Analysis of good practices and international successful experiences in public policies for social protection, care and assistance for people with disabilities throughout the life cycle, Santiago, Chile At Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Closing date: Saturday, August 26, 2023
Result of ServiceThe end result of this consultancy is to generate a report of approximately 60 pages, together with an executive summary of approximately 20 pages, with information ³ n regarding: 1. Good pr¡international successful practices and experiences ( Latin America and the Caribbean and countries in other regions © in public policies of protection ) social and care or assistance for people with disabilities throughout of the life cycle, from a rights-sensitive and universalism approach to differences. The report will be aimed at expanding the knowledge of decision makers, experts and other stakeholders in care policies on public protection policies ³ n social protection and care or assistance successfully implemented and directed at the population ³ n with disabilities,their families and caregivers or assistants. 2. Recommendations for policies and actions for people with disabilities to be included in the Brazilian National Care Policy. This report will take into account ³ n the institutionality, legal frameworks, limitations and specific opportunities of the Brazilian context ± o. Will be¡ aimed at advising the Interministerial Working Group and offering options for its decision-making ³ n on the content of the Policy and National Care Plan regarding policies directed at population ³ n with disabilities In this way, the consultancy will contribute to the elaboration ³ of the Brazilian Policy and National Care Plan, promoting a more¡s inclusive towards promoting ³ n autonomy and caring, caring ³ n or assisting people with disabilities. The report must address,at least the following sections: I. Introduction ³ n ( 2 pages ) II. Promotion ³ n of autonomy and care, attention ³ n or assistance of people with disabilities from the rights perspective: main challenges in Brazil ( 5 pages ) This part should¡ deliver some data and background on the problem in Brazil. III. Presentation ³ n of the analysis of good práinternational successful practices and experiences in public policies of social protection ³ and care or assistance for people with disabilities according to the different stages of the life cycle and the different intersectionalities of disability with gà © nero, race, ethnicity and other dimensions ( 25 pages ) i. Countries of Amà © Latin America and the Caribbean ii. Countries of other regions IV.Recommendations for public protection policies ³ n social and care or assistance for people with disabilities ( 25 pages ) where at least the following dimensions are included: i. Organization ³ n by stages of the life cycle of the basic benefits that could be considered with a first proposal of progressive expansion of the coverage that can be contemplated ii. Ministries and institutions to get involved iii. Involvement of subnational institutions iv. Budgetary implications v. Legal implications vi. Expected impact V. Conclusions ( 3 pages ) VI. Bibliography Organization ³ n by stages of the life cycle of the basic benefits that could be considered with a first proposal of progressive expansion of the coverage that can be contemplated ii. Ministries and institutions to get involved iii. Involvement of subnational institutions iv. Budgetary implications v. Legal implications vi. Expected impact V. Conclusions ( 3 pages ) VI. Bibliography Organization ³ n by stages of the life cycle of the basic benefits that could be considered with a first proposal of progressive expansion of the coverage that can be contemplated ii. Ministries and institutions to get involved iii. Involvement of subnational institutions iv. Budgetary implications v. Legal implications vi. Expected impact V. Conclusions ( 3 pages ) VI. Bibliography

Work LocationRemote work

Expected duration20 weeks

Duties andResponsibilities

In Latin America and the Caribbean, more than 12% of the population © n has a disability, representing around 70 million people. It is a very heterogeneous population ³, living different realities and experiences, but which, unfortunately, share the daily experience of exclusion © n and violation ³ n of their rights. While there has been significant progress regarding the inclusion ³ of persons with disabilities in the countries of the region ³ n, there are still significant challenges in guaranteeing their rights. These difficulties add to challenges related to inequality and weaknesses in social protection, typical of the region ³ n. These challenges are reflected in significant gaps between people with disabilities and those without disabilities in areas such as participation ³ n in the community,access to health care ³ n and education ³ n, many of which are linked, in the last tà © rmino, to the exercise of their autonomy and deficiencies in the accessibility of the environments. A significant proportion ³ n of this population ³ n lives in poverty and is exposed to higher rates of violence, neglect and abuse than other people. These gaps are accentuated by combining with other structuring axes of inequality, such as gender, the territory in which they reside and their condition © n à ³ ethnic-racial, among others. Social protection systems in Latin America and the Caribbean often do not meet the specific needs of people with disabilities, he observed¡the permanence of barriers to access health services, education ³ n and employment, leaving them in a vulnerable situation ³ n.By understanding social protection as the system aimed at guaranteeing access to adequate income for a universally sufficient level of well-being and social services ³ as health, education ³ n, water and sanitation, housing ), as well as promoting labor and social inclusion ³ and decent work, universal access to health being a social security guarantee ( ECLAC, 2020 ), it follows the centrality it has to promote and guarantee the autonomy and individual independence of people with disabilities, as well as © n to ensure access to care ³ n and assistance to people with disabilities in dependency ³ n. On the one hand,it is essential that social programs and services have the necessary accessibility to prevent the exclusion ³ n and discrimination ³ n of people with disabilities, considering the needs of various adjustments to these spaces. The needs for adjustments, support and / or assistance vary according to the type and degree of severity of the disability of each person, as well as © n according to the different stages of the life cycle and the different intersectionalities of disability with gender, race, ethnicity and other dimensions. It is essential to consolidate social protection systems that respond effectively to these needs to guarantee full access for people with disabilities to care services ³ n, health, education ³ n and housing, among others, and thus guarantee your rights in these sectors. Likewise,this allows the promotion ³ n of the individual autonomy of people with disabilities, including the freedom to make their own decisions, established as a right in the Convention ³ n On the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. On the other hand, in the case of people with disabilities in a situation of functional dependency ³ n, comprehensive care policies in the region ³ n face numerous challenges. These challenges are related to the necessary attention ³ to the specific needs of this population ³ n, low coverage and sufficiency of benefits. These challenges allude both to people with disabilities who require care ³ n, as well as their caregivers or personal assistants. Often,family members who take care and assistance of people in dependency ³ n become informal caregivers, which can limit your employment and personal development opportunities. Lack of support for informal caregivers, mostly women, negatively affects the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families. Therefore, TAG1> design and levels of progress are required in its progressive expansion ± with a focus on both populations and addressing the various dimensions linked to care and assistance policies: issues related to the times, resources, services and regulations for care and assistance. To address these challenges,It is essential that the governments of the region ³ n adopt inclusive policies that guarantee accessibility and equal opportunities for all people, including people with disabilities. This involves investing in accessible infrastructure, improving social protection systems sensitive to the needs of people with disabilities and their caregivers and assistants, and develop programs that address specific needs according to disability and its degree of severity, at different stages of life and with a gender focus © zero. To do this and to achieve significant progress in the inclusion ³ n of people with disabilities in the social and economic life ³ of the region ³ n, intersectoral work in governments and society organizations is central,therefore, the importance of strengthening the articulation ³ n between different sectors and public policies is emphasized. In the framework of the process of elaboration ³ n of a National Care Policy and its respective Plan, the Brazilian government has created the â € ˜Interministerial Working Groupâ € ™ in May 2023. Two ministries â € “ for Development and Social Assistance, Family and Hunger Fight ( MDS ) and Women, together with strategic partners © gicos and key actors, they are responsible for formulating a statistical diagnosis on the social organization of care in Brazil, identifying existing policies, programs and services. The GTI is made up of representatives from 20 government institutions: the Civil House, the ministries of Education ³ n, Health, Labor and Employment, Human and Citizen Rights, Racial Equality, Indigenous Peoples,Management ³ n and Innovation ³ n in Public Services, Agrarian Development and Family Farming, Social Security ³ n, Cities, Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Planning ³ n and Budget, the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic and the Public Ministry. ECLAC is a permanent guest on the work of the Interministerial Group. In the framework of the ECLAC / BMZ-GIZ Project â € œReactivation ³ n transformer: Overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbeanâ © and ongoing technical assistance € to the Secretariat for Care of the Ministry of Development and Assistance Social, Family and Fight against Hunger in Brazil,the consultancy aims to develop a study that reviews and analyzes good práinternational successful practices and experiences in public policies of social protection ³ and care or assistance for people with disabilities throughout the life cycle, from a rights-sensitive and universalism approach to differences. The results of this study are expected to provide useful information for the process of developing the National Care Policy and Plan. For the performance ³ n of the study,the consultant will take¡ carried out a review ³ n of public policies of social protection ³ and care or assistance for people with disabilities throughout the life cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean and countries in other regions that identify good practices and have been recognized for successful experiences in including ³ n of people with disabilities and guaranteeing their rights. This review ³ n should be carried out from the rights perspective and will have a life cycle, gender and difference-sensitive universalism approach.

Qualifications / special skills– Complete university education ³ in sociology, economics, political science or related areas. – – Graduate with a focus on desirable public policies. – At least 5 years ± of professional experience in public policies aimed at people with disabilities and policies of care and assistance for people with disabilities in a situation of dependency ³ n. It is desirable that the experience be extended to various countries.

LanguagesSpain ± ol, portuguà © s and English © s advanced level.



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