AFGHANISTAN – Head of Mission – M/W At La Chaîne de l’Espoir


La Chaîne de l’Espoir is an international NGO founded in 1994. Its mission is to strengthen health systems to give everyone, especially children, the same chances of survival and development. Helping the most vulnerable children is more than an ethical obligation, it is a prerequisite for achieving the 2030 goals for children’s health and well-being.

We work in 30 countries with a comprehensive approach, focusing on children, mothers and disadvantaged communities:

  • Prevention and screening from an early age, particularly through school health programmes.
  • Care and surgery, to meet the most urgent needs of children and their mothers.
  • Strengthening the medical and surgical workforce thanks to our international network of experts.
  • Construction and equipment of hospital structures adapted to local needs.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir has been working in Afghanistan since the early 2000s. In 2005, it built the French Medical Institute for Children (FMIC) in Kabul, a non-profit pediatric hospital, to provide high quality surgical care for young patients. Since 2006, the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) has been responsible for the overall management of the FMIC, with La Chaîne de l’Espoir providing medical support and access to the most vulnerable populations.

In 2016, the hospital expanded with the opening of the Mother and Child Unit offering gynecology, obstetrics and neonatology services, becoming the French Medical Institute for Mother and Child (FMIC). Services for adults have also been developed in recent years.

The goal of La Chaîne de l’Espoir is to increase access to quality, medical and surgical care in particular for the most vulnerable afghans. To do so, La Chaîne de l’Espoir:

  • Trains and supports the medical, paramedical and technical teams through short and long term volunteer missions.
  • Supports the FMIC’s Patient Welfare programme that aims to provide affordable medical and surgical care for vulnerable populations.
  • Provides free surgical treatment at FMIC and social care for the most vulnerable children and women coming from all the provinces, including the most remote areas, through the “Women and Children House” (WCH) project.

Given the evolution of the situation in the country, marked by a possible collapse of public services (including in the health sector), in 2024, La Chaîne de l’Espoir plans to continue its support to the most vulnerable Afghan children and women and develop a new project in order to meet the urgent needs of the population in the health sector. It will also increase the support provided to internal displaced people living in information settlements in Kabul.


As Head of Mission, you oversee the implementation of CDE strategy on the field and you are responsible of the quality of the overall programming. You manage the team and the work with partners, in close collaboration with CDE’s headquarters based in Paris. You are responsible for the security of CDE staff and volunteers and ensure comprehensive analysis of the surrounding context. You will also be in charge to develop and maintain CDE network with other health and humanitarian actors, partners, and donors. You will be expected to lead the team and be inspiration for skills development.


The Head of Mission works closely with the Deputy Head of Mission. Together, they carry out the activities below in liaison with CDE’s headquarters:

1- Representation and external relations

  • Participates in FMIC senior management meetings and in the FMIC quarterly board meetings. Work closely with the FMIC, be it general management, financial and support services, or hospital department heads
  • Ensures CDE’s external representation with the FMIC, NGOs and donors present in Afghanistan, humanitarian forums (ACBAR) and other relevant actors
  • Guarantees the visibility of La Chaîne de l’Espoir and its programmes in Afghanistan

2- Strategy and planning

  • Monitors the humanitarian context
  • Proposes new assessments and interventions
  • Participates actively in fundraising
  • Ensures that programmes are designed, implemented, monitored and evaluated
  • Supervises and ensures the quality of the programmes implemented
  • Supports and manages the team

3- Finance

  • Participates in the design and approval of new budget proposals for donors
  • Prepares annual budgets and monthly budget follow-up analysis
  • Guarantees the quality of budgetary management and financial information reported to headquarters

4- Logistics

  • Ensures that La Chaîne de l’Espoir and donors’ logistical and admin procedures are in place and monitored (accounting, budgets, treasury, purchasing, HR, inventory, etc.)

5- Human Resources

  • Leads, coaches and guides the expatriate and national team together with the deputy head of mission.
  • Conducts regular meetings with La Chaîne de l’Espoir management team
  • Establishes a good worklife balance and supports the team (listens, motivates, empowers, supervises the people under its responsibility)
  • Ensures that La Chaine de l’Espoir HR management and policies are complying with legal requirements
  • Performance appraisals and objectives setting in line with programme requirements

6- Reporting

  • Regular reporting to the programme coordinator at the headquarters
  • Narrative and financial reporting to donors (private and institutional donors)

7- Security

  • Ensures the safety and security of La Chaîne de l’Espoir employees and volunteers
  • Monitors the security situation
  • Ensures the compliance to security regulations of all CDE’s collaborators in Afghanistan
  • Liaising with INSO and the FMIC security management update the security plan and write or update the SOPs.


Training/ Experiences:

  • Master degree in Political Science, International Relations, Administration and Finance or any relevant field
  • At least 5 years working experience in the humanitarian sector in managerial position.
  • Experience in Afghanistan is an asset
  • Experience in security management

Skills and abilities:

  • Excellent knowledge of project management cycle + fund raising environment & processes
  • Strong leadership
  • Ability to deal with stressful situations
  • Autonomous, resilient and diplomatic
  • Rigor, analysis and synthesis skills
  • Problem solver and negotiations skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and negotiation skills
  • French and English required. Dari/Farsi is a plus


  • 12 months full time contract renewable as an expatriate in Kabul
  • Starting date : as soon as possible
  • Salary : from 2 900 €, according to profile and experience
  • Monthly per diem and living allowance : 700 € net
  • R&R : 6 days every 8 weeks (ticket flights supported by CDE)
  • Housing : single room in collective accommodation provided
  • Medical coverage with 50% of employer contribution
  • Medical evacuation and repatriation insurance covered by CDE
  • Death and disability insurance covered by CDE


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