Communication consultancy: Telling our Story At European Institute of Peace

Based in Brussels and active in over a dozen countries, the European Institute of Peace ( is an independent organisation working collaboratively with the parties to the conflict, those who represent people suffering from insecurity or at risk of violence, as well as European decision-makers and the conflict prevention, resolution and mediation community.

We provide practical experience, technical expertise, and policy advice on conflict resolution. We use a variety of tools to help us do this, including analysis, mapping and design of peace processes and agreements, facilitating policy discussions, and proposing practical engagement, for example through inclusive dialogue and mediation support.

Are you captivated by our innovative approach to peace, and do you want to contribute to the mission of our institute? Do you share our vision for a world where people live in safety and peace because conflicts and grievances are resolved through inclusive dialogue and lasting political agreements?

We are looking for a journalist or writer​ to deliver a portfolio of stories about the work of the European Institute of Peace. The consultant(s) will report to the Executive Director and be supported by his office/the Institute’s Public Affairs and Communications Officer.

You will

  1. Deliver a portfolio of at least ten stories about the work of the European Institute of Peace by early May 2024. These will be used for Institute’s upcoming 10th anniversary. The objective is to highlight the challenges faced by conflict resolution, dialogue and mediation actors, using the Institute’s own experience to illuminate the issues, as well as to root the work of EIP in the human experience of peace work.
  2. Identify candidate stories. This will require familiarisation with the work of the Institute by looking at programme reports and other documentation; by meeting a cross section of personnel; and by reviewing and discussing suggestions by the Senior Management Team regarding potential stories with a view to agreeing on which ones to cover.
  3. Write up the stories. The target audience is individuals knowledgeable about international affairs but not necessarily about conflict resolution or the Institute. There is no predetermined length and no need for them to have the same word count; more important is that they are coherent and compelling. This will involve interviewing individuals knowledgeable about selected stories, whether Institute personnel, consultants, beneficiaries, or partners.
  4. Capture relevant visual content to accompany the written stories where possible (interviews, photos, videos). Colleagues at the Institute may be able to help once it is clear what would be most useful.
  5. Review the stories with the Executive Director and his team for accuracy and sensitivity, and propose/discuss ways in which they can best be disseminated in terms of products, events or through the media, whether as a collection or as stand alone stories.

Your skills and experience

  • Strong story telling track record/portfolio, whether as a journalist or writer;
  • Knowledge of international affairs and experience working in conflict situations;
  • An understanding of sensitivities relating to the work of the Institute, given the discreet nature of much of our work;
  • To deliver against timelines agreed;
  • Perfect command of English (verbal and written).

What we are offering

  • Consultancy contract from March 2024 till May 2024.

How to apply

Closing date: 11/02/2024, midnight (CET).

Please submit your application using the following link:

Our hiring team will review all applications after the closing date of the vacancy. We will keep you informed on the status of your application.

EIP firmly believes that diverse perspectives are key to our work. Therefore we are committed to equity, diversity and inclusiveness. Your qualities and commitment are what matter to us, regardless of race, nationality, gender, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.


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September 2024