Aligning National Social Protection Strategy with National and Sectoral Plans in Jordan- Consultancy At International Labour Organization

  1. General Background

“Towards an inclusive national social protection system and accelerating decent job opportunities for Syrians and vulnerable Jordanians”, is a joint program between the ILO and UNICEF that is funded by the EU programme MADAD.

This ILO-UNICEF Joint Programme serves to support the implementation of the Jordanian National Social Protection Strategy (2019-2025). In addition, the project aims to support the GoJ in achieving a sustainable social protection system by supporting government institutions in building evidence towards enhanced evidence-based policymaking.

The project serves to achieve three outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: Enhanced coordination, integrated planning, and monitoring for government-wide efforts in the social protection and employment sector.
  • Outcome 2: Strengthened national systems/mechanisms to enhance access to the labour market, decent work, and employment-based social protection schemes.
  • Outcome 3: Vulnerable Jordanians and Syrians transition from cash assistance to sustainable jobs.

2. Background of the Assignment

These Terms of Reference (ToRs) are integral to the EU MADAD programme’s objective of bolstering social protection initiatives in Jordan. Collaboratively led by the Government of Jordan and supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and UNICEF, this initiative aims to align the National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS) with various national and sectoral plans. The NSPS, spanning from 2019 to 2025, delineates three foundational pillars: social insurance and decent work, social services, and social assistance. While the NSPS provides a robust framework for consolidating social protection programs, it is imperative to synchronize other national and sectoral strategies to maximize resource efficiency and mitigate duplication of efforts. This collaborative effort seeks to streamline disparate initiatives, optimize resource allocation, and foster synergy among stakeholders to bolster development programs, thereby fostering economic growth and advancing social inclusivity.

In tandem with these efforts, close coordination with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is essential to ensure alignment with the broader objective of updating the NSPS. This alignment is vital for ensuring that the outcomes of this assignment complement the overarching goal of reinforcing Jordan’s social protection architecture. The joint efforts of ILO and UNICEF are directed towards fortifying the implementation of the Jordanian NSPS (2019-2025). This partnership underscores a commitment to fortifying a sustainable social protection system, bridging the gap between social protection and employment opportunities for both Jordanians and refugees. Central to this approach is the transition from cash assistance to dignified livelihoods, facilitated through comprehensive interventions such as skills development and counselling for sustainable employment within the framework of decent work principles.

The NSPS is structured around three pivotal pillars: firstly, facilitating economic self-sufficiency for families through robust engagement in the labour market; secondly, empowering Jordanians through accessible education, healthcare, and social services to foster integration within familial and communal settings; and thirdly, providing social assistance to afford vulnerable populations a dignified standard of living. This strategic framework underscores the multifaceted approach required to address the diverse needs of Jordanian citizens and refugee populations, thereby advancing socio-economic stability and resilience within the nation.

3. Objective and Scope of the Assignment

The overarching objective of this assignment is to comprehensively understand and harmonize existing national and sectoral plans with the National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS). The scope of work includes:

  • Mapping Linkages: Conducting a thorough analysis to map existing connections between the NSPS and various national and sectoral strategies to ensure alignment and synergy, and linkages between national and sectoral plans with the Economic Modernization Vision. In addition, mapping coordination mechanism, and governance arrangements for the different strategies, how they overlap or how they could be better synchronized and leveraged to optimize resources.
  • Identify potential alignment and synergies between the different strategies with linkages to the NSPS and with the Economic Modernization Vision for better alignment and coherence and Identifying areas of overlap and duplication between the NSPS and other plans to optimize resource allocation and avoid redundancy in efforts.
  • Estimating Costs and Budget Allocations: Assessing associated costs and budget allocations allocated to interventions outlined in the NSPS and other related strategies to ensure effective financial planning and utilization of resources.

Key existing strategies to be considered in this analysis include (but are not limited to):

  • Economic Modernisation Vision and the Economic Growth Plan.
  • Executive Development Plan.
  • The National School Feeding Strategy 2021 – 2025
  • Food security strategy
  • National Population Strategy 2021-2030
  • National Youth Strategy in Jordan 2019-2025
  • National Transport Strategy
  • National Women Strategy (2020-2025)
  • The National Strategy for Persons with Disabilities
  • National Strategy for Senior Citizens
  • National Strategy for Human Resource Development 2016-2025
  • National Framework to Combat Child Labour
  • Ministry of Health Strategy.
  • Ministry of Education Strategy.
  • Ministry of Labour Strategy and the National Employment Program.
  • National TVET Strategy 2023-2027
  • National Aid Fund strategy.
  • Ministry of Social Development Strategy.
  • Related strategies to Zakat Fund, Al Awqaf
  • Any relevant strategies that will be identified in the inception phase.

This comprehensive approach aims to facilitate coherence and alignment across various development initiatives, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness and impact of social protection efforts in Jordan.

4. Specific Activities

  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis to map existing linkages between the NSPS and other national and sectoral plans, and the strategies with the Economic Modernization Vision, clearly identifying alignment and synergies, and overlaps and duplications.
  • Estimating associated costs and budget allocations for interventions outlined in the NSPS and other related strategies and EMV.
  • Writing a detailed report summarizing the findings of the analysis, including recommendations for improving alignment and coordination among the various strategies. It is expected that the report will be prepared in Arabic and English languages.
  • Developing a presentation to communicate the key findings and recommendations to stakeholders within the NSPS governance spaces.
  • Holding a workshop for validation and dissemination of the findings and recommendations, facilitating discussions among stakeholders to ensure buy-in and alignment with the proposed actions.
  • Finalizing report in Arabic and English based on stakeholders’ feedback and comments.

5. Institutional Governance

In the context of the strategy update, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) will play pivotal roles in ensuring the effective coordination and implementation of this initiative. Leveraging their expertise and networks, both organizations will oversee the production of the required reports, presentations, and workshops aimed at validating and disseminating the findings within the governance spaces of the National Social Protection Strategy (NSPS). Close collaboration with key stakeholders and governmental institutions will be fostered to ensure alignment with overarching goals and standards. This collaborative approach underscores the commitment to promoting inclusive and sustainable social protection systems in Jordan.

6. Deliverables and Deadlines

Time frame: 3 months starting June 9, 2024

Number of working days: 50 days


  • Inception Report: Initial report outlining the project framework and plan including a list of strategies and interventions with clear specification of potential alignment and overlaps by June 30, 2024.

Number of working days required is 10 days.

  • Meetings with stakeholders and first Draft Report: First comprehensive report detailing identified strategies and linkages including a proposed categorization of interventions within the social protection framework by August 15, 2024.

Number of working days required is 25 days.

  • Final Report: Final version of the report with refined strategies and linkages including recommendations for enhancing alignment and synergies and reducing duplications and improving coordination by August 30, 2024.

Number of working days required is 10 days.

  • Workshop for Presentation and Discussion: Workshop for presenting findings and recommendations by September 15, 2024

Number of working days required is 5 days.

7. Supervision

The consultant will report to the ILO Social Protection team and work under the guidance of the Social Protection Specialist and the Regional Social Protection Specialist at the Regional Office for Arab States (ROAS).

8. Payment Schedule

Payment will be made upon satisfactory completion of deliverables and acceptance of work. No advance payment will be provided. Payments will be made in accordance with the agreed milestones and timelines as follows:

Inception Report, 10% payment of the total contract

Meetings with stakeholders and first Draft Report, 40% payment of the total contract

Final Report, 30% payment of the total contract

Workshop for Presentation and Discussion, 20% payment of the total contract

9. Profile of the Consultant

The ideal consultant for this position must be a Jordanian national currently residing in Jordan, with a master’s degree in economics, social sciences, or public policy. They should possess proven experience in social protection initiatives and a comprehensive understanding of the Jordanian context. Proficiency in both Arabic and English, with a strong command of written English, is essential, along with extensive experience in policy analysis, strategic planning, and program evaluation. Prior engagement with international organizations or governmental bodies in Jordan is highly advantageous. Additionally, the candidate should exhibit adeptness in project management, workshop facilitation, and stakeholder engagement, coupled with excellent communication skills and cultural sensitivity. Above all, the consultant should showcase a deep commitment to advancing inclusive and sustainable social protection systems within Jordan while upholding ethical standards and ensuring confidentiality.

How to apply

Prospective consultants are invited to apply by submitting a comprehensive application package, which includes a CV, a two-page statement addressing the Terms of Reference (TORs) and outlining proposed methodologies, the consultant’s daily fee, and samples of previous written reports. Applications must be sent via email to copying and under the email subject “Aligning National Social Protection Strategy with National and Sectoral Plans in Jordan”. The deadline for submission is 30th May 2024.

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