Brief presentation of the CALP Network
CALP is a dynamic global network of over 90 organisations engaged in the critical areas of policy, practice and research in humanitarian cash and voucher assistance (CVA) and financial assistance more broadly. Collectively, CALP members deliver the vast majority of humanitarian CVA worldwide.
Context for the work
The Sahel region is increasingly affected by climate shocks, chronic vulnerabilities, endemic poverty and conflict that are putting millions at risk. In 2023, almost 35 million people needed humanitarian assistance, which accounts for 32% of the whole population.
Several countries within the West Africa region have experienced partial bans on cash and vouchers assistance or have experienced some risks of having bans issued for different reasons.
Expected outcome
To support relevant humanitarian stakeholders in understanding why bans on cash are issued, analyzing whether there are common or similar patterns, reflecting how it would be possible to mitigate this risk, and helping CWGs and practitioners to adapt when these bans are issued.
Main objective
To enable humanitarian actors, particularly in West and Central Africa, to effectively address and mitigate the risk of cash bans.
Specific task(s) of the consultancy
This work will involve a review of literature on contexts where a ban on cash has been issued, key informant interviews with people working with implementing organizations, government officials, financial service providers, etc., and a workshop with some CWGs in the region and other stakeholders to identify successful preventative measures to reduce the risk of bans and how better adapt CVA programs when a CVA ban is issued. The work can be built on the mapping of cash bans that will be done in-house.
So far, several reasons have been listed in some bans on cash: lack of harmonized programs (coordination) with consequent potential harming of communities, increase of inflation, etc. There is a need to identify all these reasons and to analyse them to understand if there are activities that can be done to prevent additional bans from being applied.
In addition, where it is not possible to prevent the issuing of new bans on cash, the CWGs and the implementing organizations should implement adaptative measures.
**Before applying, please reach out to (** to receive more complete ToR.
Key activities of the consultancy include:
Estimated time (days)
Conduct a secondary data review on countries where a ban on cash is currently in place or has been in place in the past, exploring from which stakeholder group the drive for a ban arose from, what their concerns were, how cash stakeholders responded and what the final result was.
Organize KIIs with relevant stakeholders (implementing organizations, FSPs, government officials, etc.) that have experienced working in contexts where CVA has been banned by the Government or where restrictions are/were in place. Update the cash ban mapping document.
Organize a workshop with some CWGs of the region and other relevant stakeholders to brainstorm on the possible mitigation measures that can be adopted to avoid or reduce the risk of having additional bans on cash, and to understand how to better adapt CVA programs when a ban on cash is issued by a government.
Draft a report and a presentation on the findings.
Methodology notes
The methodology will be proposed by the consultants, within the following parameters:
- For this work CALP will not fund or facilitate cross-border travel. Therefore, it is envisaged that at least one of the consultants (or the consultant) will be based in one of the countries of focus (West Africa).
- Key informants will include government actors within the focus countries, so the consultants should demonstrate the ability to access these stakeholders.
- CALP uses Microsoft Planner to coordinate its research and track progress. The consultant(s) will be given access to a project board.
- The consultant(s) will have weekly/bi-weekly check-ins with the CALP project team.
- CALP will share a research specific style guide to ensure the appropriateness of deliverables for the target audience.
Role of CALP
Introduce the consultant to the key stakeholders (CWG, KI, Government,…).
Share with the consultant the outcomes of the cash ban mapping.
Key Deliverables/Outputs
During the consultancy, the following outputs will be expected:
- A short report (maximum 10 pages) with an analysis of the main reasons to issue bans on CVA; suggestions on how to tackle them with mitigation/preventive measures designed for the reasons linked to the causes of bans; suggestions on how the CWG (and its members), HCT, RC/HC can advocate for the removal of the ban on cash; how to adapt CVA programming in the context of a cash ban.
- An online presentation of the work to regional actors.
Profile of the consultants
- An understanding of CVA programming
- Experience in working in humanitarian response contexts
- One of the consultant(s) must be based in a country of focus
- One of the consultant(s) must have experience in drafting reports that inform a politically complex space
- The lead consultant or the firm of consultants must be based in the UTC time zone +/-3 hours maximum
- Ability to interview and draft professionally in French and English
Time Schedule & Project Duration
The work is scheduled to start beginning April 2024 and to close by end-June 2024 with some flexibility.
ACF Spain on behalf of the CALP Network commissions this piece of work. The CALP Regional Representative will manage the consultant, together with relevant colleagues.
Milestones & Payment Schedule
100% payment on completion of the study and delivery of the key deliverables.
Application Process
Please send technical & financial proposals to Landry Djibril Mbodj ( and to Mirko Tommasi ( by April 14th , 2024 indicating in the subject: Mitigating Governmental restrictions on CVA.
The proposal should include the following:
- Short technical proposal outlining the proposed methodology, workplan, and budget.
- CVs of the proposed candidate(s), underlying specific relevant experience, and expected roles and responsibilities for each candidate. At least one consultant should be based in one of the countries of focus (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Togo).
- Two writing samples illustrating succinct and clear writing skills in English and in French.
**Before applying, please reach out to (** to receive more complete ToR.
Any additional general clarifications on the consultancy should be addressed to Mirko Tommasi ( or Amadou Diop ( and in CC .
How to apply
Interested organizations, please send technical & financial proposals to Landry Djibril Mbodj ( and to Mirko Tommasi ( by April 14th , 2024 indicating in the subject: Mitigating Governmental restrictions on CVA.
The proposal should include the following:
- Short technical proposal outlining the proposed methodology, workplan, and budget.
- CVs of the proposed candidate(s), underlying specific relevant experience, and expected roles and responsibilities for each candidate. At least one consultant should be based in one of the countries of focus (Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Togo).
- Two writing samples illustrating succinct and clear writing skills in English and in French.
**Before applying, please reach out to (** to receive more complete ToR.
Any additional general clarifications on the consultancy should be addressed to Mirko Tommasi ( or Amadou Diop ( and in CC .