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  1. Background of the BDCG Network

The Business Development Services (BDS) Donor Coordination Group (BDCG) was founded in the early 2000s to maximize the effectiveness and impact of donor-led activities in BDS market development and value chain intervention through active coordination and information sharing.

The new network strategy positions the BDCG Network at the forefront of driving market system development across Africa. As an industry membership network, the network is committed to fostering inclusive economic growth, enhancing market efficiency, and empowering communities through our collaborative efforts.

The network has repurposed its mission to become more responsive to current and emerging challenges in our times. The mission is to foster vibrant resilient market systems through knowledge and collaborations to create opportunities, build capacity, and facilitate partnerships that enable businesses, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders to thrive in dynamic and competitive market systems. The network would like to see market systems development practice recognized for innovative solutions, impactful interventions, and unwavering commitment to driving positive change while creating a vibrant ecosystem where markets work for everyone, leaving no one behind.

Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) acts as the secretariat of the BDCG and therefore, coordinates all the activities for the members. Regular quarterly meetings are convened by the members to: (a) Synergize activities in BDS and value-chain development facilitation, to avoid duplication of interventions, and to maximize on donor resources; (b) Share opportunities, lessons, and constraints in market facilitation, for value-added input and advice from committee members; (c) Serve as a forum for future donor programs to vet value-chain development and BDS related activities; (d) Explore synergies in program design, implementation, monitoring evaluation adaptation & learning; and (e) Enhance BDS market development and value chain facilitation through the sharing of practical field experiences.

  1. BDCG 2024 Annual Symposium

Overview of the Symposium

Following the evaluation of the network, in February 2024, the BDCG launched a new strategy that seeks to establish a vibrant community of practitioners, experts, and enthusiasts committed to driving sustainable economic growth and development through market-oriented approaches. As an industry convener, provide a platform for amplifying best practices, lessons learned, and innovative approaches among members and stakeholders in Africa, acting as a collective voice to advocate for policies and practices that promote inclusive and sustainable market systems while providing a neutral space for stakeholders to exchange ideas, build consensus, and develop collaborative solutions. The network maintains an active annual calendar of events for the members and one of the flagship events, is the annual network training and conference held each year in November. This been the first year under the new strategy, the network is set to host an Inclusive Market Systems Symposium.

This year we intend to bring together thought leaders, development practitioners, academia, policymakers, the private sector, and key stakeholders from various sectors to explore the critical role of market systems in building resilient and inclusive economies. Organized by the BDCG Network, the symposium scheduled from November 27th to 29th, 2024 at the Travellers Beach Hotel in Mombasa, will provide a platform for sharing insights, best practices, and innovative strategies that align with our mission of fostering a vibrant and resilient market system across the continent. The network shall also relaunch the strategy as we usher in 2025 a year of expanding the network’s membership and impact.

  1. Overall Objectives of the assignment

The primary objective of the symposium facilitators’ assignment is to effectively plan, organize, and coordinate all necessary resources for the three-day symposium, ensuring seamless execution. The facilitator is tasked with leading dynamic and engaging dialogues that focus on the quality and evolution of market systems while addressing critical topics such as climate change, pandemics, and locally led development. The facilitator will play a key role in guiding conversations that promote resilience and inclusivity in market systems, in alignment with the symposium’s broader theme of the Role of Market Systems Development in Building Resilient and Inclusive Economies.

  1. Symposium’s Structure

The symposium will be structured around key subthemes that align with the overarching theme: The Role of Market Systems Development in Building Resilient and Inclusive Economies. Each subtheme will be explored through a variety of participatory formats, including keynote presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, and breakout sessions. The facilitator in liaison with the BDCG task team should propose structures that encourage active engagement from thought leaders, policymakers, development practitioners, the private sector, and other key stakeholders, fostering collaborative dialogue and innovative solutions aimed at strengthening market systems for resilience and inclusivity. The proposed subthemes are;

i. Climate Adaptation and Resilience

ii. Innovative Financing Models

iii. Digital Transformation and Market Access

iv. Food Systems and Regenerative Agriculture

v. Inclusive Business Practices and Partnerships

vi. Gender Transformative Approaches in Market Systems

vii. Youth as of inclusive Markets, innovation and Equity

viii. Evidence Creation for Policy Influencing – Validation Research for Development

  1. Participants

The symposium targets 100 Participants drawn from the various industries implementing or interested in market systems development including thought leaders, practitioners, policymakers, research, academia, and organizations committed to fostering resilient and inclusive market systems across Africa. This diverse gathering will ensure a rich exchange of ideas, experiences, and best practices, all aimed at driving innovative solutions and impactful interventions in market systems development.

  1. Expected Outcomes
  • Enhanced understanding and appreciation of the role of market systems in building resilient and inclusive economies.
  • Identification and showcasing of innovative strategies and solutions for market system challenges; and replication of best practice
  • Strengthened networks and partnerships among stakeholders.
  • Actionable recommendations for policymakers, practitioners, and investors. Plus Organization’s commitment to drive the market systems agenda through the networks
  1. Key Deliverables for Pre- and Post-Symposium Phases
  2. Comprehensive Agenda and Programme: A finalized agenda detailing the structure, themes, key speakers, and session formats, ensuring alignment with the symposium’s objectives of building resilient and inclusive economies.
  3. Resource and Logistics Plan: Detailed planning and coordination of resources, including venue setup, technology support, virtual platforms, and participant materials to ensure seamless execution during the symposium.
  4. Speaker and Facilitator Engagement: Final confirmation and briefing of all speakers, sessional facilitators, and panelists, ensuring they are well-prepared to contribute to key discussions and subthemes.
  5. Participant Engagement: liaising with the BDCG secretariat and task team, efficiently ensure diverse representation and engagement from key stakeholders including policymakers, the private sector, academia, and development practitioners.
  6. Content and Presentation Development: Preparation of high-quality presentations, case studies, and visual aids that align with each subtheme, such as climate resilience, inclusive business practices, and innovative financing models.
  7. Activity Plan: develop a detailed activity to track progress on planning, resource management, and programme delivery, ensuring timely and efficient execution of all activities.
  8. Post-Event Evaluation and Feedback: Collection and analysis of participant feedback, along with a post-symposium evaluation to assess the effectiveness of sessions and overall event execution.
  9. Comprehensive Symposium Report: A detailed report summarizing key discussions, insights, and outcomes from all sessions, including recommendations for strengthening market systems and promoting resilient and inclusive economies. Include a concise policy briefs and recommendations derived from the symposium, aimed at influencing local, national, and regional market systems policies.
  10. Proposed Methodology

The main task of the assignment is divided into three parts; (i) prepare, (ii) deliver and (iii) write a report. It is recommended that a facilitative and participatory approach is employed and adopted for this process however the consultant is expected to develop an appropriate methodology and implementation plan demonstrating how the work will be carried out. The methodology at the very least should include but not be limited to practical guidelines backed by illustrations and case studies, PPT presentations, brainstorming exercises, and group assignments and hand-outs will be used to deliver the training.

The selected lead consultant will work as indicated with other experts, under the direct supervision of the BDCG chair and Vice plus the secretariat (MESPT). The consultant and his team will work hand in hand with the BDCG secretariat during the planning phase and performance will be evaluated against timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, and quality of the products delivered.

  1. Preparation

The consultant will always ensure timely contact between him/her and the representative from the secretariat (MESPT), draw up a programme based on interactions with the BDCG Secretariat, prepare any training materials in advance, liaise with the secretariat to prepare the venue, and deliver a detailed training agenda in advance of the workshop.

  1. Implementation plan and duration

The consultant will facilitate the Symposium, ensuring all contributors and speakers meet expectations. Upon the completion of training, the consultant will compile a report. The consultant will also consolidate all materials presented and used into a pack. The facilitator engagement will run from October 15th December 10th, 2024. The symposium is scheduled for 26th to 29th November 2024. The final contents should reach the secretariat one week before commencement of the symposium and final materials and report are to be submitted no later than 10th December 2024.

The Lead Facilitator should submit a proposed schedule of activities along with proposed durations and proposed support personnel to carry out the assignment based on but not limited to the following:

  1. Symposium preparation
  2. Outreach work to speakers/others to be included in the symposium.
  3. Programme preparation and finalisation.
  4. Preparation of all symposium materials.
  5. Delivery of the symposium.
  6. Final report writing and synthesis of materials.

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October 2024