Líder de Equipo ICLA (Información, Orientación y Asistencia Legal) México,Piedras Negras At Norwegian Refugee Council

El Consejo Noruego para Refugiados (NRC) es una Organización No Gubernamental Internacional con sede en Oslo, Noruega que trabaja en más de 40 países ofreciendo asistencia humanitaria a la población más vulnerable. NRC ha estado respondiendo al creciente desplazamiento interno y externo en Centroamérica y México desde 2015, centrándose en la crisis de protección e integrando las intervenciones de asistencia legal, educación, alojamiento e infraestructuras, agua y saneamiento, y medios de vida.

NRC is an organization with a high international reputation in humanitarian assistance and has been working in Latin America for more than 30 years, leading humanitarian action in many of the countries where it operates.

In Mexico, NRC has been collaborating with local partners since 2019 and is now expanding its reach, starting activities through direct implementation in the States of Veracruz, Coahuila and Mexico City, with more than 20 collaborators hired by NRC in Mexico, providing assistance to displaced people in the intervention areas in the country.

1. Objective

If you are an influential leader who has a track record of fostering a collaborative environment and building effective teams, and the ability to collaborate with others while building strong relationships, then this position is for you. NRC Mexico is seeking an ICLA Team Leader for the Piedras Negras field office, leading with technical skills and in an efficient manner the execution of the program, specifically leading activities in the area, supervising a small team, monitoring the context and identifying needs, establishing local work networks, defining action plans to implement ICLA activities and following up on them to achieve the established goals.

2. Main Responsibilities

  1. Lead the planning, organization, implementation and regular monitoring of the activities of the ICLA projects under his/her responsibility in the corresponding locations/offices in accordance with the country strategy, the ICLA program and the ongoing projects.
  2. Update/collaborate to build, together with the Programs team, the operational standards for ICLA (including methodologies and models to provide quality legal services).
  3. Provide feedback, promote and document – ​​together with the ICLA PDM and M&E colleagues – technical improvements, good practices, lessons learned and other options for the development of ICLA programmes.
  4. Collect and provide analysis on the local context situation, needs and response to the population of interest in their geographic areas of intervention, as well as monitoring the development of new legal and juridical mechanisms on ICLA issues under their responsibility and on this task raise recommendations to the ICLA PDM
  5. Asegurar la calidad técnica y la implementación oportuna de actividades programáticas de los proyectos ICLA a su cargo y bajo la supervisión del PDM ICLA.
  6. Liderar misiones de identificación de población de interés, y en coordinación con el PDM ICLA aprobar casos a ser apoyados por el proyecto y dar seguimiento para evaluar su impacto.
  7. Bajo la coordinación del PDM ICLA, capacitar y apoyar técnicamente al equipo bajo su supervisión, crear sus planes de trabajo y de desarrollo y evaluarlos periódicamente.
  8. Ensure that the team in charge completes the beneficiary and activity databases correctly and on time, as well as the other data collection and monitoring tools for the programmatic activities of the projects.
  9. Compile and submit in a timely manner the systematization of information related to the programmatic activities of the projects in execution, namely, databases of beneficiaries and activities, activity reports, means of verification, etc.
  10. Ensure smooth coordination with other internal NRC areas by sharing information and jointly planning actions.
  11. Facilitate the coordination of ICLA programmatic activities of the projects in charge with the logistics and financial teams (eg purchase requests, equipment movements).
  12. In coordination with the ICLA PDM and the finance area, carry out systematic, organized and efficient monitoring of the financial expenses of the programmatic activities of the projects in charge and raise the necessary recommendations in a timely manner to ensure proper management of resources.
  13. Under the coordination of the ICLA PDM, consolidate quantitative and qualitative information for the preparation of narrative reports (monthly, quarterly, etc.) on the implementation status of the projects under its responsibility.
  14. Identify initiatives in coordination with other organizations that work with populations of interest to NRC in the area and keep the PDM ICLA informed about this work.
  15. In coordination with the ICLA PDM, analyze possible cases of strategic litigation, agree on legal strategies and follow up on them, among other tasks assigned by the supervisor in compliance with the objective of the position.

3. Professional Competencies

  • Minimum experience of four (4) years of work in positions of similar responsibility, preferably in the humanitarian field and in the region (CNA)
  • Previous experience working in complex and volatile contexts.
  • Experience managing teams.
  • Documented results related to the responsibilities of the position.
  • Knowledge about your own leadership skills/profile.

Specific skills, knowledge and experience of the context :


  • University degree in Social Sciences (Law, International Relations, Social Work or similar).
  • Knowledge of the operational and security context in which NRC operates.
  • Altas capacidades de adaptación a entornos de trabajo retadores.
  • Conocimiento y experiencia demostrada trabajando bajo el Ciclo de Gestión de Proyectos.
  • Excelente manejo escrito y hablado del idioma Español.
  • Experiencia en la provisión de información, orientación y asistencia legal.
  • Conocimiento demostrable de la normatividad internacional y nacional asociada a temas de derechos humanos, desplazamiento forzado, protección internacional, regímenes migratorios, acceso a documentación civil y servicios básicos en contextos de movilidad humana.
  • Experiencia trabajando con grupos vulnerables y capacidad para demostrar sensibilidad al conflicto.
  • Conocimiento y experiencia en el manejo del paquete Office y bases de datos.
  • Excelentes habilidades para la expresión oral y escrita.
  • Excelentes relaciones interpersonales, actitud positiva y capacidad para resolver situaciones complejas.


  • Conocimiento de la estructura del Estado, los regímenes legales sobre migración y de las políticas públicas a nivel regional (CNA) para la atención a personas con necesidad de protección internacional.
  • Conocimiento del contexto humanitario en la región (CNA) y las estructuras de organización social.
  • Manejo del idioma inglés.

4. Competencia Comportamentales

El marco de competencias del NRC establece 10 competencias comportamentales y son esenciales las siguientes para este cargo:

  • Manejo de entornos inseguros.
  • Trabajar con los demás.
  • Analizar
  • Empoderar a las personas
  • Entrega de Resultados
  • Comunicar con impacto y respecto

¿Desea conocer más? Haga clic en esta Descripción de Cargo, antes de continuar.

Que Ofrecemos:

  • Un trabajo estimulante y significativo en una organización humanitaria altamente reconocida.
  • Un contrato nacional, con vigencia de 6 meses, con posibilidad de extensión, con salario y paquete de beneficios competitivos.
  • Entorno de trabajo flexible en una oficina dinámica.
  • Lugar de trabajo: Piedras Negras, Coahuila.
  • Viajes: 30% a las otras zonas de intervención

Les motivamos a unirse a nuestra cultura laboral que permite al personal compartir ideas y asumir responsabilidades. Alentamos y damos responsabilidad a todo nuestro equipo en todos los niveles, para ayudar a resolver los problemas complejos que enfrentamos. Tendrá muchas oportunidades de ser escuchado y tomar la iniciativa.

NRC es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y tiene como política la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión de personal en términos de edad, género, etnia, nacionalidad, capacidad física, entre otros.

NRC may review applications prior to the closing of the vacancy announcement, so interested candidates are encouraged to express their interest as early as possible.

About us:

The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Oslo, Norway that works in over 35 countries providing humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable populations. NRC has been responding to the growing internal and external displacement in Central America and Mexico since 2015, focusing on the protection crisis and integrating legal aid, education, shelter and infrastructure, water and sanitation, and livelihoods interventions.

NRC is an internationally renowned humanitarian assistance organization that has been working in Latin America for over 30 years, leading humanitarian action in many of the countries where it operates. In Mexico, NRC has been collaborating with local partners since 2019 and is currently expanding its reach, starting activities through direct implementation with NRC-hired personnel in Mexico, providing assistance to displaced people in the intervention areas in the country.

Read more about NRC

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