A Coordinator Of· Grants – Drc At Action against Hunger France

About: Action Against Hunger

Created in 1979, Action Against Hunger is an international non-governmental organization that fights hunger in the world. Its charter of humanitarian principles – independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency – has been the basis of its identity for more than 40 years. Its mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of undernutrition, in particular during and after emergencies related to conflicts and natural disasters. Action Against Hunger coordinates its programs around 5 areas of activity: Nutrition and Health – Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Protection – Food Safety and Ways of Existence – Water, Health, Sanitation and Hygiene – Advocacy. In 2022,Action Against Hunger has helped more than 28 million people in 46 countries around the world. www.actioncontrelafaim.org

Mission :

Under the supervision of the Country – Programme Assistant, you will be responsible for the preparation of project proposals, including, communications and reports to donors in the context of the research and implementation of grants.
You will be associated with all the fundraising and external communication campaigns of the mission, and will also be in charge of the contractualization aspects of the partnerships.
Specifically, your role will be to :
Contribute to the implementation of the mission’s business development strategy, coordinate the process of developing and submitting project proposals, and, and ensure their qualityContribute to the identification of new funding opportunities, through the realization of a donor mapping, financial statements, evaluations of our internal capacities, etc.
Maintain an up-to-date information table on the financing that has been acquired, is forthcoming and is potential
Coordinate the entire process of writing, review/validation
Lead the preparation and submission of reports to donors and local authorities on ongoing or completed projectsOrganize and oversee the preparation, review/process/validation and submission of external reports
Contribute to the preparation of narrative reports and annexes through the compilation and synthesis of information received
Develop contractual partnership documents with other NGOs (local or international)
Contribute to the good management of ongoing projects through the monitoring of grant contracts, by, holding regular meetings and compiling activity progress reports (APRs)Pilot revision of project documents in case of contractual amendment
Train and coach your team as well as RDD, CT, RT, RP and their assistants on the preparation of qualitative and quantitative APRs, and the rules governing this process
To update and/or develop tools to assist in internal monitoring according to the needs identified
Coordinate the implementation of the Grants department, manage the team and participate in the internal and external communication of the Supervise mission and support the team composed of a Grants and Reporting Manager and a Grants and Reporting Officer, create a team dynamic
Produce and disseminate in-house tools that help to understand and comply with donor compliance rules

Profile :

Vous êtes doté·e d’au moins 3 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans des programmes humanitaires et/ou de développement.
Vous avez déjà travaillé au moins 2 ans dans la gestion des subventions.
Vous avez de très bonnes capacités rédactionnelles, ainsi que de très bonnes compétences écrites et orales en français et en anglais.

Conditions d’emploi

Contrat à durée déterminée d’usage de droit français : 12 mois
Salaire mensuel brut : de 2597 à 2968 euros en fonction de l’expérience
Remboursement assurance retraite pour les citoyens non français : 16% du salaire mensuel brut
Augmentation du salaire de base : 6% tous les 12 mois de contrat continu
Per diem et frais de vie mensuels : 974$ nets, versés sur le terrain
Allocation contexte mensuelle : 150euros
Allocation enfant : 1500euros par an et par enfant présent dans le pays d’origine (plafond de 6000euros/an)
Transport et logement : Prise en charge des déplacements et logement collectif
Couverture Médicale : 100% de la prise en charge des cotisations santé (CFE + complémentaire santé) et assurance rapatriement
Salary maintenance devices (illness, maternity, paternity)
Leave and RnR : 25 days per year of CP and 20 RnR per year; support of the ticket with ceiling to go to the chosen break area, and 215euros of lump sum compensation by RnR
Accompaniment and trainingFollow-up and support professional career
Unlimited and free access to the e-learning platform certifying Crossknowledge ©
Area of intervention: Kinshasa, Mai Ndombe, Kasais, North Kivu, Ituri

ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination.

START DATE : 15-06-2024

How to apply

To apply, click on this link /To apply, please click on this following link : apply here


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