years of work in the area of psychosocial care


At least one experience at work with issues of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls.


At least professional experience in the development of technical products related to gender equality and / or combating racism.


At least one experience in human rights in any of the following areas: mental health and / or women human rights defenders and / or discrimination against black people, LGBTI and other minorities and/or women’s rights and / or the rights of people of African descent.


Experience in coordinating projects and collective initiatives in the area of mental health and human rights.


Experience with coordination of support groups and / or similar collective activities, aimed at promoting mental health and / or comprehensive care for women.


Specific experience in mental health care work with women human rights defenders.


Criterion C – Languages and other skills

5 including: Excellent knowledge of Portuguese


Knowledge of English at an intermediate level ( working knowledge ) is an advantage.


Financial Evaluation




Evaluation Process: Phase 1: long list, based on minimum requirements and correct submission of documentation;

Phase 2: short list based on the documentary analysis of the application documents, based on the criteria established in the terms of reference;

Phase 3: technical evaluation of ( as ) candidates ( as ) pre-selected ( as );


Documentation registration and shipping package: If the ( a ) candidate ( a ) does not mention the essential requirements in your application, it will be invalidated and, therefore, will be discarded from the process.

All ( as ) candidates ( as ) must include in their applications:

  • Personal History Form completed and signed ( P-11 ) in English, which can be downloaded here – 07 / UN – Women – P11 Personal – History – Form – en.doc
  • Financial proposal ( example is provided in Annex I ): The financial proposal must specify a total fixed amount, values per product and travel expenses ( if applicable ) as well as other related costs ( for example, costs related to communication ).

Annex I – Financial Proposal

Breakdown of costs by product: #


BRL value ( Total sum, all inclusive )


Work Plan and Detailed Schedule


Draft of the Guiding Document on clinical-political mental health care devices for human rights defenders, containing the structure of the final document


Guiding Document on clinical-political mental health care devices for human rights defenders, containing the structure of the final document


Report with a summary of progress and results achieved presented



( as ) candidates ( as ) interested ( as ) must register until 11:59 pm on 09/03/2023 sending documents to with the subject “ TdR 027 – Consultancy for the Development of a Mental Health Care and Promotion Project aimed at Human Rights Defenders ”.

Incomplete entries that do not have P11 and financial proposal will not be considered in the evaluation process.


  •  When registering, it is suggested that only one ( 1 ) file be loaded in PDF format. A guide is attached for you to perform this step. – PDF Files . UN Women assumes no responsibility for the success or not of this task. It only describes one of the many ways to compress documents. You can use the application or tool you consider appropriate.
  •  Only entries that fall under the short list will be contacted for the other stages of the selection process.
  •  Consultants ( as ) who have an employment relationship with public institutions can only be hired if they present proof of work authorization ( license ) and/or unpaid leave and letter of no objection to the performance of the consultancy, issued by the employing institution. If the ( as ) candidates ( as ) are linked to a research institution, academic center or university, simply submit a letter of no objection issued by the employing institution.
  •  The ( As ) selected consultants ( as ) must have medical coverage and present the respective receipt within two months from the signing of the contract. For national ( as ) consultants, SUS coverage is also accepted as proof of medical coverage. In this case, the ( as ) candidates ( as ) selected ( must present a SUS identity card when requested ) before signing the contract (. For more information on how to print the SUS identity card, see the following website: https://conectesus –
  •  If travel is required, medical coverage, vaccines required according to destination, travel insurance and certificate of good health by ( a ) consultant ( a ) ( responsibility of ( a ) consultant ( a ).

At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. UN Women recruit, employ, train, compensate and promote regardless of race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, skill, nationality or any other basis covered by appropriate law. All vacancies are decided based on qualifications, skills, integrity and organizational needs.

If you need any reasonable adaptation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women has a zero tolerance policy for conduct incompatible with the purposes and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. Successful candidates must adhere to UN Women policies and procedures and standards of conduct required of personnel hired by UN Women, and will be subject to/as / es the rigorous process of checking references and background ( the background check will include proof of academic credentials and work history. Successful candidates/es may be asked to provide additional information for a background check ).


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