Administrative coordinator (F/H) – Central African Republic At Doctors of the World

Medecins du Monde, a medical association campaigning for international solidarity, has been committed for more than 40 years to caring for the most vulnerable populations here and there, to bear witness to the obstacles noted with regard to’ access to care and to obtain lasting improvements in health policies for all.

As an independent association, Doctors of the World acts beyond care by denouncing violations of dignity and human rights and fighting to improve the situation of precarious populations.

In France and abroad in nearly 30 countries, our actions are aimed at facilitating access to the health system through our 6 priority fights :

  • Sexual and reproductive rights and health
  • Migration exile rights and health
  • Risk reduction
  • Environmental health
  • Health systems
  • Humanitarian spaces

Present in the Central African Republic since 1996, the association has implemented many programs: an HIV-AIDS project in the city center of Bangui, the deployment of several mobile emergency clinics throughout the country from 2019 to 2022 or our current program in Bouca focusing on strengthening the quality of medical interventions in communities.

Today the intervention strategy for the coming period provides for a consolidation of the project in Bouca (funded by GFFO until June 2025) with emphasis on the quality of our care, accountability, the development of new actions aimed at improving the coverage of access to basic services for populations affected by new shocks.

It will also aim to work this year on the exit strategy by focusing on actions with higher added value in terms of’ empowerment of health facilities (FOSA) supported but also to develop new projects in the province and capital.

The post

Under the hierarchical responsibility of the general coordinator, you define, plan and supervise the implementation of human resources, financial, accounting and budgetary management frameworks, procedures and policies, in accordance with the context and legislation of Central Africa, and the policies and values of the association.

To this end, you provide technical support to the operational teams on the HR and financial management of the mission, while directly managing the team of the Human Resources/Finance department.

Specifically, your primary responsibilities are:

Financial, accounting and budgetary management

  • Ensure the’ supervision, control and accounting consolidation of the mission
  • Ensure and validate the monthly accounting close country
  • Develop and monitor mission-related budgets
  • To define, monitor and control the implementation of the cash management of the mission
  • Analyze financial information, ensure compliance with mission financing plans, donor contracts and anticipate possible financial risks’
  • Prepare internal and external audits
  • Assist the general coordinator in the search for funds and in relations with donors
  • Develop and implement mission-specific procedures
  • Ensure compliance with the tax rules of the country and establish tax returns and payments
  • Training and monitoring of partnerships for financial aspects

HR Strategy

  • Adapting HR policy to mission strategy
  • Ensure the implementation of the HR procedures of the Mission and revise them as required
  • Participate in the drafting of the HR part of project proposals
  • Ensure the dissemination of the PSEA policy and participate in its implementation

Recruitment & training

  • S’ensure of the implementation of transparent recruitment processes
  • Verify that the job profiles are compliant and validate the job openings
  • S’ensure of the proper application of the rules in terms of recruitment and annual evaluations
  • S’s ensure that all employees benefit annually from’maintenance(s) of’ formalized evaluation and follow up with managers
  • To ensure relations with external service providers within the framework of the training policy

Personnel and payroll management

  • Oversee the establishment, monitoring and purposes of employment contracts of employees under national law
  • Control the maintenance of personnel files and the’archiving of documents
  • Ensure compliance with the labour legislation and the internal rules, in particular as regards pay
  • Supervise the’audit processes of HR documents
  • Produce the monthly and ad hoc reporting of data requested by headquarters, authorities and donors.

Administrative management

  • Ensure a fiscal and legal watch of the mission towards the institutions of the country
  • Participate in the negotiation and formalization of agreements and contracts
  • Follow-up of the’ procedures for registration of the mission with the authorities concerned
  • Finalize the implementation of the national wage policy, the benefits and follow the contracts
  • Monitoring disciplinary processes and ensuring their legal compliance in relation to a lawyer in labour law
  • Establish and monitor the annual budget of the HR department, validate job openings, perform cost calculations and financial projections necessary for the’ development of projects


  • Participate in the reflection on the’evolution of the mission and the programming of new projects and/or reorientation
  • Draft the financial parts of the funding applications and the intermediate and final donor reports


  • Participate in inter-admin meetings with other NGOs
  • To ensure the official representation for the administrative management of the mission to the competent authorities

Profile sought

  • Bac+3 graduate training in management or accounting and/or human resources management
  • Minimum two years experience in a similar position
  • Experience in a context of desirable urgency’
  • Proficiency in budget analysis
  • Knowledge of payroll management and administration
  • Mastery of personnel management (procedures, policies, professional interviews, recruitment)
  • Very good command of Word, Excel and SAGA
  • Mastery of French in the’oral and the essential written’ – English is an asset

Employment conditions

  • Fixed term contract of 12 months/Full time
  • Post to be filled as soon as possible
  • Monthly gross salary of 3306 euros
  • Status : master’s officer
  • Pose based in Bouca with regular travel in the country
  • Equivalent 13th month paid in 2 times – from 6 months of’seniority of actual work
  • ’expatriation premium of 10% of gross salary per month
  • Support for transport (home – mission), visas, vaccines
  • Accommodation in a collective house
  • 22.5 RTT /year
  • 5 Weeks paid leave /year
  • Mutual (60% participation of MdM and 40% of the employee)
  • Insurance (repatriation.).
  • Doctors of the World promotes the training and internal mobility of its actors

Find the conditions and advantages for our expatriate positions at’international :

Within the framework of the system to combat the financing of terrorism and money laundering, any candidate selected is likely to be subject to background checks on the lists of international’exclusion (United Nations, European Union, France, United States, ..). This information is treated confidentially and stored on a secure server. For more’information on the processing of personal data in this device :


Doctors of the World reserves the right to close the recruitment before the deadline for submitting applications.

MdM is’s committed to the integration of people with disabilities and fight against all discrimination.


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