Selection of an expert to conduct an evaluation of information, education and communication activities on GBV At Enabled



Enabel is the Belgian development agency. Our mission is to work towards a sustainable world where all people live under the rule of law and have the freedom to develop to their full potential. Together with our partners, we provide solutions to address pressing global challenges – climate change, social and economic inequalities, urbanisation, peace and security, human mobility – and to promote global citizenship.

We have over 20 years of experience in various fields ranging from education and healthcare to agriculture, environmental protection, digitalisation, employment and governance. Enabel’s expertise is sought after worldwide – by the Belgian government, the institutions of the European Union, governments of other countries, and the private sector. We collaborate with civil society actors, research institutes and businesses, and we promote fruitful interaction between development policy and other areas.

With 2,100 employees, Enabel manages more than 200 projects in around twenty countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

In Tunisia, Enabel is currently implementing two (2) projects with its partners, the first project “For a holistic approach to the governance of labor migration and labor mobility in North Africa” ​​(THAMM-Enabel), and the second project within the framework of which this call is part “Program to combat gender-based violence in Tunisia” (Sila).

Presentation of the Sila project

Sila is a program to combat gender-based violence (GBV) in Tunisia, which is part of the Social Inclusion Support Program (PAIS).

PAIS is funded by the European Union and carried out in partnership with the Ministry of Social Affairs, as well as other institutional partners such as the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP), the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly, and civil society organizations (CSOs).

With a duration of 43 months (January 2023 – July 2026), Sila is financed by the European Union through the PAIS and is implemented by Enabel as lead partner and by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) as co-delegate, in partnership with the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly (MFFEPA), the Center for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women (CREDIF), the National Observatory for the Fight against Violence against Women, the National Office for Family and Population (ONFP), the medico-judicial unit of the Charles-Nicolle INJED hospital, and Tunisian civil society organizations.

Sila mainly covers six (6) regions of the Tunisian Republic: Ariana (Greater Tunis), Jendouba, Kef, Kasserine, Sidi Bouzid, Médenine.

Sila’s overall objective is to enable ” More women and girls, especially the most marginalized and those living in vulnerable situations, to exercise their human rights to lead a life free from all forms of violence .”

To achieve this objective, the adopted strategy plans to act at the level of coordination and governance of coordination, coordination of essential services, the evolution of social norms, and it is based on the following three specific objectives (SO):

OS 1: The effectiveness of legislation, strategy and coordination and accountability systems to prevent and end GBV is strengthened.

OS 2: All women and girls who are victims of VAW have better access to multi-sectoral, essential and quality services that enable them to escape the cycle of violence.

OS 3: Social norms, attitudes and behaviours related to gender equality, at community and individual levels, are changed to prevent VAW.

The objective is to provide technical and institutional support to public institutions and Tunisian civil society for an integrated and holistic approach in the fight against violence against women and girls in all its forms by strengthening institutions for quality care for women victims of violence, in coordination with all services and sectors concerned and by supporting awareness-raising among public actors and the population for adherence to the standards and values ​​of gender equality, non-discrimination and non-violence.

Mission Framework

The mission which is the subject of this call falls within the framework of the partnership between the Sila project and the ONFP.

To ensure effective implementation of the changes expected in the project, Sila has chosen to collaborate with the ONFP. This partnership is based on the ONFP’s recognized expertise in the fight against GBV in Tunisia, as well as its key role in the implementation of the national family planning and reproductive health policy.

As part of this partnership, Sila and ONFP are collaborating on strengthening ONFP’s capacities in information, education and communication (IEC) on GBV in Tunisia. This component, which will start with a situation analysis, will take place in several key stages, contributing to the overall objective of making ONFP’s IEC actions more effective, more inclusive and better adapted to the needs of target groups.

General objective of this mission: Improve the ONFP’s capacities in terms of awareness-raising on GBV, so that its actions contribute to changing knowledge and behaviors, transform social norms, and have a stronger impact on target groups.

The subject of this consultation is to evaluate the IEC actions as well as the information and communication supports on GBV of the ONFP.

Specific objectives: Identify areas for improvement in awareness-raising actions on GBV carried out by the ONFP, based on an exhaustive analysis of its past and current information, education and communication initiatives on GBV,

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of ONFP IEC actions in the fight against GBV.
  • Document existing good practices and identify areas requiring strengthening to maximize impact on target populations.

How to apply

Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency, invites you to submit a tender under the Service Contract TUN20001-10056 relating to the selection of an expert to conduct an evaluation of the ONFP’s information, education and communication activities on gender-based violence.

Below you will find the market document and forms via the following links:

1- Demande de prix : [*

2-Formulaires a compléter et signer : [**](*](

Your offer must be sent by email to by November 11, 2024 at 10 a.m. (Tunis time) at the latest.

The following documents must make up your offer:

  1. Completed and signed identification form;
  2. Document proving that the bidder has the legal status to exercise his professional activity (trade register for example);
  3. Declaration on honour – Reasons for exclusion;
  4. Declaration of Integrity;
  5. Completed and signed price offer form;
  6. Financial data sheet;
  7. A detailed and up-to-date CV highlighting similar experiences;
  8. The expert/consultant’s references;
  9. A technical proposal in which a succinct methodological note will be highlighted specifying its understanding of the mission and the approach to be adopted for the accomplishment of this mission.

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If you do not receive this second confirmation, please contact the number +216 54 548 402 to ensure that your email has been received in the Mailbox procurement.


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