Career Manager – based in Dakar M/W At Doctors Without Borders

MSF-Dakar has an extremely dynamic team of more than 110 people working in the countries of the Economic Community of the States of’West Africa (ECOWAS) and Cameroon. As part of MSF’s offices around the world, this team brings together human resources and increases its expertise to support MSF projects in more than 70 countries, including, with an Intersectional Regional HR Unit and expectations to further strengthen our operational support capacity in the coming years. The main office of MSF-Senegal is in Dakar, as a support office in full growth. MSF-Senegal is an organization committed to promoting’ inclusion and diversity through its recruitment channel; we encourage the candidacy of people regardless of their ethnicity, origin, gender, gender, gender, gender,sexual orientation, age, political affiliations, religious and/or physical difficulties. L’Regional HR Unit supports a dynamic inter-Regional Operational Center to ensure an efficient and optimized operational response/shared within MSF missions in West and Central Africa and provides support to MSF’s work worldwide.


Objective of the position : the Career Manager plays a central role in the sense of’ belonging of employees to MSF and is their point of reference to discuss and plan with them their professional development within MSF. The Career Manager actively participates in the development of the skills and abilities of our global staff to build expertise and train our future leaders to respond to current and future operational interventions aimed at providing medical assistance to the population.


· Advise on skills development by identifying the training solutions necessary for the’employee and by offering him a’apprentissage course.

· Contribute to the’ identification of talents and participate in their placement in missions in collaboration with pool managers in operational centers in order to have the right person with the appropriate skills to the right place and at the right time.

· Play an important role in diversity,’ equity and’ inclusion by ensuring equal access to’ employment opportunities in all MSF intervention regions and to’ learning solutions through the movement.


Career management consulting and development :

  • Support the’employee in the reflection on its long-term ambitions, its motivation and commitment, its strengths and axes of’improvement, and translate this into a short and long-term career and development plan aligned with the current and future needs of the’organisation.
  • Carry out career management interviews, provide support to the’employee to carry out his skills assessment, analyze employee evaluations and make reports.
  • Become familiar with MSF contexts and operations worldwide, follow HR requests to stay well informed on the necessary profiles and keep abreast of offers of’apprenticeship solutions.
  • Discuss with employees the opportunities of’emploi (explain the context, the position in the field, its challenges and opportunities).
  • Based on the experiences, skills and interests of the’employee, collaborate with the global pool manager (GPO) on the candidate’s potential assignments and learning needs globally (D365/ID Card) and through regular communication.
  • Maintain regional pools and lists with up-to-date information on availability, skills, career aspirations, and more, constraints and performance of pool members to support short and long term employee retention and meet operational needs.
  • Proactively review vacancies in the field and identify candidates to be nominated at Designated Operational Centres (SCOs).
  • Confer with pool managers (PMs) to identify personnel needs, job specifications, qualifications and skills required.
  • In consultation with recruitment managers, refer candidates for placements in appropriate field positions based on skills,’ experience and availability.
  • Identify high-potential employees and leaders of tomorrow.

• 2 The Career Manager shall ensure that the maximum number of placements is reached.• He/She ensures the updating of the availability of the candidates in his pool.

• Identifies matching opportunities through communications with the GPO, vacancy lists and’ other information.

• Agit as the main focal point between candidates and operational stakeholders during the matching process.

• Proposes from candidates to relevant pool managers and opportunities to candidates who meet both the employee’ profile and operational needs.

• Represents candidates with the support of the recruitment report, the IP card and the individual development plan while ensuring the availability of the people presented.

• Confirms the matchings with all the stakeholders concerned to guarantee a maximum commitment.

Facilitating missions

At departure
· performs due diligence in ensuring that the field worker leaves in full compliance and in possession of all the reliable information available on the mission to leave with the right expectations.
· Emphasizes career development briefings and other meetings.
· prepares the concrete actions to be undertaken during the mission, in accordance with the long-term personal/professional development plan..

During mission
.• at least once during the mission, the Career Manager has a personal contact (mail, Skype, phone, etc.) to follow the’.

On return
• Debriefer field workers returning from’a mission, highlighting the skills acquired and those requiring improvement.
• Advise employees back on the services at their disposal (PSCU, Operations, Training, Administration, Contractual) and help them navigate the MSF structure.
• Review and store end-of-mission evaluations.
• Ensure the flow of relevant information to internal customers (PM, Operations, HR, L&D) and updates employee availability .

Support and quality control

· provide support and perspectives on cases related to responsible behaviour involving members of the pool.

· (Manage reports on behavioural problems with the utmost professionalism to ensure that appropriate action is taken.

· communicates with the field worker on topics such as behavioral commitments, performance management and other related policies that may affect the worker’s engagement with the’organization.

· Share with the pool manager in the operational centre any important information received from the field staff member (while respecting confidentiality) that may be relevant to planning labour / succession planning.

Administration and general tasks
• Contributes to HR Reporting and statistics and departmental planning.
• Organises and/or actively participates and contributes to the success of Welcome Days and PPD and WTMSF sessions.
• Works towards helping the overall organization understand field realities through debriefing of returning field staff.
• There will sometimes be the opportunity to go on short field assignments and /or to co-facilitate trainings in the field, where possible and in consultation with L&D team.
• Travel to national and international meetings, as required.
• Manage the HR information system, update information related to the candidates directly in the system.
• contribute to HR reports and statistics and departmental planning.
• 2 Organize and/or actively participate and contribute to the success of’accueil days and PPD and WTMSF sessions.
• To work to help the’ whole of the’organization to understand the realities of the field thanks to the debriefings of the field staff back.
• There will sometimes be the’opportunity to do short field missions and/or co-facilitate field trainings, when possible and in consultation with the’ L&D team.
• Travel for national and international meetings, as required.
• ie Gerer the system of’information RH, updates the information relating to the candidates directly in the system.

Experiences / Training

Professional skills

Education, Experience and basic skills :

· A university degree in the field of health, social sciences or humanities is desirable; specializations in HR, psychology or a related field would be an asset.
· Experience in a variety of international contexts through missions with volunteer humanitarian non-governmental organizations.
· Knowledge of the international human resources management system and processes in the field is required.
· Experience in MSF field projects is highly desirable.
· Experience in investment advice and mobility management/development is desirable.
· Great knowledge and understanding of African contexts and cultures.
· Mastery of French and’anglais.
· skills in negotiation, communication and interpersonal relations.
· Commitment to the principles and behavioural commitments of MSF.
· Flexibility.

Qualities required

· skills in negotiation, communication and interpersonal relations.
· Commitment to the principles and behavioural commitments of MSF.
– Flexibility


Full-time position (100%), based in Dakar – Senegalese contract.

· – Contract of indefinite duration <TAG1> commitment of 3 years, renewable once, with a period of’test of 3 months.


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