Associate (e) to the Program – Emergency G6 – (Miragoane) At World Food Programme

WFP is looking for honest and professional candidates who share our humanitarian principles.
Staff selection is done on a competitive basis and we are committed to promoting diversity and gender balance.

In accordance with the policies in force within the United Nations, women candidates are strongly encouraged

TITLE OF POSITION : Associate (e) to the Program – Emergency



POST OFFICE (City, Country) : Miragoane

DURATION : 12 Months


The World Food Programme (WFP) is the largest humanitarian agency fighting hunger in the world. WFP works for a world where every man, woman and child has constant access to enough food to lead a healthy and active life.

The Human Development Index ( IHL ) of Haiti was ranked 169 out of 189 countries in 2019. Extreme poverty and poverty rates are high and their cause is multidimensional. This poverty manifests itself in particular in high illiteracy rates, a life expectancy of 63.29 years in 2017, high infant mortality and significant inequalities between the sexes. A large majority of the population does not have access to basic services such as drinking water, electricity, sanitation and health coverage.

Moreover, Haiti is vulnerable to natural disasters. It is considered to be the fifth most vulnerable country to natural disasters. In less than ten years, the country has suffered more than four major disasters, from which the country is still struggling to recover: the earthquake of 2010, tropical Storm Isaac and’ hurricane Sandy in 2012,’ hurricane Matthew in 2016, hurricane Irma and Maria in 2017. The country is therefore exposed to earthquakes, the passage of cyclones and also to drought waves related to the El Nino phenomenon (2018).

Beyond these factors, food insecurity is led by the poor performance of the agricultural sector combined with the heavy dependence on food imports ( more than half of the food products present on the market ) especially for rice ( 83% ). Product prices are largely influenced by logistical challenges, high production costs, precarious market structures and high inflation rates in recent years.

According to the latest analysis by’IPC published in September 2023, 4.35 million people are food insecure. These worrying results are largely related to the political crisis installed in the country since July 2018 and which has led to an economic and social crisis, the, then, an agro-climatic crisis with large pockets of drought installed in the country that caused a significant decrease in agricultural production.

Thus, the World Food Programme in Haiti has defined its strategy to fight hunger in the Country Strategic Plan (CSP 2024-2028) which includes activities related to the’s emergency food assistance to populations affected by a shock, to the establishment of social networks oriented towards nutrition, to, capacity building and the means of’ of small producers as well as’ to their resilience in the face of climate change, in particular, and to build the capacity of national and local actors in the fight against hunger.

WFP is currently developing’urgence activities, school canteens, social nets, resilience and

support for local production.

The multiplication of operations at the national level, due to the deterioration of the food security situation, resulted in an additional human resources requirement to ensure the proper implementation of the various WFP activities.

WFP needs several Program Associates to support the effective implementation of its activities in’.


Under the supervision of the’Officer (iere) in the Suboffice Program, the’associated (e) in the emergency program assumes the following responsibilities :

  1. Coordinate the’ set of activities of the Program in collaboration with the other units of the SubBureau but also with the staff of the central office of Port au Prince who are responsible for the overall management of the projects. The’Associated with the Program will have to participate in the coordination meetings organized by the program officers of Port au Prince in order to also strengthen the coordination between the field antenna and the office of Port au Prince Prince.
  2. To establish spaces and tools for the planning of’activities in consultation with the other units of the’antenna which allow an efficient management of resources and an optimal implementation of the activities on the ground. The’Associated Programme will be able to support in particular in the development of the deployment plan of the monitoring agents in the field in coordination with the’ RAM team.
  3. Set up and manage mechanisms for the transmission of information and monitoring of activities that allow efficient decision-making by project managers. The’Associate programme will have to establish reporting mechanisms that report on the progress of the various activities, the results achieved, the challenges, the planning elements.
  4. Propose programmatic orientations of activities as relevant as possible in terms of implementation methodology, programmatic’tools, coordination systems.
  5. Ensure that cross-cutting elements relevant to the programmes (SBCC, Gender & Protection) are always integrated into the interventions of the partners and the’ Programme team itself, including, according to the technical indications and tools provided by the experts of the Port-au-Prince Office.
  6. Participate in or conduct coordination and planning meetings with local authorities to ensure effective accountability to them and to ensure their support in the implementation of the activities.
  7. Support the implementation of partnership agreements (PFLs) signed with implementing partners, in particular by ensuring the quality of activities carried out on the ground, by, then follow up on activities by informing, if necessary, of any changes in planning or difficulties encountered by partners in the field.
  8. Contribute to the capacity building of partners for the implementation of activities, the best management of’assistance, reporting of results and financial management of

budgets. The’ support is done in a regular way through meetings, trainings and reminders adhoc for problems noted.

  1. Support partners in the development of their’assistance distribution plan (in cash transfers and food) and any reporting documents such as billing records, etc, monthly and final report of’activities. For the food distribution plan, the coordination will have to be done with the logistic’unit and for the payment schedule, they will have to be discussed with the’Officer CBT & SCOPE.
  2. Organize meetings to share’information with other units of the’Antenne de Jeremie and if necessary training sessions with monitoring agents on targeting methodologies, etc, L’organisation of food distributions or cash transfers, post distribution monitoring.
  3. Attend meetings organized by implementing partners with local authorities during the presentation of the project and its activities, but also any follow-up meeting, including, sharing with local authorities.
  4. Complete procedures in corporate systems including COMET for the production of Food Release Note (FRN) and COMET report as well as administrative follow-up of operational documents such as operational advances and budgets for the implementation of field activities and submit them to the Head of Sub-Office for approval and signature, as well as any administrative steps related to this implementation.
  5. Support the organisation of monitoring missions and VIP field visits by proposing an agenda, coordinating with implementing partners and all logistical aspects related to these visits.
  6. Support the’ Programme team on’ development of partners’ proposals.
  7. Ensure the supervision and optimal management of the work of any staff Program less graded than the’organigramme of the Sub-Office will be able to integrate.
  8. Realize requests for operational advance and budgets for the realization of activities in the field and submit them to the Head of the Sub-Office for approval and signature, and, as well as any administrative approach related to this implementation and submission of supporting documents for advances.
  9. Carry out, at the request of his supervisor, all other tasks aimed at the smooth running of activities, especially in times of’emergency.


  1. The planning of the distributions of’ food assistance is carried out jointly with the partners and carried out within the required deadlines and with the quality standards relating to WFP operations.
  2. Coordination meetings are held with partners and local authorities to ensure quality in the implementation of activities.
  3. Partner reports are sent to WFP on time and COMET is up-to-date at the end of each month.
  4. Information on the progress of the various interventions is shared on a regular basis with the supervisor and the Officers, in particular during team’ coordination meetings.
  5. Contributions are made for the implementation of new interventions, the’ identification of partners, the’evaluation of their proposals and their training on procedures and tools to be used, etc, and finally the’evaluation of the performance of the partners


    1. Proven ability to manage difficulties encountered ;
    2. The distributions took place in accordance with the humanitarian principles impartiality neutrality, independence, humanity.
    3. Complaints are minimal and, if not, are handled with the utmost diligence and to the satisfaction of the complainants.
    4. The stakeholders have each played their part in the implementation of the interventions and recognize your role of’ framer who contributed to their success.
    5. Operations took place taking into account gender aspects, protection and inclusion of vulnerable groups, prevention of corruption and fraud, identification and risk management
    6. ’ team work carried out in synergy with other WFP programmes and interventions



Training :

At least one diploma of end of’ secondary school (BAC) and a Bac +3 in project management, social sciences or any other diploma related to the responsibilities to be assumed.

Experience :

At least five (5) years of’ professional experience in the management and implementation of’urgency projects or development preferably within the United Nations System or in NGOs. Have experience of’ at least three (3) years in the implementation of’-related activities food assistance (lives or cash transfers).

Field experience in the various departments (South, South East, Nippes) is desirable.


  • Knowledge of desirable cash transfer programs.
  • Knowledge in carrying out desirable food and cash distribution.
  • Mastery of the main computer software compulsory.
  • Strong motivation to exercise the required responsibilities.
  • Negotiation and problem-solving skills.
  • Teamwork with national and international staff (multicultural environment)
  • Commitment to sometimes work outside official office hours.
  • Availability for frequent travel at the country level, due to the nature of the work

Languages :

  • Perfect knowledge (read, written, spoken) of French and creole
  • Knowledge of’anglais is an asset

Deadline for applications : 19 December 2023, 11:59 PM, Haiti Time


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