Consultancy for Organisational and Operational Capacity Assessment of the NRC Iran Implementing Partners At Norwegian Refugee Council

Terms of Reference

Consultancy for Organisational and Operational Capacity Assessment of the NRC Iran Implementing Partners and Development of Capacity-Building Action Plan and Capacity-Building Strategy note


The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an independent, non-profit humanitarian organisation dedicated to supporting displaced and vulnerable populations. Since 2012, NRC has been assisting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran (GIRI) in providing aid to Afghan communities across various sectors, including Education, Livelihoods and Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Shelter construction, and Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance and Protection. NRC’s efforts extend to supporting Afghan refugees and vulnerable Iranians in the provinces of Tehran, Alborz, Khorasan Razavi, South Khorasan, Kerman, Yazd, Semnan, Qom, Alborz, Sistan & Baluchestan, Hormozgan, and Markazi.

Since 2018, NRC has significantly increased its collaboration with local partners, as mandated by the Government of Iran. This initiative has been reinforced since 2019 in alignment with NRC’s global localisation agenda and the commitments outlined in the Grand Bargain. NRC partners with local organisations and actors by mobilizing necessary resources and competencies to maximize collective impact and achieve better outcomes for the communities we serve. Through these partnerships, NRC facilitates, supports, and acknowledges the critical role and achievements of local actors. By doing so, NRC ensures that local actors remain integral to the response, empowering them and

contributing to NRC’s strategic exit when external support is no longer needed.

Currently, NRC is collaborating with several local NGOs under various modalities to implement activities across 11 provinces. These partnerships are designed to enhance the efficacy and sustainability of humanitarian efforts, ensuring that local knowledge and expertise are central to the response.

To further strengthen the capacity of its local partners, NRC Iran intends to conduct a comprehensive capacity assessment of its local partners. This consultancy aims to assess the organisational capacity of these local implementing partners and develop a detailed capacity action plan. This plan will be instrumental in fortifying the capacities of local CSOs in Iran, ensuring that they can sustainably support their communities and enhance their response capabilities.


Since 2018, NRC Iran has been committed to fostering strong partnerships with local Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) through a comprehensive approach to capacity

building. This commitment is part of NRC’s broader localisation agenda, which aims to empower local actors and enhance their ability to respond effectively to humanitarian needs.

To support this goal, NRC has implemented a series of training and capacity-building initiatives designed to strengthen the organisational capabilities of its local partners. These initiatives include the establishment of an Experience Sharing Centre, which facilitates the exchange of best practices and lessons learned among local CSOs.

Additionally, NRC conducts on-the-job training sessions that provide hands-on experience and practical skills tailored to the specific needs of each partner organisation. Direct provision of essential equipment and tools further supports the operational efficiency and effectiveness of these local CSOs.

Despite the extensive investment in Capacity-Building since 2018, there remains a need to continually assess and enhance the capabilities of local partners. This assessment is crucial for two primary reasons:

  1. Expanding the Pool of Partners: NRC’s strategic plan includes expanding the number of local partners to better address the diverse needs across its operational areas. As new partners are brought on board, it is essential to provide tailored capacity-building support to ensure they can effectively contribute to the collective humanitarian response.
  2. Evaluating Progress of Existing Partners: It is also important to periodically evaluate the progress of previously trained partners to ensure that the capacity- building efforts have been effective and to identify any areas where additional support may be needed.

Currently, NRC Iran collaborates with 20 local CSOs and aims to increase this number in accordance with government authorizations. To achieve this, NRC recognizes the importance of a robust and ongoing capacity assessment process to identify strengths, gaps, and opportunities for further development.

This consultancy seeks to assess the organisational capacity of NRC’s local implementing partners and develop a Capacity-Building Action Plan that aligns with NRC’s strategy of empowering local CSOs. By doing so, NRC aims to ensure that all partner organisations are well-equipped to deliver high-quality services and contribute to sustainable community development.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of this consultancy is to conduct a comprehensive capacity assessment of NRC’s local implementing partners. This assessment will guide the development of a sustainable organisational capacity-building action plan for NRC Iran. The plan will address organisational capacity gaps identified by and/or with the CSOs and will include a capacity-building strategy aligned with NRC’s localization agenda.

Specific Objectives:

  1. To identify and evaluate the current capacity levels of NRC’s local implementing partners, including a comprehensive assessment of their organizational needs in terms of structure, staffing, and equipment.
  2. To determine specific organisational capacity gaps in collaboration with the CSOs.
  3. To develop a tailored, actionable, and sustainable capacity-building strategy and action plan that addresses identified gaps.
  4. To align the capacity-building strategy with NRC’s localisation agenda, ensuring that local partners are empowered and capacitated for effective implementation.
  5. To provide recommendations for expanding the pool of local partners in line with NRC’s strategic goals and governmental authorisation.

Audience: The primary users of this assignment will be NRC’s Partnership and Capacity Building team, NRC Management, Area Offices, and Core Competency teams in Iran, as well as the local partners themselves. Secondary users will include NRC’s regional office and the project’s donor.

Scope of Work

The consultant team will review the context of NRC Iran’s partnership with local CSOs, analyzing relevant documentation and conducting interviews to understand the current landscape. They will assess the status of 20 current CSOs, identifying their needs and capacity gaps through comprehensive analysis. The team will develop tailored Capacity-Building plans, create a capacity-building strategy, and offer management recommendations.

The consultancy can be conducted remotely, while the presence of the consultant teams in the country will be considered as added value.


The consultancy will employ a multi-faceted approach to conduct a comprehensive capacity assessment of NRC’s local implementing partners. The methodology will include a combination of surveys, desk reviews, interviews, focus group discussions, and participatory workshops. This will ensure a thorough and nuanced understanding of the organisational capacity of each CSO partner.

  1. CSO Mapping & Initial Capacity Assessment (includes scoping calls with NRC and partners): the consultant team will map the current and potential CSO partners and conduct an initial capacity assessment through a survey. This phase also includes scoping calls with NRC and the CSOs to gather preliminary information, establish communication, and set the foundation for a detailed capacity evaluation.
  2. Desk Review: This step involves a thorough review of existing documentation, assessment of NRC partnership management tools & partners’ organisational tools and resources reports, and agreements related to NRC’s partnerships with local CSOs. The process will provide a foundational understanding of the context, previous capacity-building efforts, and current operational status of the CSOs.
  3. Inception report: this step will provide a comprehensive overview of the project’s initial findings and plans. It will include an up-to-date timeline detailing key milestones and deliverables, ensuring all stakeholders are aware of the project’s progression. The report will also propose a list of stakeholders for further engagement, identifying key individuals and organisations essential for the assessment. Additionally, it will include the design of interview tools, such as questionnaires and structured interview guides, tailored to gather relevant information effectively. This foundational document will set the stage for a systematic and thorough capacity assessment process, aligning all parties on the project’s objectives and methods.
  4. Primary Data collection
    1. Key Informant Interviews: Interviews will be conducted with key NRC staff, CSO management, and other relevant stakeholders. These interviews will gather qualitative data on the perceptions of the partnership, capacity-building initiatives, and areas needing further support.
    2. Focus Group Discussions (FGDs): FGDs will be organised with CSO staff and NRC field staff. These discussions will provide deeper insights into the operational challenges, successes, and needs of the CSOs. FGDs will also foster an environment for sharing best practices and lessons learned among different partners.
  5. Analysis and Write-up of CSO Capacity-Building Strategy: This phase involves the systematic analysis of collected data to formulate a robust CSO capacity-building strategy. The analysis will utilize various assessment tools to evaluate organisational strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Based on this analysis, performance indicators will be developed to measure progress and outcomes effectively. The strategy will include detailed M&E plans to ensure ongoing assessment and refinement of capacity-building efforts. Additionally, PCM tools will be incorporated to facilitate the planning, implementation, and monitoring of CSO activities. The resulting Capacity-Building strategy will provide a comprehensive roadmap for enhancing CSO capabilities, aligning with NRC’s localisation agenda and strategic objectives.
  6. Validation Workshops: The validation phase is crucial for ensuring the accuracy and relevance of the assessment findings and proposed strategies. During this phase, the consultant team will present the draft findings, capacity-building strategy, and action plans to NRC and local partners through validation workshops and feedback sessions. Two sessions in Farsi and English will be conducted.
  7. Analysis and Reporting: In the finalisation phase, the consultant team will refine and consolidate the Capacity Building Action Plan and strategy paper based on the feedback received during the validation phase. This involves integrating stakeholder inputs, addressing any identified gaps, and ensuring alignment with NRC’s overall goals and localisation agenda. The final product will include detailed action plans, strategies, and resource requirements. It will also incorporate mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation, and continuous improvement to ensure the sustainability of the capacity-building efforts. The document will be reviewed and approved by NRC’s senior management and relevant stakeholders, ensuring it is comprehensive, practical, and ready for implementation. The finalised strategy will serve as a guiding framework for strengthening CSO capacities and enhancing their ability to deliver effective humanitarian assistance.

Coordination and Management

The NRC Partnership and Capacity Building team (P&CB) will be responsible for the coordination process of this assignment. The P&CB team will oversee administration and overall coordination, including monitoring progress. The main functions of the P&CB team will be:

  • to establish the Terms of Reference of the assignment;
  • to manage the recruitment process;
  • to select and manage the consultant(s);
  • to review and comment on the inception report and approve the proposed strategy;
  • to review and comment on the draft report;
  • to approve the final report and draft the management response;
  • to establish a dissemination and utilization strategy.


CSO Mapping & Initial capacity assessment

Inception report

Data collection

Draft of Final Capacity-Building Action Plan and CB Strategy paper

Validation workshop

Final Capacity-Building Action Plan and CB Strategy paper


includes scoping calls with NRC and partners

Including a deskreview, an up-to-date timeline, proposed list

of stakeholders for further engagement, interview tools design

Includes KIIs, FGDs

Include results of assessments, analysis of data collection, recommendations, Action plan and strategy

Include evaluating the findings of the produced papers

Include addressed comments and considerations by partners and NRC, results of assessments, analysis of data collection, recommendations, Action plan and strategy


Coordination meetings and surveys conducted

Final product submission and approved

Interviews conducted

FGDs conducted

Draft Capacity-Building action plan and CB strategy note

Conduction of two validation works one in Farsi for the partners and 1 in English for NRC staff

Submission and approval of final documents

Expected timeline

The evaluation is expected to be completed in 8 weeks. Start in September.

The consultant is expected to provide a suggested timeline and work plan for the work based on this timeline. In the event of serious problems or delays, the consultant should inform the NRC P&CB team immediately. Any significant changes to review timetables shall be approved by the NRC in advance.

Eligibility and Qualification Requirements

  • Expertise and experience: demonstrated experience in displacement and conflict backgrounds to deliver research, assessment and evaluation projects
  • Policy and advocacy expertise: experience in policy analysis at national and international levels with strong knowledge of localisation agenda
  • Data management and quality Assurance: skills in developing and implementing data collection tools, ensuring they are culturally sensitive, ethical, and aligned with assignment objectives
  • Community engagement and ethical standards: ability to engage effectively with diverse stakeholders, including civil society organizations, and government officials ensuring informed consent, confidentiality, and respect for cultural sensitivities throughout the research process
  • Reporting and communication skills: strong writing and communication skills, with the ability to produce clear, concise, and actionable reports tailored to different audiences.

How to apply

If you are interested to participate in our assessment procedure, please follow the below steps.

The proposal shall include the following as a minimum (failure to submit all documents will give NRC the right to reject the offers without notice):

The technical proposal shall include:

  • The CV/Company Profile.
  • Documented results of their previous experiences (certificates from professional bodies, letters of recommendation from previous employers, etc.);
  • A work plan illustrating all steps that the candidate/company will take to carry out the work.
  • A Timeframe for the entire work including time for preparation, delivery, and submission of the final report.
  • Any other relevant information is mentioned in the attached ToR.
  • Declaration form signed by consultants.The financial offer shall include:
  • Financial offer shall be in EUR.
  • The financial offer shall include and contain the total cost of work.The mentioned documents (financial and technical proposal) should be sent to latest by 22 September 2024.

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