CANDIDATURE CALL TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SENEGAL CODING 2 CAMP IN THE CONTEXT OF THE AGCCI, Dakar, Senegal PROJECT At UN Women – United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women

Closing date: Friday, September 8, 2023


Rental : Dakar, SENEGAL

Deadline application : 08-Sep-23 ( Midnight New York, USA )

Type of Contract : Other

Post Level : Other

Required Languages : French

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.

UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.


Globally, women represent 28.4% of the workforce engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics ( STEM ) and only 30% on average in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, according to the 2019 report on the mobility gap in the global mobile communication system ( GSMA ), women in low and middle income countries are 10 % less likely than men to own a mobile device and 23% less likely to use the Internet compared to their male counterparts. In addition, in Africa, ( 1 ) the proportion of women using the Internet is 24% compared to 35% of men. ( 2 ) The lower levels of possession and use of mobile devices by women not only reflect existing gender inequalities,but also threaten to exacerbate them. If the gender gap is not closed, women risk being left behind as societies and economies become more digital. Patriarchy, illiteracy, lack of financial means, negative perceptions and safety and security issues are the most common barriers to women’s access to and use of mobile internet. access to and use of mobile internet by women. access to and use of mobile internet by women.

Closing this digital gender gap requires a seismic approach to skills building and empowerment. Initiatives to increase participation in the digital economy and support the development of relevant content, applications and services by and for women should be a priority. In addition, access to information is a human right for all and digital solutions must be promoted without gender frontiers to increase inclusive access to information in the digital age. We need to take a strong generational gender perspective on the digital divide if we are to achieve meaningful and lasting change for a digital revolution through and with girls. This must be done urgently in order to’achieve the objectives underpinned by the African Union Agenda 2063, the next million pound initiative https://1millionby2021 , the Decade of African Women for Financial and Economic Inclusion. The AU strategy for gender equality and the empowerment of women and the 2030 World Agenda ( ODD ). empowerment of women and the 2030 World Agenda ( ODD ). empowerment of women and the 2030 World Agenda ( ODD ).

The AGCCI Initiative was commissioned by UN Women, the African Union Commission ( CUA ) and the International Telecommunication Union ( ITU ). The AUC, through the Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development ( HHSD ) of the AU, the Directorate of Women, of gender and youth ( WGYD ) and ( 3 ) of the Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation ( ESTI ), provides support technical to this initiative. The objective is to train and empower a minimum of 2,000 girls aged 17 to 25, across Africa, to become programmers, creators and computer designers, putting them on the right track to undertake studies and pursue careers in information, communication and technology ( TIC ),education and coding sectors. The initiative has two key strategies, namely: coding camps and the integration of ICT, coding and gender into national school curricula. In addition, it encourages the implementation of national media campaigns involving ( models, for example, women in ICT, teachers in schools ) and uses an online platform which will be hosted on the ITU Academy with improved capacities and functionalities to support networking between girls, trainers and sponsors. it encourages the implementation of national media campaigns involving ( models, for example, women in ICT, teachers in schools ) and uses an online platform which will be hosted on the ITU Academy with improved capacities and functionalities to support networking between girls, trainers and sponsors. it encourages the implementation of national media campaigns involving ( models, for example, women in ICT, teachers in schools ) and uses an online platform which will be hosted on the ITU Academy with improved capacities and functionalities to support networking between girls, trainers and sponsors.

The first phase, carried out between April 2018 and December 2019, gave good results. A second phase was launched in April 2022 by UN Women and its partners ( AUC, ITU, ECA, UNESCO ) with the financial support of the Belgian government. To deploy the second phase, a training of trainers ( TOT ) was carried out in April 2022 in Dar es Salaam-Tanzania, which trained a team of trainers from the 11 priority countries (Burundi, DRC, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Tanzania). Trainees will train girls using a standardized training module during national coding camps to be coordinated in 2022 and 2023.

In this context, the partners organized a 3-day planning, capacity building and coordination retreat in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from July 27 to 29, 2022, which brought together the joint AU-UN technical working group, 33 ministerial focal points and 11 technical focal points of UN Women. The aim of the retreat was to create a coordinated and structured implementation of the project in each priority country and to allow the lessons and challenges in promoting progress to be exchanged gender and ICT.

To operationalize the program in Senegal, UN Women Senegalset up the first coding camp in Dakar, in May 2023 at the Open Digital Space, of Cheikh Amidou Kane University, with the support of Polaris Asso and the support of the partner ministries of the ( Ministry of Communication, Telecommunications and Digital Economy project, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Ministry of Women, Family and Child Protection ). 47 young girls aged 17 to 25, rigorously selected, coding was initiated to become programmers, creators and computer designers to bridge the digital divide between girls and boys. The digital culture of young girls has been improved to reduce inequalities between boys and girls regarding access to technology.They have been considerably strengthened on the basis of participatory group courses and exercises by investigating gender, stereotypes, legal and political frameworks, cyber risks for girls and women, linked to ICT. Girls have been introduced to the creation of websites, applications, new technologies, robotics and its various uses, robot programming. They have enriched themselves with the sharing of experiences of brilliant resource people who evolve in the thematic to share their experiences, show them the way and strengthen their self-confidence. They also had laptops. legal and political frameworks, cyber risks for girls and women, linked to ICT. Girls have been introduced to the creation of websites, applications, new technologies, robotics and its various uses, robot programming. They have enriched themselves with the sharing of experiences of brilliant resource people who evolve in the thematic to share their experiences, show them the way and strengthen their self-confidence. They also had laptops. legal and political frameworks, cyber risks for girls and women, linked to ICT. Girls have been introduced to the creation of websites, applications, new technologies, robotics and its various uses, robot programming. They have enriched themselves with the sharing of experiences of brilliant resource people who evolve in the thematic to share their experiences, show them the way and strengthen their self-confidence. They also had laptops. They have enriched themselves with the sharing of experiences of brilliant resource people who evolve in the thematic to share their experiences, show them the way and strengthen their self-confidence. They also had laptops. They have enriched themselves with the sharing of experiences of brilliant resource people who evolve in the thematic to share their experiences, show them the way and strengthen their self-confidence. They also had laptops.




Duties and Responsibilities

Pour le second camp de codage, les objectifs visés sont de :

  •  Doter les jeunes filles sénégalaises de compétences en littérature numérique,
  •  Promouvoir et soutenir l’entrée des jeunes filles dans le secteur des TIC et du codage,
  •  Encourager le leadership et la confiance chez les jeunes filles sénégalaises,
  •  Créer une attention et une visibilité nationales sur les filles, les TIC et le codage par le biais de campagnes médiatiques,
  •  Recueillir des pratiques prometteuses pour le développement et la mise à l’échelle d’initiatives similaires,
  •  Inspire and support policy makers and legislators to integrate ICT, gender and coding into national programs.


Fundamental values :

  •  Respect for diversity
  •  Integrity
  •  Professionalism

Basic skills :

  •  Awareness and sensitivity to gender issues
  •  Responsibility
  •  Creative problem solving
  •  Effective communication
  •  Inclusive collaboration
  •  Stakeholder engagement
  •  Show example

Required Skills and Experience

  •  Be a girl of Senegalese nationality and residing in Senegal.
  •  Be at least 17 years old and 25 years old maximum,
  •  Hold the scientific, technological or related BAC.
  •  Have an interest in science, technology, mathematics, ICT and related subjects,
  •  Avoir des connaissances de base sur l’utilisation d’un ordinateur,
  •  Être disponible durant les 10 jours de formation pour disposer de l’attestation de formation,
  •  Fournir une lettre de soumission avec confirmation de disponibilité sur la durée de la formation (le camp d’entraînement est de 10 jours),
  •  Accepter d’être ambassadrice de l’AGCCI en partageant des idées et des expériences dans votre école/communauté,
  •  Fournir le consentement écrit des parents ou du tuteur légal pour assister à la formation dans le camp de codage (pour les mineurs),
  •  Indiquez un numéro de téléphone et une adresse e-mail valides.

Les participantes sélectionnées par le comité (ONU FEMMES, MESRI, MFFPE, MCTEN, un représentant des formateurs) disposeront des éléments suivants :

  •  A 10-day training with ( coffee break and lunch ) and transport reimbursement of 5000 F per day,
  •  Training materials and kit,
  •  Portable computer and Internet connection during training,
  •  Training certificate.

Diversity and inclusion: At UN Women, we are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive and mutually respectful environment. UN Women recruit, employ, form, remunerate and promote without distinction race, religion, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, of national origin or any other basis covered by the appropriate law. All jobs are decided on the basis of the organization’s qualifications, skills, integrity and needs.

If you need appropriate accommodation to support your participation in the recruitment and selection process, please include this information in your application.

UN Women applies a policy of zero tolerance towards behavior incompatible with the goals and objectives of the United Nations and UN Women, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. All selected candidates will have to adhere to UN Women’s policies and procedures and the standards of conduct expected of UN Women staff and will therefore be subject to a rigorous reference and background check. ( Background verification will include verification of academic qualifications and work history. Selected applicants may be required to provide additional information to perform a background check ).

Note : In July 2010, the United Nations General Assembly created UN Women, the United Nations entity for gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women is part of the UN reform program, which aims to pool resources and mandates for greater impact. It merges and builds on the important work of four previously distinct parts of the United Nations system ( ADW, OSAGI, INSTRAW and UNIFEM ), which focused exclusively on gender equality and the empowerment of women.


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