JO01 – RFP – PR134470 – Development of a Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) Process for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) – 2nd ROUND At Mercy Corps

Activity/Consultancy Title: Development of a Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) Process for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) and Enhancing the National Umbrella Organization’s Readiness for Effective Coordination and Support in Jordan’s Economic Ecosystem.

Location: Jordan

About Mercy Corps

Mercy Corps is a leading global organization powered by the belief that a better world is possible. In disaster, in hardship, in more than 40 countries around the world, we partner to put bold solutions into action — helping people triumph over adversity and build stronger communities from within now, and for the future.

About Iqlaa Activity

Iqlaa is a five-year USAID-funded program supporting Jordan’s micro and small-sized enterprises (MSEs). Iqlaa aims to meet the immediate needs of formal and informal MSEs following the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis while building a foundation of stability from which they can grow, transform, and build resilience to future shocks. Iqlaa weaves together technical expertise from a robust set of national, regional, and international partners led by Mercy Corps with the American Chamber of Commerce-Jordan (AmCham), Andersen Legal-Jordan (Andersen), Dalberg Design, Expectation State, the Middle East Investment Initiative (MEII), Migrate-Jordan (Migrate), and Q Perspective. Iqlaa works to implement best practices in crisis response, enterprise strengthening, inclusive job creation, and financial sector development within a market-systems development (MSD) framework that is well-matched to the current needs of Jordan’s MSEs along with the future of prosperity envisioned. Iqlaa launched in May 2022, and will end in April 2027.

Iqlaa’s approach looks at integrating direct assistance with Market Systems Development (MSD) interventions to support MSEs along the full journey from recovery to growth and resilience. Grounded in evidence-based, adaptive, and inclusive support, Jordan’s MSEs can emerge from the COVID-19 crisis stronger and more resilient, transformed through new ways of doing business and improved access to finance, markets, and services. Iqlaa is committed to supporting MSEs build, formalize, and grow, emphasizing systems-level change, equitable opportunities, and a dignified work environment for all.

The promotion of inclusion of women, youth, and persons living with disabilities is at the heart of Iqlaa, and applicants should show commitment, planning, and actualization of this guiding principle through innovative sustainable solutions.

Activity Purpose

The USAID Informal Livelihoods Advancement Activity (Iqlaa) aims to strengthen the resilience of MSEs in Jordan by improving their managerial capabilities and access to business opportunities and financial products and services. A key strategy for achieving this goal is the establishment of a dynamic and responsive Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) process. This PPD process will address the unique challenges faced by MSEs and capitalize on opportunities tailored to their needs, thereby enhancing the economic ecosystem. By doing so, it will better support both formal and informal MSEs, ultimately fostering economic resilience and growth.

PPD unites government entities, private sector participants, and relevant stakeholders in a structured and formal process to collaboratively address and resolve specific issues. This collective engagement aims to achieve common objectives and drive transformative change in targeted areas by leveraging the combined expertise and resources of all parties involved.

Contextual in nature, PPD must be contextualized to the unique characteristics of each environment and remain adaptable to evolving circumstances. It serves as a versatile tool for achieving sustainable and inclusive growth, such as improving the investment climate, enhancing sector competitiveness, managing natural resources, and improving public service delivery. PPD can be implemented at various levels—local, national, or international—and organized by industry sector, cluster, or value chain. Its purpose is to promote better governance practices and foster collective action to address development challenges. Depending on its objectives, PPD can be either time-bound or institutionalized to address specific issues and drive long-term transformation and development.

Jordan’s MSEs account for 98 percent of the country’s businesses, employ approximately 60 percent of the private sector workforce, and contribute 50 percent of the national GDP. Despite their significant role, current PPD platforms predominantly address the concerns of SMEs, lacking adequate representation and focus on MSEs.

Recognizing the vital role of MSEs in Jordan’s economy, Iqlaa aims to develop and implement a comprehensive Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) process. This process will involve identifying and engaging key stakeholders as potential partners and advocates to ensure the process’s sustainability. This process, if adopted, will also institutionalize a national method for collectively addressing economic issues through a structured and objective process.

The process includes engagement with the selected national umbrella organization[1], and creation of training materials, followed by the delivery of a Training of Trainers (TOT) program for both public and private sector actors at both national and subnational levels[2], This will ensure a thorough understanding of the new processes and address essential functions currently missing from the PPD framework.

Additionally, Iqlaa aims to establish clear communication channels for both formal and informal interactions. The process will include clearly defined roles and responsibilities, creating a complete cycle that encompasses research and analysis to address priority and urgent issues at various levels.

The purpose is to ensure that the PPD process is tailored to the context of Jordan, aligning with the interests of MSEs across the Agriculture, Tourism & Hospitality, Manufacturing, and Services sectors. This involves emphasizing their long-term representation and involvement in policy discussions and strategic economic planning while enhancing the readiness of the national umbrella organization for effective coordination and support

Activity Description

Iqlaa is seeking to hire a qualified local consulting firm to design and tailor a dynamic and responsive PPD process tailored to Jordan’s MSE economic ecosystem, to be implemented simultaneously at both national and subnational levels.

This process will address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by MSEs across the four targeted sectors: Agriculture, Manufacturing, Services, and Tourism & Hospitality. The consultancy will focus on establishing a structured, evidence-based dialogue between public and private sector stakeholders, aiming to enhance MSE engagement and representation within Jordan’s economic landscape and ensures its sustainability.

Iqlaa will also focus on building evidence and applying actionable recommendations to inform the PPD process, addressing current inefficiencies and leveraging PPD’s potential to drive economic growth. To address both general and sector-specific issues, the process will incorporate sector-specific dialogues through strategic alliances with industry-specific stakeholders such as unions and associations. This approach will ensure that the PPD process effectively tackles sector-specific challenges faced by MSEs, thereby fostering a more robust and viable MSE ecosystem and generating sustainable business opportunities.

Furthermore, Iqlaa will identify and engage a national umbrella organization to institutionalize and ensure the sustainability of the PPD process. This umbrella organization will handle five critical functions: facilitation and administration of the PPD, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) function to ensure follow-through, research, capacity building, and communication. The consultancy will include a TOT program and the development of a PPD guidebook to enhance the readiness of the umbrella organization and ensure effective implementation of the PPD process. This effort aims to enhance MSE representation in decision-making by embedding a deeper understanding of MSE priorities and establishing the organization as a national reference for PPD.

The process will be designed to enhance engagement between the public and private sectors, thereby strengthening MSE representation in decision-making. To achieve this, the consultant is expected to design a process that will ensure effective and continuous collaboration with relevant ministries, Local Chambers, Local Development Units (LDUs), and other stakeholders to effectively operationalize and sustain the PPD frameworks beyond the Activity’s lifecycle.

Scope of Work

The consultant will fulfill the required objectives through the following:

  • Design and Develop a PPD Process on both the National Level and Subnational Levels which will include the following:
  • PPD Setup and structural design for the process on both national and sub-national levels:
  • Identify variables and refer to best relevant practices of management and development that affect PPD setup design on the national and subnational levels, in addition to lessons learned from previous experiences, considering the following.
  • The degree of private sector organization’s representation, and the power balance between the public and private sectors within the dialogue,
    • The role of the national umbrella organization considering the five identified PPD functions[3],
  • Sectoral considerations of the four sectors targeted by Iqlaa (Manufacturing, Agriculture, Services, Tourism & hospitality), and balanced representation of stakeholders in the PPD that ensure the sustainability of the PPD.
  • Inclusion related considerations particularly related to women, youth, PLWDs, and refugees-owned MSEs.
  • Design an efficient PPD setup to implement the process on both the national and subnational levels, comprising a coherent process flow, in a manner that gives the best chance for productive interactions between public and private sectors to emerge. The PPD setup must include but not limited to;
    • Transparent Participation Criteria: set clear and transparent criteria for stakeholders to be able to participate in the PPD cycles on both the national and sub-national levels.
      • Rules of engagement among partners, emphasizing balanced membership, joint decision-making, and transparent communications,
      • Inclusion-related support considerations to ensure proper explicit representation for women, youth, PLWDs, and refugees-owned MSEs.
  • Mechanisms to resolve conflicts and codification of said rules,
  • Action plan template to drive mutually reinforcing activities, in addition to, reporting templates, meeting agendas, minute-taking, forms, and case formulation templates, taking into consideration any sector-specific and/or level PPD cycle considerations,
  • Mitigation and Adaptation plan: the developed setup must ensure flexibility of process to enable dialogue partners to learn and adapt from successes and failures.
  • Systems and processes for the national umbrella’s key functions:
  • Research and Dissemination: ensure all future initiatives and private sector issues identified are evidence-based and disseminated to stakeholders in a focused and solution-oriented manner.
    • Facilitation and Administration:
  • Coordination, facilitation, and arrangement of meetings/workshops/cycles between the government and private sector representatives.
    • Stakeholder outreach strategies.
  • A communication strategy based on a communication assessment with a concentration on:
    • The overall communications objectives for the umbrella organization,
      • The audience/stakeholder analysis and recommended communications approach for each audience/stakeholder group,
        • The type of messages that should be conveyed, frequency, and type of recipients; the type of messaging should also emphasize raising awareness on the concept of PPD, promoting the chosen PPD topics, and highlighting the efforts of Iqlaa through the Umbrella Organization,
          • Type of channels utilized to distribute the messages: offline/online campaigns including digital campaigns, PR campaigns, PR coverage, and events,
          • Broad communications plan for implementation.
  • A Monitoring and Evaluation system to report on the PPD process and demonstrate its performance, and impact ensuring effective follow-through. This system will track the discussions and implementation of solutions.
    • Sustainable Capacity Building mechanism: continuous training channels for stakeholders involved in PPD and follow-up support channels to ensure sustained capacity building and effective participation in the PPD setup.
  • Sustainability Plan/Feasibility:
  • Operational Sustainability: budget including but not limited to venue rent, communication budgets, equipment, transport, and other logistical needs if relevant.
    • Financial Sustainability/Financing schemes; including salaries for coordinators, technical experts, and office assistants if relevant.
  • A plan to sustain the mandate and effectiveness in delivering this mandate: costs of activities such as but not limited to meetings, conferences, workshops, and communication campaigns, and ensure these are aligned with the overall budget if relevant.
  • Institutional Positioning: propose a framework to solidify the role of the umbrella organization beyond the life of the Iqlaa activity.
  • Implementation of PPD Cycles:
    • Detail the sequence of stages leading to the implementation of the PPD cycles on both the national and subnational levels, taking into consideration sectoral specificities if needed, ensuring the validation of raised key issues, the collaboration with stakeholders to develop specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) action plans, tracking the progress and impact of the action plans, preparing and sharing regular progress reports with stakeholders and the public to ensure transparency and accountability and establish mechanisms for feedback and adaptability to ensure continuous improvement.
    • Pilot the Developed Process and Tools:
  • Execute a pilot of the newly developed process and tools to provide a valuable learning opportunity for the national umbrella organization.
    • Utilize and address the feedback obtained from this pilot to make necessary refinements and enhancements to the process.
  • Enhancing the readiness of the selected National Umbrella Organization:
  • Development of Training Materials for TOT (Training of Trainers):
    • Create comprehensive training materials, agendas, handouts, trainer manuals, presentations, and all relevant needed documents on the PPD process and tools for the TOT which aims to train the national umbrella organization on the newly developed PPD process and tools.
      • Topics should include but are not limited to, negotiation skills, public speaking skills, and strategic communication.
      • Create a PPD guidebook serving each of the five functions[4] of the umbrella organization for the national umbrella to keep and disseminate as fit, potentially to channel to stakeholders and advocates, ensuring sustained capacity building.
  • Ensure materials cover all aspects of PPD setup, including but not limited to; stakeholder engagement, action plan development, and monitoring and evaluation.
    • Ensure materials are developed in accessible formats according to the actual needs of participants including women, youth, persons with disabilities, and refugees.[5]
    • Delivery of TOT to the National Umbrella Organization:
  • Deliver the TOT program to the trainers under the national umbrella organization on the developed process and guidebooks.
    • Ensure proficiency in the skills and knowledge gained to effectively train both public and private sector participants on the process and mechanisms developed for PPD.
  • Ensure to utilization of adaptations and reasonable accommodations[6] according to the actual needs of participants including women, youth, persons with disabilities, and refugees owned MSEs to enhance their participation.
  • PPD Cycles under The National Umbrella Organization oversight:
    • Following the preparation and readiness phase of the national umbrella organization, the consultant will supervise the execution of two PPD cycles. This oversight will ensure that the umbrella organization fully understands and effectively implements the developed process.

Consultant Responsibilities:

  • Activity work plan and inception:
  • Review activity objectives, TOR, and any relevant background material provided by the Iqlaa Activity.
  • Conduct and schedule an initial meeting with the Iqlaa concerned team.
  • Desk review:
  • Conduct desk research to identify variables that affect PPD setup design on the national and subnational levels, analyzing PPD reports, and characteristics of success stories from national and regional similar interventions.
  • Stakeholder engagement/need assessment:
  • Propose an outreach plan that includes but is not limited to the selection criteria, considering stakeholders on the national and subnational levels and sectors from both the public and private sectors.
  • Consult with key persons and stakeholders to understand their capacities, perceptions, needs, challenges, and expectations from the PDD process.
  • Explore the characteristics that affect the adoption of the PPD process in terms of relative advantage, incentives, complexity, and barriers to sustainability.
  • Communications assessment to determine the preferred type, frequency, and mode of communication per stakeholder type.
  • Capacity building needs assessment for both the public and private sectors and sectoral representatives to enable the adoption and implementation of the developed PPD process.
  • PPD Setup Development:
  • Propose and develop a comprehensive and inclusive PPD setup on both the national and subnational levels taking into consideration the objectives of the consultancy and the input gathered from the desk review, the stakeholder engagements, and sectoral considerations. The setup must include:
    • Transparent Participation Criteria,
    • Rules of engagement,
    • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms,
    • Action plan template, reporting templates, meeting agendas, minute-taking, forms, and case formulation templates,
    • Inclusion-related support considerations to ensure proper explicit representation for women, youth, PLWDs, and refugees-owned MSEs.
    • Mitigation and Adaptation plan,
    • Systems and processes for the national umbrella’s key functions,
    • Sustainability plan/feasibility,
    • A flow of the implementation of the PPD cycles;the sequence of stages leading to the implementation of the PPD cycles on both the national and subnational levels, taking into consideration sectoral specificities if needed,
  • Conduct required workshops and seminars for the drafting and finalization of the dialogue process.
  • A Pilot for the developed process and tools, securing consensus on the final output and addressing feedback to further enhance the process.
  • Training of Trainers (TOT) on the developed PPD process and tools:
  • Develop a matrix clarifying the capabilities of stakeholders participating in the PPD cycles based on the capacity building needs assessment conducted to incorporate in the TOT.
  • Create comprehensive training materials agendas, handouts, trainer manuals, and all relevant needed documents on the process and tools for the Training of Trainers (TOT) who will train the national umbrella organization on the newly developed PPD process and tools.
  • Create a PPD guidebook serving each of the five functions of the umbrella organization (Facilitation and administration, Research, Dissemination and communication, Follow-through, and capacity building).
  • Deliver the TOT program to the trainers under the national umbrella organization on the developed process and guidebooks ensuring proficient understanding of developed processes and tools.
  • PPD Cycles under The National Umbrella Organization oversight:
  • oversee the implementation of two cycles under the facilitation of the umbrella organization to ensure full comprehension and efficiency of the developed process and tools.

Required Deliverables

Based on the Scope of Work above, the deliverables for this activity can be categorized into several milestones, as per the below:

Milestones and Deliverables

Deliverable A: Inception Report:

Milestone 1:

  • Detailed work plan outlining tasks, timelines, and responsibilities.
  • Desk Review findings:
    • Identification of variables impacting PPD setup design at national and subnational levels including private sector organization, power dynamics, sectoral considerations, and stakeholder representation.
    • Characteristics of success stories from national and regional similar interventions.
  • All (primary) data collection tools to be used in stakeholder engagements.
  • A detailed annotated Table of Contents for the Final Reports to be submitted.
  • An outreach plan that includes but is not limited to the selection criteria, considering stakeholders on the national and subnational levels and sectors from both the public and private sectors serving the stakeholder engagement assessment.

Milestone 2:

  • Stakeholder Engagement Summary:
    • Identification and Engagement Summary with key persons and stakeholders.
    • Results and analysis of KIIs and FGDs with key persons and stakeholders to understand their capacities, perceptions, needs, challenges, and expectations from the PDD process.
    • lists/matrix and or stakeholder mapping showing the degree of support and level of interest on the national and subnational levels.
  • Stakeholder/audience Communications Assessment Report:
    • Findings on the preferred type, frequency, and mode of communication (channels) per stakeholder type (Public, Private, and representative)
  • Stakeholder Needs Assessment Report:
    • Assessment of characteristics that affect the adoption of the PPD process in terms of relative advantage, incentives, complexity, and barriers to sustainability.
    • Assessment of the capacities of both the public and private sectors and sectoral representatives to adopt and implement the developed PPD process.

Deliverable B: PPD Setup Design Proposal:

Milestone 1:

  • Comprehensive PPD Setup Proposal:
    • A detailed and inclusive PPD setup for both national and subnational levels, incorporating project objectives, stakeholder feedback, sectoral considerations, and input from the mini desk review.
  • Templates, Documents, and Strategies:
    • Templates, documents, and strategies to facilitate an efficient PPD process. Including but not limited to action plan template, reporting templates, meeting agendas, minute-taking, forms, and case formulation templates,
  • Rules of engagement,
  • Conflict Resolution Mechanisms,
  • Mitigation and Adaptation plan,
  • Systems and processes for each of the national umbrella’s key functions (Facilitation and administration, Research, Follow-through, Communication, and Capacity-building) as referenced in the objectives,
  • Transparent Participation Criteria,
  • Sustainability Plan/Feasibility,
  • PPD Cycle Implementation Plan:
    • An outline of a detailed implementation plan for PPD cycles, specifying the sequence of stages for both national and subnational levels. Consider sectoral specifics and ensure a structured flow for the PPD cycles.

Deliverable C: Capacity Building Framework:

Milestone 1:

  • Comprehensive Training Materials:
    • training materials covering the PPD process and tools, taking into consideration the findings of the stakeholder needs assessment. Delivered training materials, including but not limited to; agendas, handouts, trainer manuals, timelines, frequency, and presentations must address all critical aspects of the PPD setup, including but not limited to stakeholder engagement, action plan development, and monitoring and evaluation.
  • PPD Guidebook: A guidebook addressing each of the five functions of the umbrella organization (Facilitation and Administration, Research, Dissemination and Communication, Follow-through, and Capacity Building), providing a resource for ongoing reference and dissemination.

Milestone 2:

  • TOT Delivery: successful delivery of the TOT to the trainers under the national umbrella organization ensuring a thorough understanding of the developed processes and tools, and the capacity-building needs of stakeholders involved in PPD.
  • Pilot Delivery and Feedback Incorporation: Successfully deliver the pilot, providing a valuable learning opportunity for the umbrella organization, and integrating the feedback received into the finalization and refinement of the developed process.

* All logistics costs related to venue/events should be covered by the consultant*

Deliverable D: Final Report: The Final Report serves as a comprehensive document summarizing the entire consulting engagement, providing a clear understanding of the assessments, recommendations, and proposed strategies for the successful implementation of the Public Private Dialogue in Jordan.

  • Milestone 1: Draft of the Final Report.
  • Milestone 2: Final Report.

Deliverable E: Oversight of two PPD cycles under the facilitation of The Umbrella Organization:

  • Oversee the first PPD cycle facilitated by the Umbrella Organization, offering feedback to enhance its effectiveness.
  • Shadow the implementation of the second PPD cycle, ensuring efficiency and activity closure.

Other considerations throughout the activity timeframe:

1. The consultant shall work closely with Mercy Corps – Iqlaa team, share regular updates, and reply to emails within one working day.

2. The consultant shall expect to conduct regular progress meetings and conference calls when needed and upon the request of the Mercy Corps – Iqlaa team.

3. The consultant shall attend the CARM sensitization session as arranged by Mercy Corps.

4. Consent should be taken from all participants following the data protection and sharing policy (GDPR).

5. The consultant shall expect to receive and provide feedback and recommendations on activities and deliverables.

6. The consultant must comply with the communications, marking, and branding guidelines of USAID and Mercy Corps that will be provided upon agreement.

7. The consultant should ensure that any served/ trained participants are registered, documented, and reported on the Iqlaa database. The Program Quality and Learning (PQL) team will grant access to a data collection platform to the applicant for those purposes. The consultant is responsible for sharing all the evidence and means of verification with each participant. The consultant will facilitate any needed data collection required in coordination with the Iqlaa PQL team.

8. All logistics costs related to venue/events should be covered by the consultant.


The activity timeframe will begin upon signing the contract for a period of eleven months. Applicants shall adhere to this timeline while developing the work plan in the technical proposal.
Contract time extension can be granted upon written email request and with proper justification.

Ethical Considerations

MC is committed to ensuring that all individuals we come into contact with through our work, whether team members, community members, program participants, or others, are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to the core principles regarding the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse laid out by the UN Secretary-General and IASC. We will not tolerate child abuse, sexual exploitation, abuse, or harassment by or of our team members.

As part of MC’s commitments to the Core Humanitarian Standards for Quality and Accountability and to provide services with respect and protection to human rights, MC applies multiple policies to prevent and mitigate improper incidents. These applied policies must be obligated by all MC stakeholders including the contractors.

The selected candidate shall sign and adhere to the MC’s policies, such as safeguarding, antifraud, conflict of interest, and anti-corruption.


Kindly refer to the attached inclusion guiding framework to provide insights on inclusion, and please pay attention to the inclusion of persons living with disabilities.

The consultant must integrate necessary reasonable accommodations, accessible formats, and universal design throughout the scope of work, and should ensure that the needs assessment, the training (including materials activities, exercises, agenda, etc.), and mentorship are conducted and developed in an inclusive manner, taking into consideration the unique needs of attendees including those living with disabilities, if the Consultant ends up selecting PLWDs. This may include but is not limited to, flexible timing that is suitable for the participants’ work schedule to make sure attendees are able to attend and commit to the capacity-building programming. Furthermore, the training venue must be accessible for all of the attendees.

Please find attached the inclusion guiding framework.


MC requires that all efforts from contractors, including connections, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) data, secondary resources, tools, presentations, and templates that were developed during any assignment shall remain the property of MC only and shall be treated in confidentiality and not to be shared with any third parties. That also applies to all documents shared from the MC side with the contractor such as global guidelines, proposals, and any other project documentation.


  • At least 7 years of relevant experience in conducting such programs in similar fields, in addition to experience in communications, MEL, and sustainability.
  • Previous projects that focus on supporting Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs).
  • Previous similar projects with international organizations (especially USAID projects) are preferred.
  • Strong familiarity with the Jordanian economic development context is required.
  • Practical experience in public policy and engagement with the public and private sectors is preferred.
  • Good understanding of the economic local context across different governorates cross iqlaa targeted sectors
  • Experience working in the governorates is preferred.
  • Proficient English language skills are essential

[1]National Umbrella Organization: plays the role of a secretariat, a neutral facilitator who enables the PPD process.

[2] National and subnational levels: the national level is macro (nationwide) in nature. National PPD setups include ministries and high-level representatives. The subnational level is micro, and governorate focused. Subnational PPD setups include Local Chambers and Local Development Units (LDUs) at the local municipalities, and usually channel into the national level.

[3] The five identified National Umbrella Organization functions: Facilitation and administration, Research, Follow-through, Communication, and Capacity-building)

[4] The five identified National Umbrella Organization functions: Facilitation and administration, Research, Follow-through, Communication, and Capacity-building)

[5]Accessible Formats: The transformation of information, data, pictures, drawings, and other classified items to Braille, or large print, or the transformation of information into electronic or audio formats, or translating into Sign language, or using simplified language, or clarifying the information in any other manner without making any change in the essence or meaning to enable persons with disabilities to review and understand the issue.

[6] Reasonable Accommodations are defined, per law number 20 for the rights of persons with disabilities for the year 2017, as the alteration of the environment or time-related conditions within a specific context of time or place to enable the person with a disability to practice a right and freedom or to gain access to services on an equal basis with others.

How to apply

TENDER NO: JO01 – RFP – PR134470 – Development of a Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) Process for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs)

USAID Informal Livelihoods Advancement Activity (Iqlaa)

Intent to Bid documents will be available from Thursday, October 10, 2024, and can be obtained by reaching out to the Tenders Department at Mercy Corps through: or through:

Deadline for submission of Intents to Bid is on Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 03:00 pm (Amman Time).

Filled Intents to Bid, Supplier Information Forms and business registration must be sent by email, and any submission sent to another email address will be disregarded.

For any inquiries, please contact Mercy Corps – Tendering Department at
jo-tenders@mercycorps.orgindicating the tender number in the subject line.

Note: bidders who have already submitted the ITB and SIF during the first advertisement are NOT REQUESTED to submit the ITB and SIF again at this stage

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