Consultancy 2024/010: “Psychosocial assistant for the Scholarship project for Educational Opportunities ” At International Organization for Migration


FOR CONSULTING CONTRACT OF: Psychosocial assistant for the Scholarship project for Educational Opportunities.

  1. Consulting place. San Salvador and Zacatecoluca, El Salvador.
  2. Consulting duration: 8 months (October 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025).
  3. Nature of consulting: guarantee psychosocial care to scholarship holders through the implementation of the partners of the Scholarship Project for Educational Opportunities.
  4. Context and scope of the project

The “Scholarships for educational opportunities ” project seeks to mitigate irregular migration from El Salvador by increasing access to formal education opportunities for potential and returned migrants so as to stimulate hope, prosperity and self-esteem. El Salvador, the smallest country in Central America, has a population of approximately $6.5 million inhabitants and at least $1.4 million Salvadoran citizens living in the United States, the second largest group of Latin Americans in the United States. USA

To achieve the goal, the project seeks to meet three main objectives: 1) incorporate potential and returned migrant Salvadorans, as well as their families, into formal education, skills development, job training and intermediation; 2) improve learning environments in high schools and technical educational centers; 3) demonstrate the impact that investments in human capital have on mitigating irregular migration through knowledge management activities.

The intervention seeks to influence three dimensions of re-integration defined by IOM: 1) individual level that addresses the needs and vulnerability of potential migrants, returnees and their families; 2) community level that responds to the vulnerabilities and concerns of communities and schools in the prioritized territories; 3) structural level that promotes good governance through active participation with national and local authorities, as well as counterparts to guarantee adequate access to services.

Psychosocial care is one of the dimensions of comprehensive education. Psychosocial assistance at the individual level improves the psychological state of returnees, potential migrants, and people in vulnerable conditions (including emotional, behavioral, and cultural aspects), as well as their ability to establish (or re-establish) positive social networks and relationships and face the factors that drive them to migrate (or migrate again). At the community level, it includes activities aimed at strengthening community social networks to empower returning migrants and foster greater acceptance of these people within the community.

5. Department / Organizational unit to which the consultancy contributes

Program code: CD.0066, project “Scholarships for Educational Opportunities ”

6. Category A consultants: Tasks to be performed under this contract

  • Guarantee the implementation of the psychosocial care plan in the educational centers of the intervention areas and the fulfillment of the goals of the component.
  • Hold face-to-face and virtual meetings, periodically for monitoring and technical support to implementing partners for collective mental health activities and their implementation in accordance with the IOM standard.
  • Hold follow-up meetings and technical support to partners for the supervision and orientation of individual case management in care.
  • Guarantee the optimal development of the life skills module in the intervention, pre and post test surveys.
  • Safeguard the means of verification of collective mental health activities, individual care and life skills.
  • Report activities and achievements weekly in the project report format
  • Maintain direct lines of communication and feedback, as well as support in the preparation and writing of reports, reports of field activities, reports of assistance, among others.
  • Support with the development and maintenance of program files in an orderly manner and in physical and digital form.
  • Perform other related tasks as assigned.

Coordination for the development of these activities will be carried out in conjunction with the “Case Management and Psychosocial Care ” team of the project. Field visits for the fulfillment of activities will be the responsibility of the consulting person.

7. Performance indicators for evaluating results

A) People evaluated in psychosocial care.

100% of the people in the scholarship holders must carry out the psychosocial evaluation.

B) People trained in life skills.

At least 80% of the people in the new short courses must take the pre and post test as well as take the skills module for the life of the project.

c) Individuals attended.

Once the individual attention goals established for each implementing partner under their responsibility have been met.

8. Education, experience and / or skills required

Education and experience:

  • Bachelor of Psychology.
  • Minimum experience of 3 years in facilitating workshops on socio-emotional skills, life skills and the like for youth and adults.
  • Experience in individual psychological care, mastery of cognitive behavioral techniques.
  • Experience in referencing cases with protection and mental health needs with governmental and non-governmental institutions is essential.
  • Knowledge on gender issues is essential.
  • Experience in writing reports based on results, systematizations among others.
  • Intermediate Word, Excel, Power Point domain.
  • Experience in clinical psychological care is an advantage.
  • Courses in psychosocial protection and care are an advantage.
  • Experience working with migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups will be an advantage.
  • Previous work experience with international organizations, institutions or non-governmental or governmental organizations in a multicultural environment is an advantage.

9. Required trips

Towards the Megatec Zacatecoluca, Megatec Santa Tecla and other municipalities headquarters that are required for specific project activities.

10. Budget and evaluation period

The budget for this consultancy is US $ 925.00 per consultant per month. The consultancy will be valid for 8 months, from October 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025. The costs of transfers, lodgings, and others that are required for the fulfillment of the consulting activities, must be covered by the consultant.

eleven. Competences

The owner is expected to express the following values and competences:


  • Inclusion and respect for diversity: Respect and promote individual and cultural differences; fosters diversity and inclusion whenever possible.
  • Integrity and transparency: Maintains high ethical standards and acts consistent with the organization’s principles / rules and standards of conduct.
  • Professionalism: It demonstrates its ability to work calmly, competently and committedly, and exercises careful judgment in facing everyday challenges.

Basic competences – behavioral indicators:

  • Teamwork: Develops and promotes effective collaboration within your unit and in conjunction with others to achieve common goals and optimize results.
  • Production of results: Produces and delivers results on time and with service orientation. Action committed to achieving the agreed results is given.
  • Knowledge management and distribution: Continuously seeks to learn, share knowledge and innovate.
  • Responsibility: It takes upon itself to fulfill the priorities of the Organization and assumes responsibility for its actions and the work delegated to it.
  • Communication: Encourages and contributes to clear and open communication; explains complex issues in an informative, inspiring and motivating way.

How to apply


To be part of the selection process, you must send your resume on two pages to the email address The maximum date to apply is the September 11th. In the matter you must indicate the name of the consultancy.


  • Only applications that meet the established profile will be considered. Applications received after the established date or that do not specify the name of the call will not be considered.
  • Take into account that for this type of hiring the report of relatives in the workplace also applies

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