Consultancy For The Participatory Design Of An Advocacy Academy For Leading Producers And Workers At Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of Small Producers and Fair Trade Workers


Title of the consultancy

Consultancy for the participatory design of an advocacy academy for leading producers and workers, within the framework of the project “The Future is Fair”

Dependency unit

Program and Project Management Unit

Geographical scope of the contract

Countries of the CLAC cocoa and coffee network

Internal relations

Coordinator of the CLAC Program and Project Management Unit

Project Officer

CLAC Advocacy Specialist

Project Incidence Officer

Product networks Coffee and Cocoa

External relations

Small producer organizations (OPPS) participating in the project.

National Fair Trade Coordinators of Ecuador, Guatemala and Brazil

Report to

Project Officer


The Latin American and Caribbean Coordinator of Small Producers and Workers of Fair Trade (CLAC) is an Association established with legal status in El Salvador, which brings together the Organizations of Small Producers and Organizations of Workers within Fair Trade. CLAC is organized into “National Coordinators”, “Product Networks” and the “Network of Workers”; the first group the member organizations of CLAC by country, while the Product Networks group the organizations by product regardless of the country in which they are located and the Network of Workers groups the organizations of workers from the different countries.

CLAC’s vision is to be the leading network in representation, accompaniment and strengthening of organizations of small Fair Trade producers and workers in Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting sustainable development and promoting empowerment, self-management and human rights to achieve decent livelihoods for producers, workers and their communities. And in this context, our organizational goals are: 1) Increase access to new and existing markets, 2) Strengthen and develop membership, 3) Promote Fair Trade, its principles and values, 4) Advocate for responsible production, trade, and consumption to promote sustainable development, 5) Organizational sustainability of CLAC, 6) Contribute to the SDGs through the inclusion of good social and environmental practices.


The Fair Future project is a collaborative initiative aimed at increasing the number of producer organizations and their members—small farmers and workers—enjoying secure and sustainable livelihoods and fairer trade policies and practices. Through this action, we seek to strengthen the effectiveness of the Fairtrade network in responding to the priorities of its member organizations, addressing inequalities in global trading systems. With a focus on social justice, climate resilience and sustainability, the project aligns with the priorities of the European Union, promoting equitable economic development and fair trade practices that benefit producers and workers in developing countries.

The purpose of the project is to maximize the effectiveness of the work of the Fairtrade network to respond to the priorities of the Small Producer Organizations that are members of the system and the following results are expected to be achieved:

Outcome 1: The Fairtrade network strengthens its capacity to exert greater influence on legislation and public policies and private sector practices at national, regional, EU and global levels, which impact Producer Organisations.

Outcome 2: Fairtrade network governance is more inclusive, representative and accountable to small producers and workers, especially women and youth.

Outcome 3: The operational capacities of Fairtrade member organizations are strengthened to respond to the priorities of producers and workers, particularly women and youth.

Outcome 4: The work of the Fairtrade network is based on cross-regional evidence and learning, including through digital capacities.

In Latin America and the Caribbean, the project is implemented by CLAC, and outcome 1 has been prioritized to focus on three European Union regulations that directly affect coffee and cocoa producers: Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR), the EU Organic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/848), and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

This consultancy will contribute significantly to the achievement of outcome 1.


Within the framework of the project “The Future is Fair”, CLAC is committed to strengthening the capacities of producers in Latin America and the Caribbean for political advocacy and leadership, ensuring that their voices are influential in decision-making processes at the regional and global levels. To achieve this objective, the hiring of a consultant or a consulting team specialized in the participatory design of training programs is being sought, in order to develop an Advocacy Academy that responds to the specific needs of leaders of producer organizations.

The objectives of this consulting service are:

  1. Design an Advocacy Academy adapted to the needs of leaders of producer organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean: The consultant or the consulting team must develop a hybrid training program for adults that strengthens the political advocacy, leadership and democratic management skills of participants. The design must be based on a needs assessment of the target group and institutional experience in similar processes. In addition, it must recommend appropriate means for training the target group.
  2. Develop training materials and content that address challenges and opportunities in the field of advocacy: The consultant or the consulting team will be responsible for developing training modules that address key topics such as service leadership, advocacy as a social and political practice within organizations, and monitoring of public and legislative policies. These contents must be aligned with the strategic objectives of CLAC and the “The Future is Fair” project, and must be designed to be practical, applicable, and accessible to participants.The developed materials should include a detailed and specific analysis of the prioritized legislations, such as Regulation (EU) 2023/1115 on Deforestation-Free Products (EUDR) , the EU Organic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/848) , and the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) , as it is essential that they are fully customized based on these regulations. Although the work will be collaborative, it is important that the consultants have the capacity to adapt and manage the information in accordance with these legislations.
  3. Promote the sustainability and adaptability of the Advocacy Academy: The proposed design should include an approach that facilitates the continuity of the academy, allowing smallholders to apply and adapt the knowledge acquired in their respective communities and organizations. Although the scope of this project does not include the training of trainers, the consultant or the consulting team should consider the implementation of a monitoring and evaluation system that allows measuring long-term results and adjusting the academy to the future needs of the participants.





Work plan

Detailed information on the work methodology, including execution schedule, tools and resources to be used.



Initial Diagnosis

Development of a diagnosis to assess the learning needs, opportunities and preferences of small producers, in order to adapt the training program to their realities.



Methodological manual of the Advocacy Academy

A comprehensive and structured training programme for the Advocacy Academy, including specific thematic modules on leadership, advocacy and public policy monitoring.



Teaching materials

Teaching materials and training resources designed to be used during training and subsequently replicated by local trainers.



Materials layout

The consultant (or consulting team) must deliver the layout of the materials, ensuring a clear and coherent visual design that facilitates understanding, using fonts, colors and graphic elements aligned with the project guidelines.



The methodology for this consultancy will focus on a participatory and collaborative approach, ensuring that all stakeholders, including representatives of smallholder organizations, are involved in the academy design process. It will begin with initial meetings with the CLAC team to align expectations, review the specific context of the project, and clearly define the objectives and expected results. These meetings will serve to establish a shared understanding of the needs of the participants and the local conditions that will influence the design of the academy. However, the diagnosis of the needs of the target group will be prioritized, avoiding overloading their participation in the content of the modules.

The development of the Work Plan will be the first expected product and will be carried out in close collaboration with CLAC. This plan will detail the methodology to be followed, including a timeline for implementation, the tools and resources to be used, and the coordination mechanisms between the consulting team and CLAC. The work plan will also specify how the participants’ perspectives will be integrated into the design of the training modules and teaching materials.

The consulting team will develop an Initial Diagnosis as a fundamental part of the Advocacy Academy design process. This diagnosis will be based on a set of questions designed to assess access to media, learning preferences, knowledge levels on specific topics, and participants’ degree of familiarity with relevant regulations and policies, such as the new European Union regulation on deforestation-free products. The objective is to identify the needs and opportunities of small producers, ensuring that the training program is relevant and adapted to their realities. This diagnosis will be a key deliverable and will serve as a basis for the development of the modules and teaching materials that will make up the academy. This exercise will be carried out remotely with the support of the CLAC team.

For the Design of the Advocacy Academy Methodological Manual and the creation of the Teaching Materials , an iterative methodology will be used that includes periodic reviews and validation sessions with the CLAC team and other key actors. The design of the training program, which should be conceived in a hybrid logic for participants from 5 locations, with 5 modules and a duration of 2 years, will be based on an analysis of the needs of the leaders of the producer organizations, with a focus on building capacities in leadership, EU export regulations, political advocacy and monitoring of public policies linked to fair trade.

The proposed methodology is expected to reflect a deep understanding of local realities, addressing cultural, social and economic particularities that may influence the effectiveness of learning. Furthermore, the diversity of learning styles among participants should be considered, ensuring that training materials and activities are accessible, inclusive and relevant to all, thus enabling meaningful participation and a lasting impact on the advocacy and leadership capacities of producers and workers.

The teaching materials will be developed in a way that is accessible and easily replicable, allowing the knowledge acquired to be transferred and adapted by local trainers in different contexts.


The Advocacy Academy is designed to train emerging leaders of producer organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, who will participate in this program with different levels of experience and knowledge. While including a special focus on coffee and cocoa producers, the Academy not only recognizes the current capacities of participants, but also focuses on developing the skills and competencies necessary for them to play a more active and effective role within their organizations. Through a practical and contextualized approach, the Academy aims to transform leaders into dynamic agents of change, capable of influencing political and commercial decisions that affect their communities and organizations, thus promoting greater participation, negotiation and leadership within their National Coordinators and in the fair trade system in general.

The expected profiles are presented below:

Entry Profile

Participants in the Advocacy Academy will be emerging leaders of producer organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean, with a special focus on young people who are not yet active members of National Coordinators (NCs). These leaders may have limited experience in advocacy and negotiation, but show a strong commitment to their communities and a desire to positively influence their organizations. Participants will likely have a variety of educational levels and technical skills, and may need additional support to strengthen their understanding of governance processes and leadership techniques.

Output Profile

Upon completion of the Academy, participants are expected to have shown active interest in or become dynamic and effective leaders within their National Coordinators. They will have acquired practical skills in advocacy, negotiation and democratic leadership, and will be equipped to drive change within their organizations and in the broader context of fair trade. These leaders will be able to mobilize their peers, represent their interests in decision-making spaces, and contribute significantly to advancing their organizations’ goals at local and regional levels.


No. 1 University degree in education, sociology, political advocacy or related fields.


No. 2 More than 3 years of proven experience in designing training processes for adults in rural areas of Latin America in a “learning-by-doing” style on topics of generational inclusion, incidence and development of leadership for service.


No. 3 Knowledge and experience in advocacy towards the European Union.


No. 4 Ease of relationships, empathy and ability to generate trust with different audiences.


No. 5 Native command of Spanish.


N°6 Advanced command of Portuguese.


No. 7 Knowledge of the gender approach, citizen participation, inclusive processes and Fair Trade.


No. 8 Experience working with rural communities, small producers, agricultural workers.


No. 9 Knowledge of the principles and approach to development and Fair Trade.


No. 10 Knowledge of the context and reality of small Fair Trade producers and workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.



Knowledge of the use of online communication tools.


No. 12 Offer an academic endorsement upon completion of the training, allowing participants to receive a certification backed by a university, training institute or entity recognized in Fair Trade.



Of the consultant/consulting team hired:

  1. Preparation of the schedule and work plan adjusted to the requirements of the ToR : The consultancy must develop a detailed work plan that meets the requirements established in the terms of reference, ensuring clarity in the times, resources and methods to be used for the design of the academy.
  2. Working meetings with the CLAC team: The consultancy will have to hold regular meetings with the CLAC team to ensure alignment and progress of the project. This will include conducting interviews with key stakeholders and, if necessary, participating in field activities to better understand the local context.
  3. Preparation of requested products: The consultancy will be responsible for the creation of the expected products, which include the work plan, the design of the academy, and the associated teaching materials, ensuring that these meet the defined objectives.
  4. Review with the CLAC team: Before finalization, the products produced must be reviewed and validated with the CLAC team, and with the National Coordinator if applicable, to ensure their relevance and alignment with the identified needs.
  5. Delivery to CLAC of the final products and all the material obtained: All final products, together with any material obtained during the consultancy, must be formally delivered to CLAC, ensuring a smooth and complete transition of the work performed.
  6. Appropriate and ethical handling of information: The consultant or the consulting team will be responsible for appropriately and ethically managing all information provided during the process, respecting the confidentiality and integrity of the data handled.

From CLAC:

  1. Guide the hired consultant/consulting team in the development of their work route: CLAC will provide guidance and support to the consulting team in the planning and development of their work route, ensuring that the process for the development of the products established in the ToR is aligned with the objectives and expectations of the project.
  2. Deliver relevant documentation in a timely manner: CLAC undertakes to provide all relevant documentation to the contracted consultant/consulting team in a timely manner, as well as to guide them on the proper use of this information for the development of the products.
  3. Provide feedback on consultancy products: CLAC will review and provide detailed feedback on the products delivered by the consultancy, ensuring that they meet the quality and relevance standards required for the success of the project.
  4. Conduct an induction on CLAC and its policies: CLAC will conduct an induction session for the consulting team, which will address the organization’s internal policies, its values, and any other information necessary for the proper fulfillment of the consulting responsibilities.
  5. Carry out the contracting of services: CLAC will be responsible for managing the contracting of consulting services, strictly following the policies, manuals and procurement procedures defined by the organization, ensuring transparency and compliance in the process.


The time period for the development of the consultancy is 5 months after the signing of the contract.

To expedite and facilitate the implementation of activities, the consultant or the contracted consulting team will receive support from the CLAC team, who will provide contacts, the necessary general information and will assist in defining the general schedule; however, the contracted consultancy must be responsible for making direct contact with the organizations to define a detailed plan and independently hold the necessary meetings.

PAYMENTS (disbursement schedule):

Payments for this consultancy will include both the consultancy fees and any payments related to the logistics of the service, so this must be taken into account when submitting the proposals for this consultancy. Disbursements will be distributed as follows:

Product: Delivery of the work plan, subject to validation by CLAC.


Product: Delivery of the Diagnosis and the Methodological Manual of the Advocacy Academy and validation by CLAC


Product: Delivery of teaching materials and their layout, with validation by CLAC and all final products approved



  1. If the consultancy is in El Salvador and is carried out by a natural person, 10% income tax is applied, since a person or company is a taxpayer and provides tax support which is the Final Consumer Invoice.
  2. If the consultancy is carried out by a natural person from El Salvador and the result of said consultancy is for the benefit of a country other than El Salvador, 10% income tax applies, but if it is carried out by a contributing person or company, tax support is provided, which is the Final Consumer Invoice.
  3. If the consultancy is carried out by a non-Salvadoran natural or legal person, and the product is for the benefit of the membership in El Salvador and/or for CLAC decision-making in El Salvador, 20% income tax is applied to non-domiciled persons.
  4. If the consultancy is carried out by a non-Salvadoran natural or legal person and the final product is for the benefit of a country other than El Salvador, no income tax applies.

NOTE: Please take these numbers into consideration when presenting the amount offered in your economic proposal.


It is established in these terms of reference, which will be an indivisible part of the contract that generates the hiring of the consultancy/agency, that all material resulting from the work performed and all other complementary information will be considered from its preparation as property of CLAC and Fairtrade International (and the National Coordinator if applicable) , who will have the exclusive rights to publish or disclose them. Likewise, the consultancy/agency may not use the documents/products, or content resulting from this contract in any act, presentation, etc., without the written authorization of CLAC.

Ambient music accompanying audiovisual work must be free of copyright or have written authorization from its author(s).

  1. The work may be carried out by a consultant, agency, company or team of consultants with proven experience in accordance with the requirements described.
  2. Transfer costs and any other costs incurred will be borne by the contracted consultant/agency.
  3. The CLAC operational team will provide the necessary support for contacts and coordination of visits with producers, as well as the formats and guidelines for collecting information.
  4. All information and all photographic and video materials collected must be delivered to CLAC at the end of the consultancy.
  5. The contracted consultancy/agency will be subject to the Legal and Tax framework of the place where the contract is signed.
  6. Absolute confidentiality must be maintained regarding the information and documentation to which you have access or which is provided to you formally or informally, and you may be subject to sanctions if you fail to comply with the required confidentiality.
  7. In the event of failure to comply with the submission deadline, the contracted consultant/agency will be fined one percent (1%) for each calendar day of delay of the total amount. Fines may not exceed 20% of the total amount of the contract, giving rise to its termination. In the event of an agreement between parties, due to force majeure, the deadline may be extended without incurring any fine.

As an organization regulated by the laws of El Salvador, CLAC must comply with the requirements established by the regulations regarding the prevention of money and asset laundering. To do so, a due diligence process will be carried out in order to identify our consultants and suppliers (identify whether they are natural persons or legal entities). This is a mandatory requirement to be able to participate in this consulting process. You will receive an email from CLAC once the deadline for submitting proposals has passed.

How to apply


Based on a thorough review of the terms of reference, you may send your proposal to the email address with a copy to with the subject: “Design and Methodology of the EU Advocacy Academy Project”. The proposal must include a general schedule and a presentation of the work team with a description of their roles within the consultancy.

Deadline for receipt of complete proposals , no later than October 31, 2024

Interested parties are encouraged to submit their proposals considering at least the following elements:

  • Consultant/consulting team resume
  • Detailed methodological, technical and economic proposal
  • Sample of at least one previously prepared methodological guide, if it exists

*Important: Sending these documents by email must not exceed 50MB, otherwise it is recommended to send them via OneDrive, Google Drive, WeTransfer or similar.


• Incomplete proposals or those that do not take into account the indications of the TDR will be automatically discarded.

• If you have any questions about the TDR, please send an email promptly to the email address provided with your concerns to provide more information and/or details.


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