Communication Intern, Dakar, Senegal At UNDP – United Nations Development Program

Closing date: Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Communication Intern

Rental : Dakar, SENEGAL

Deadline application : 15-Aug-23 ( Midnight New York, USA )

Type of Contract : Internship

Post Level : Intern

Required Languages : French

Starting Date : ( date when the selected candidate is expected to start )


Duration of Initial Contract : 3 months ( with possibility of extension )

Expected Duration of Assignment : 6 months

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


UNDP is the global development network of the United Nations system. It advocates change, and links countries to the knowledge, experiences and resources that their people need to improve their lives. UNDP forges partnerships at all levels of society to help build resilient nations to achieve growth that improves everyone’s quality of life. Present in more than 170 countries and territories, UNDP supports countries to develop and share solutions to the problems of Democratic Governance, Sustainable Development and Adaptation to Climate Change. The comparative advantages of UNDP are its experiences in promoting sustainable human development,its knowledge management capacities acquired around the world and its commitment to support the least developed countries in their transition to emergence.

In Senegal, UNDP interventions mainly cover the Strengthening of the Governance System, the Promotion of Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Sustainable Management of the Environment and Natural Resources. In order to highlight the impact of Program interventions as well as the results of the partnership with Senegal, UNDP relies on communication, whose role is essential in the development process. The communication supports the promotion of priority initiatives and projects of the CPD 2019-2023 and their results through a complex strategy using several tools and techniques.

Dans ce contexte, le Bureau Pays du PNUD Sénégal recrute un(e) stagiaire pour renforcer les actions menées dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de Communication du Bureau. Il s’agit d’une expérience enrichissante pour les étudiants souhaitant acquérir de l’expérience dans la communication axée sur les résultats et la gestion de la communication dans un environnement onusien. Le/La stagiaire travaillera au sein de l’Unité Communication.

Duties and Responsibilities

Sous la supervision du Spécialiste en Communication du Bureau, le/la stagiaire accomplira les tâches suivantes :

  •  Appuyer la conception et la création de supports imprimés, électroniques et numériques (brochures, plaquettes, magazines, affiches, présentations, rapports, et autres supports de communication notamment pour le site web et les réseaux sociaux du Bureau.
  •  Support the creation of dynamic and attractive digital visuals for the website, social networks, newsletters ;
  •  Prepare animations, infographics and other promotion and information videos, for projects and for social networks: editing and creation of video sequences.
  •  Perform alterations and image processing.
  •  Design models and maps for projects.
  •  Develop multiple design and graphic production specifications.
  •  Liaise with external agencies, printers and office teams, if necessary.
  •  Support the implementation of campaigns, events and other initiatives.
  •  Support the organization of field visits with the media and other official visitors.
  •  Support the implementation of the Program’s communication strategies: contribution to the promotion of events and initiatives organized by the Program and its partners, namely the workshops, seminars, meetings, public campaigns, international days ) through printed and digital media, social networks and the Office’s website.
  •  Support the cover of events, photo / video capture ;
  •  Support the animation and maintenance of the social network platforms of the UNDP Senegal: creation of dynamic and attractive visuals, editing of video capsules, launch of virtual campaigns, audience measurements, support for the engagement of the influenceers, watch for popular trends and exploration of the opportunities for engagement of the UNDP ;
  •  Support the development of campaign and advocacy activities in collaboration with non-traditional partners and personalities.

Support any other task of the Unit.


Intrinsic values:

  •  Demonstrate its integrity by complying with the values and moral standards of the United Nations ;
  •  Demonstrate its ability to exercise in a diverse environment that does not take into account cultural difference, religion, race, nationality and sensitivity.

Functional skills :

  •  Promote knowledge management at UNDP and a learning environment in the office through its own conduct and behavior.

Operational skills :

  •  Faculty of interpretation of requests, creativity, imagination and force of proposal Knowledge of IT and current technological trends
  •  Ease in written and oral communication ;
  •  Ability to apply new systems.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic qualifications :

  •  The Intern must have obtained a university degree in Computer Science, Digital Arts or equivalent less than a year before the start of the internship, in a school, institute or approved establishment.

Technical skills and competences

  •  Experience proven in high impact graphic creation.
  •  Solid skills in composition and graphic design techniques: mastery of professional graphics software including the essential Adobe Creative Cloud suite – Illustrator, Photoshop, First Pro, InDesign and After Effects. Skills in layout and photo-editing.
  •  Solides connaissances gestion des réseaux sociaux : administration, gestion des statistiques, création de contenu, suivi des audiences et des opportunités d’interaction avec d’autres pages
  •  Excellentes compétences en communication et en analyse ;
  •  Intérêt pour les ODD et les enjeux de développement ;
  •  Proactivité, créativité et ouverture d’esprit ;
  •  Excellent esprit de collaboration en équipe ;
  •  Compréhension du travail du PNUD ;
  •  Expérience pratique des communications et de la sensibilisation aux médias sociaux.
  •  Expérience avec les Nations Unies est un atout

Langues requises :

  •  Français: maîtrise courante à l’oral et à l’écrit.
  •  Anglais serait un atout.

Conditions :

  •  UNDP is not responsible for the costs resulting from accidents and / or an illness occurring during the internship and, therefore, the/the trainee must provide proof of registration for a health insurance plan;
  •  UNDP does not deal with immigration authorities and therefore the trainee will be responsible for obtaining the necessary visas. UNDP can only support me by providing the invitation letter for visa, if necessary.
  •  The trainee receives a monthly internship allowance according to the current schedule set by the UNDP Headquarters and all expenses related to the internship are borne by the trainee ;
  •  The trainee will accumulate leaves at the rate of one and a half days per month. Any day of accumulated leave not used at the end of the internship will be lost. Any unjustified absence during the internship period exceeding a total of nine days will be deducted from the monthly allowance ;
  •  The internship at the UNDP does not systematically guarantee a job at the end of the internship ;
  •  The selected candidate must undertake to comply with the following obligations with regard to the internship program :
  •  Behave in a manner compatible with his responsibilities as a holder of an internship at the UNDP ;
  •  Garder confidentiel tous les renseignements non publiés que le bureau communiquera au cours de son stage, et de ne pas publier les rapports ou documents de travail sur la base des informations obtenues au cours de ce stage, sauf avec l’autorisation du PNUD;
  •  Fournir un avis écrit en cas de maladie ou autres circonstances inévitables qui pourraient l’empêcher de remplir ses obligations ;
  •  Préparer un court rapport sur son stage à la fin de stage et de le soumettre au Département concerné ;
  •  Faire un entretien de sortie avant la date d’expiration de son stage.

Les candidatures féminines sont fortement recommandées.


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