Comprehensive training package for Masarouna governmental Ministries and entities] At Oxfam

Terms of Reference for [Comprehensive training package for Masarouna governmental Ministries and entities]
Reference number: [RFQ-JOAMM-23-0146]
Oxfam has been in Jordan since the 1990s. We work with local partners in Jordan for a future where everyone can reach their full potential, especially women and young people. We provide essential humanitarian assistance to Syrian refugees as well as vulnerable Jordanians, while promoting longer term sustainable solutions to challenges facing Jordan, with a focus on Climate Justice, Economic Justice and Gender Justice.
Under the Gender Justice programme, Oxfam is part of a regional consortium implementing the Masarouna “Our pathway” programme. The Masarouna initiative follows two interlinked pathways to achieve lasting change: influencing decision makers and communities; and strengthening civic space. Both pathways are supported by a cross-cutting capacity strengthening approach, in partnership with a range of civil society actors. Global and regional partners facilitate access to funds and bring technical and thematic expertise. The project builds on Oxfam’s expertise in using a rights-based and gender responsive approach, with a strong focus on advocating for vulnerable women and young people in Jordan.
Targeting the Governmental of Jordan ministries and entities staff, the main objectives of this training are to equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary and to enable them to have a deeper understanding about Influencing and communication, networking and fundraising, participants can become more effective communicators and influencers, ultimately contributing to improved stakeholder relationships, organizational success, and the achievement of strategic goals.
The training will be one event expected to be designed for a period of 3 days. Tackling the following issues in general, and this should be based on consultation with Oxfam team and to be adjusted according to the needs that could tackled during the training:
• Influencing and communication
– Recognizing the crucial role that effective influencing and communication play in achieving organizational goals and fostering positive relationships.
– Enhancing verbal and written communication skills to ensure clear, concise, and compelling messaging.
– Strengthening interpersonal skills for successful collaboration within the ministry and with external partners.
– Understanding the decision-making processes within the ministry and learn strategies to influence decisions positively.
– Enhancing skills in dealing with the media and public speaking to effectively represent the ministry’s
message and position in various forums.
• Collaboration and Networking
– Providing an overview of the increasing importance of collaboration between government ministries and entities with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs).
– Highlighting the benefits of effective collaboration, including improved service delivery, resource optimization, and enhanced community development.
– Building effective communication channels and promoting successful partnerships between governmental bodies and NGOs/INGOs (Oxfam).
– Defining the primary objectives of the training program, such as fostering understanding, building effective communication channels, and promoting successful partnerships between governmental bodies and NGOs/INGOs.
• Fundraising:
– Developing a clear understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of fundraising, including its role in supporting the ministry’s mission and objectives.
– Developing a clear understanding of budgeting for fundraising activities, including estimating costs, allocating resources efficiently, and ensuring financial sustainability.
– Learning to identify and evaluate various potential funding sources, including government grants, private donors, corporate partnerships, and international funding opportunities.
– Understand the importance of monitoring and evaluating fundraising efforts to assess their impact, identify areas for improvement, and make data-informed decisions.
The trainer will be responsible to:
– Provide an implementation plan along with a clear methodology for the training, including all requirements, deliverables, and timeline.
– Design a full training package along with content materials on Influencing and communication, Collaboration and Networking and Fundraising.
– to design and deliver Pre and post assessments.
– Deliver training workshops on the above-mentioned topics to the target groups mentioned in section 2 above.
– Submit final training report discussing on the process, outcomes including results of the pre-post assessment, and recommendations/observations for improvements.
4. KEY DELIVERABLES AND TIMELINE Deliverables Due Date Submission of the designed the training material on different thematic areas 5th April 2024
Delivering the training
During the week 5-23 May 2024 Submission of final report One week after training delivery
5. Expected Level of Effort (LoE):
5 days
TASK # Of Days Required Training preparation 1
Training facilitation
3 Training Reporting 1
– Previous experience working within or closely with governmental ministries or entities.
– Familiarity with bureaucratic structures, policies, and decision-making processes.
– Strong facilitation skills to engage diverse groups of participants and create an inclusive learning environment.
– Demonstrated expertise in the specific areas of influencing, communication, fundraising, and collaboration, ideally through several years of professional experience.
– Familiarity with various fundraising techniques, including grant writing, donor relations, and event planning.
– Ability to design and deliver interactive training sessions, workshops, and seminars.
– Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written, to convey complex concepts and information clearly.
– Commitment to staying informed about the latest developments in the field through continuous learning.
– Commitment to ethical conduct in all aspects of training, including respect for participant confidentiality and privacy.
– Booking the venue.
– Preparing invitation and participations list.
– Obtaining the government approval on the training.
– Covering participation transportation.
– Handling printing the training materials and participation certificates.
– Any other logistic work/ requirement.
Applications will be assessed according to the following criteria:
• Financial proposal 30%: reasonable budget for the proposed goals and activities and proper budget breakdown.
• Qualifications and competencies 20%: relevant experience of the consultant who will be conducting the assignment in Jordan.
• Technical proposal 50%: Completeness of the proposal including: the approach, the methodology, Timeline, expected output(s).

How to apply

Please submit your application to:, including each of the following separately, and valid for 90 days:
− Your CV
− Covering letter
− Technical offer explaining the methodology and approach.
− Financial offer including all costs, in Jordanian Dinars (JOD), inclusive 5% income tax for Jordanians, and 10 % income tax for internationals.
Applicants should submit technical and financial proposals as separate documents to with the subject line: [Comprehensive training package for Masarouna] and RFQ Number [RFQ-JOAMM-23-0146].
10th of March 2024

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