Asesor Legal – Edo. Falcon, Coro At CESVI – Cooperazione e Sviluppo Onlus

About us

About Cesvi

Cesvi is a secular and independent association founded in Italy in 1985 that works for global solidarity and the ideal of social justice through humanitarian development actions. The same name CESVI, Cooperazione e Sviluppo (Cooperation and Development), expresses its philosophy of action, based on promoting the role of its beneficiaries in favor of their own progress, so that international aid is not reduced to temporary action. beneficial, but promote a true sustainable development of the most needy populations.

Cesvi in Venezuela

Since 2019, Cesvi has been working in Venezuela with initiatives in the field of protection of children and women in high vulnerability, including survivors of sexual abuse and exploitation. Starting in 2021, Cesvi began to implement projects financed by the Country Humanitarian Fund in communities in Caracas.

During 2024-25, Cesvi will implement the “ Multisectoral Humanitarian Assistance project to meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable people in Venezuela ”, which aims to strengthen the availability of protection services, primary health and humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable people and communities affected by the crisis. Cesvi will carry out its activities in the State of Falcón, based in Coro, and frequent trips to other municipalities.

To meet these objectives, the formation of a high-level technical team capable of giving effective responses to the populations served during case management is required; for that purpose, Cesvi is looking for a Social Worker to investigate the social context, structure and family dynamics, the economic situation and the support networks available for the reintegration of migrant adult women victims of the crime of human trafficking and violence. gender, and based on such investigations, supporting in the elaboration of the Personalized Intervention plan and in the reconstruction of the life project.

Objective of the position: Guide, advise and accompany at the legal level in the protection, restoration of rights, access to services and empowerment of people in vulnerable conditions, children, girls and adolescents and women survivors of VBG and or at risk of protection around the promotion and defense of their rights, recognizing the institutional routes established by law to achieve these objectives and acting in complementarity with the other services offered by CESVI and case management.

Description of functions:

Legal assistance and advice

  • Provide information, guidance, advice and legal support in the modality that adapts to the context (face-to-face or remote) to people in vulnerable conditions identified in the framework of the project, including NNAs at risk of protection, adolescent victims and / or survivors of VBG to guarantee access to local institutional offers.
  • Provide assistance in the drafting of formal legal applications to the bodies in charge of administering justice.
  • Carry out the review of cases in the corresponding instances with the prior authorization of the beneficiary when necessary.
  • Accompany and / or support in the filing of complaints or in the notification ex officio before organs receiving denunciation and placement of protection measures
  • Make the request to initiate administrative procedures before instances of the governing system for the protection of children and adolescents and other government entities for the restitution of rights.
  • Do the accompaniment during medical-legal care.

Case Management

  • Contribute to the initial mapping to identify existing services available in the territory, related to protection routes, basic and specialized services, aimed at response and prevention in VBG, and those directed to NNA; as well as other services aimed at the population identified within the framework of the project. O
  • Develop in close collaboration with other Cesvi team members and project partners, protocol for the management of cases and routes that guarantee access to basic and specialized services aimed at survivors of VBG.
  • Assist in the identification and planning of exit strategies and intervention plans, aimed at the beneficiary population, in the area of their competence. O
  • Collaborate closely with the team, in collecting the information necessary for case management (admission form, referral form, individual care plans, follow-up reports and other useful documents for case management). O
  • Follow up on case management in coordination with local authorities and protection networks.
  • Support in the articulation and activation of routes of the institutional offer and in the referral of cases to specialized services provided by local actors.
  • Maintain the confidentiality of the data related to the cases received, as well as ensure that they are stored safely.
  • Update the databases of project beneficiaries monthly in the formats established for this purpose with their respective monitoring.


  • Participate in local advocacy spaces to contribute to the protection of NNA rights at risk, women and adolescents survivors of VBG and victims of trafficking.
  • Sensitize leaders, community leaders and focal points within communities, in the area of its competence to launch peer support that allows community members to identify cases for comprehensive care by the Cesvi team.
  • Support, when required, the Cesvi team in generating spaces for dialogue with the beneficiary population of the project, including children, youth, adults and seniors (women and men) with the aim of preventing identified protection risks.
  • Support the development of sessions, talks or awareness workshops on violence prevention, sexual exploitation, gender-based violence, safe water consumption, hygiene promotion, among others.
  • Participate in articulation spaces that allow combining access routes to justice and identify actors associated with this process.
  • Participate and/or lead the training processes for the institutional strengthening of key protection actors based on the promotion and defense of human rights and good practices for the care of survivors of violence.


  • Carry out and accompany the needs assessments in the area, supporting the identification of opportunities and risk factors related to the area of its competence.
  • Support, in coordination with the rest of the project team, in the logistics and administration of activities.
  • Support the preparation and review of informative material, in the area of its competence.
  • Prepare statistical and / or management reports according to requirements.
  • Prepare monthly, quarterly and final reports on the status of strategy implementation, within the deadlines set out in the work plan; in addition to supporting the analysis, systematization of information and support in the construction of access barrier reports for surviving NNAs from VBG.
  • Support in the monitoring and monitoring of care and activities to meet the program’s indicator goals. o Participate in team and supervision meetings.
  • Participate in the processes of formation and exchange of experiences to which they are summoned.
  • The other functions that are assigned to him by his immediate superior and that are related to the nature of the position.

Essential attributes

Training :

Lawyer, Studies related to VBG, Child Protection and formal legal framework in matters of interest.

Knowledge and experience:

  • Minimum three (3) years in similar positions.
  • Care of women survivors of gender-based violence and / or child protection.
  • Experience dealing with culturally diverse communities.
  • Experience in the humanitarian context and knowledge of the country’s humanitarian architecture.


  • Propositional and proactive attitude.
  • Ability to work with minimal supervision in a culturally diverse team.
  • Ability to develop productive working relationships with colleagues, partners, local authorities and other stakeholders.
  • Ease of working with communities in complex social contexts.

Preferred attributes

  • Knowledge of criminal, civil and administrative procedures associated with the areas of interest.
  • Drafting of legal documents
  • Solid Microsoft Office Package domain (to be evaluated in technical test).
  • Mastery of data collection tools.

The position is exclusive for Venezuelan people or with valid documentation to work in the country.


  • Location: Venezuela Edo. Falcón, Coro
  • Contract duration: 3 months with possibility of renewal, includes Three (3) months of trial.
  • Expected start date: 08/15/2024.

How to apply

Applicants must send:

or Updated curriculum vitae (maximum three pages)

or Presentation letter, including salary expectation (maximum two pages).

To the address human with the object: “Legal Advisor – Choir”. (Emails with objects or documents other than what is indicated will not be taken into account).

Applications close at 11:59 pm 8/8/2024.

Refrain from applying if your profile does not fit the essential attributes requested for this role. The shortlisted candidates will be called for a technical test.

For more information on Cesvi, see our website

Cesvi has a zero tolerance approach to any harm or exploitation of a vulnerable child or adult by any of our employees, related persons or partners.

Cesvi’s commitment to being a secure organization begins with the staff recruitment process, which includes meticulous checks, such as checking criminal records or checking the disclosure of previous convictions, to ensure the protection of children and people. vulnerable and prevent abuse. Security controls are part of the performance of the selection process.

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