Logistics Coordinator – BURKINA FASO – M/F At ALIMA


THE ALIMA SPIRIT: ALIMA’s purpose is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any discrimination based on identity, religion or politics, through actions based on proximity, innovation and the alliance of organizations and individuals. We act with humanity, impartiality and respect for universal medical ethics . To access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

THE VALUES and PRINCIPLES of our action, included in our CHARTER:

1. The patient first

2. Revolutionizing humanitarian medicine

3. Responsibility and freedom

4. Improve the quality of our actions

5. Trust

6. L’intelligence collective

7. Environmental responsibility

ALIMA promotes and defends the principles of fundamental human rights. ALIMA has a zero-tolerance approach towards those guilty of acts of gender-based and sexual violence as well as towards inaction in the face of alleged or proven acts of violence. The protection of those benefiting from and impacted by our intervention is our top priority in everything we do. Anyone collaborating with ALIMA commits to:

  • Respect the charter, the code of conduct, institutional policies including the policy of protection against abuse of power and sexist and sexual violence, the policy of prevention of corruption and fraud;
  • Report any violation of policies, framework documents and procedures to a superior, a supervisor or a referent.

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER: Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 13 million patients in 15 countries, and is now deploying its operations in 12 African countries and Haiti. In 2022, we developed 62 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All of these projects are carried out in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health structures. We work in partnership, in particular with local NGOs, whenever possible to ensure that our patients benefit from expertise, whether in their country or in the rest of the world. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we are conducting operational and clinical research projects, specifically to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

THE ALIMA TEAM: more than 2,000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, closest to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capitals of the countries of intervention. These receive support from the 4 desk teams and the emergency and openings service team based at the operational headquarters in Dakar, Senegal. The Paris and New York teams actively work on fundraising as well as representing ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams who work on behalf of other organizations such as the medical NGOs BEFEN, ALERTE Santé, SOS Médecins / KEOOGO, AMCP, the research organizations PACCI, INSERM, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen, the NGO Solidarités International and many others.

OUR PROJECT THEMES: Malnutrition, Sexual and reproductive health including gender-based violence, Primary and secondary health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Hemorrhagic fevers, meningitis, Cholera, Measles, Dengue, COVID-19).

OUR COUNTRIES OF INTERVENTION: Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Guinea, Sudan, Mauritania, Haiti.

ALIMA or Burkina Faso

Since 2015, the escalation of violence in Burkina Faso has led to an unprecedented deterioration in the humanitarian situation in the country. In 2021, OCHA estimates that more than 3.5 million people will need humanitarian assistance in the 6 priority regions. The current crisis in Burkina Faso is by far the largest protection crisis in the Central Sahel (Mali, Niger and Burkina). Of the 1.5 million people internally displaced by conflict and violence in the sub-region, 69% (1.03 million) are in Burkina Faso. The National Emergency Relief Council (CONASUR) as of January 31, 2021, counts 1,097,462 IDPs, an increase of 78% compared to January 27, 2020. The most affected regions are the Center-North with 438,558 (40%), the Sahel with 353,721 (32.2%) and the north with 84,687 IDPs (7.7%).

Faced with the increase in the medical and nutritional needs of the host and displaced populations, the ALIMA/Keoogo/SOS Médecins BF consortium has strengthened its response to emergencies in the North (Ouahigouya and Titao), Centre-North (Barsalogho, Boulsa and Pissila) and Sahel (Dori) regions to:

  1. Restoring access to care by reopening closed health facilities: ALIMA and its partners support the reopening of closed health facilities in conjunction with the Regional Health Directorates, District Management Teams and Local Authorities. Health facilities are supported with human resources, medicines and medical-technical equipment. The consortium also supports the referral and counter-referral system and encourages the retention of health personnel in areas affected by the crisis.
  2. Reaching the most vulnerable populations through the implementation of advanced posts/mobile clinics: ALIMA and its partners set up advanced posts/mobile clinics to provide medical, nutritional and psychological care to displaced populations gathered on transit or official sites. Cases requiring hospitalization are referred to the nearest health facility.
  3. Improving the provision of community-based care in health areas in difficulty: ALIMA and its partners support the strengthening of the provision of community-based care in health areas in difficulty in conjunction with the Regional Health Directorates and the District Management Teams and also train mothers of children under 5 years old in screening for acute malnutrition using the Shakir strip, which allows early detection by measuring the brachial circumference.
  4. Strengthening rapid response mechanisms to health emergencies: ALIMA and its partners participate in RRM mechanisms through (i) health, humanitarian and epidemiological monitoring (ii) the identification, training and monitoring of medical and support personnel from national NGOs for emergency response interventions (iii) the investigation and confirmation of alerts (iv) the deployment of rapid response teams within seven days after confirmation of the intervention.

In partnership with UGP-PFS, GRET and ISSP, through an innovative approach, the project consists of supporting, but also including families in the monitoring of the child’s first 2 years (1,000 days), the most important period of their growth and development. In total, 10,000 identified mother-child couples should benefit from the program over 3 years. This project, based in Ouagadougou, is based on the national social safety net program and aims to improve the nutritional status of these households and facilitate their access to a complete package of health services.

Furthermore, in response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the ALIMA/Keoogo/SOS Médecins BF consortium supported the Ministry of Health to strengthen infection prevention and control measures and meet the required standards for medical care in 2 university hospitals (Tengandogo University Hospital and Bogodogo University Hospital) and 1 CHR (Kaya CHR).

JOB LOCATION: Ouagadougou, BF


Level 3: As part of their duties, the position holder will be required to visit programs and be in contact with children and/or vulnerable adults. Consequently, a criminal record check or the presentation of a certificate of good character will be necessary. In situations where it is found that it is not possible to provide a criminal record or a certificate of good character, a sworn statement will be requested.

Job typology

His/Her mission is to guarantee the technical and logistical support of the mission, the relevance and coherence of the logistics programs and good knowledge in response to emergencies, in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation management in precarious situations as well as the adequacy of the means. Although generally based in the capital (BF), the Logistics Coordinator is above all a field actor on which he/she will spend at least 40% of his/her time in order to train and supervise the Logistics Managers of the projects, to ensure the application of policies as well as the use of the most appropriate techniques, tools and equipment.


Reports to: Head of Mission,

Technical referent: LOG Desk 2 referent based in Dakar

Direct supervision: Procurement Manager and COLOG Assistant.

Functional supervision: All Project Logistics Managers

Collaborates with: everyone (Project Managers, Medical Coordinator, Human Resources Coordinator, Finance Coordinator, Country Pharmacy Manager and other stakeholders on the projects)


1- Monitoring activity and defining objectives

1.1. Security:

  • Provide support to ensure good security management in an unstable context in collaboration with the head of mission:
  • Participates in the security assessment of the locations of the ALIMA mission intervention projects.
  • Directly responsible for the passive and active security of the BF mission and in collaboration with the CDM for regular updates of the mission security situation.
  • Contribute to mission-level risk reduction

1.2. Describes and analyzes its activity in its environment:

  • Compiles logistics data and analyzes it.
  • Participates in the implementation of tools allowing the desk and teams to participate in monitoring the mission and in decision-making (logistics management tools, sitreps, activity reports, analysis of qualitative and quantitative supply data, fuel consumption, visit reports, etc.).
  • Sizing resources in line with program needs

1.3. Participates in discussions on project management and definition of objectives:

  • Travel to ensure supervision and monitoring of logistics activities on projects.

2- Implementation of programs

2.1. Organizes and supervises the logistical operation of the coordination base:

  • Organization chart, job profiles, activity schedule, supervision, training, control procedures, etc.

2.2. Management of logistics activities and monitoring of tools:

  • Update BF Mission History Tracking and Archive Tools
  • Oversees the management of mission travel

2.3. Organizes and controls the supply and storage of projects:

  • Ensure the implementation of import procedures and policy at country level
  • International and local orders, storage, receiving, delivery, transportation, etc.
  • Support for teams in monitoring procedures and meeting supply deadlines
  • Ensures the implementation and rigorous monitoring of procurement plans for all projects.
  • Supply chain & storage optimization at mission level
  • Monitoring and renewal of framework contracts according to procedure and policy

2.4. Plans and monitors the logistics programs of the various Projects in line with medical needs

  • Status report, priorities, budget, technical choices, advanced supervision of projects.
  • Support for programs 40% field visit

2.5. Organizes and supervises the operation of mission logistics:

  • Meeting with his team, briefing of visiting staff, support for field log.
  • Job profile, PAI (individual action plan) and assessment carried out of all RLP/Sup log & supply.
  • Participates in the recruitment process for team members

2.6. Ensures the adequacy of equipment, its maintenance and renewal:

  • Equipment and needs, procedures, fleet management, anticipated, planned, renew, etc.
  • Ensure effective and efficient management of all ITC equipment,
  • Ensure the inventory of the park and its renewal
  • Ensure the lessor report of all equipment
  • Ensure the sizing of the fleet according to operational needs

2.7. Supervises the application of wash activity measures in health structures with the Medical Coordinator:

  • Assessment/ water, hygiene, sanitation, vector control,
  • Implement logistics activities according to demands and needs, such as construction and repair of health structures, hospitals, patient circuit, WASH, biomedical equipment, transportation, cold chain, supply, energy, epidemic response and thermal park management.

2.8. Limits the risks taken by the teams, by ensuring the presence, reliability and proper use of the means and methods used for security:

  • Guarantor of the implementation of active and passive security at the mission level
  • Safety guide update, information, equipment, briefing, training, etc.
  • Participate in the collection and analysis of security-related information from various sources
  • both local, regional and international media sources;
  • Create, develop and maintain a network of contacts and contact lists at country and regional level;
  • Ensure the implementation of measures to protect the premises (briefing of guards and
  • People flow management, key management, fire safety and staff training for the use of fire extinguishers, security room and hibernation trunk);
  • Ensure that security risk mitigation measures are implemented on the mission
  • (projects and capital);
  • Team briefing on standard safety measures
  • Build relationships and collect information from stakeholders such as NGOs, INSO, OCHA,
  • UNDSS, UN Agencies, Civil Society, Government, population, etc.
  • Ensure that all new staff or visitors are briefed on security within 24 hours
  • will follow his arrival in the mission

2.9. Ensures the financial and logistical management of the program:

  • Develops the logistics budget and ensures budget revisions based on work in progress and plans future activities
  • Ensure the quality of procurement files based on the TVE of the different mission sites.
  • Ensure the application of appropriate procedures and tools in the execution of all technical files following ALIMA procedures
  • Definition of logistical implications in the “proposals” (need, cost, planning, procedures, possible exemption).

2.10. Construction and rehabilitation management:

  • Guarantor of the quality of works at mission level
  • Draw up the draft work plan, estimated quote, work schedule
  • Ensure monitoring of construction sites according to specifications
  • Ensure the maintenance and rehabilitation of infrastructure
  • Proposes the plan for improving its infrastructure according to operational needs

3- Human resources management

3.1. Team composition:

  • Defines the HR Log strategy at the mission level in line with needs
  • Organizes the recruitment of staff in his activity (with the support of the HR Coordinator or the HR Finance Resources Coordinator).
  • Organizes with supervisors the replacement of absent staff.

3.2. Team management:

  • Leads and organizes regular team meetings and produces shared meeting minutes
  • Organizes the flow of information within his team and with projects

3.3. Individual and POP assessments:

  • Produces individual reports for the activity managers for whom he is responsible and delegates the production of reports for other personnel in accordance with ALIMA policies
  • Identifies potential within the staff of its activity.
  • Formation continue :

– Defines the training needs of his team in line with the project objectives.

– Participates in the training of team members through support in their work.

4. Implementation of preventive measures against abuse of power, sexist and sexual violence:

– Participates in training and awareness sessions.

– Applies standards relating to the prevention of abuse.

– Ensures that his team members follow training and awareness sessions and apply standards relating to the prevention of abuse.

– Helps create and maintain a nurturing and protective environment.

5. Environmental responsibility within the logistics department and the mission

– Implements the relevant means.

– Immerses itself in the ALIMA environmental load to carry out these logistics activities.

6. Ensures reporting and archiving on the logistics department and mission drive

– Is responsible for monitoring logistics packs on the mission, their qualitative and quantitative data analyses, and their archiving on the drive

– Ensures lessor logistics reporting for all lessors and on all mission projects.

– Is responsible for archiving various mission documents for audits, namely: Purchase file, donation certificate, log book, inventories.



You have at least 2 years of successful experience in a similar position (with a high volume of activities) and in the implementation and monitoring of NGO logistics and security management plans. You have experience in an intervention context, in malnutrition management and in team management. In addition, good knowledge of basic IT (Word, Excel and the Internet) is necessary.


A good command of French (reading, writing, speaking) is essential. Proficiency in English is an asset.

Required qualities/behavioral skills

You have a sense of analysis and autonomy in work, dynamism, capacity for initiative, motivation, spirit of initiative and responsiveness. You demonstrate good listening skills and flexibility and the ability to work under pressure. You have good communication and training skills. You have the skills to work in a team in a multicultural context and under pressure and have caring interpersonal, teamwork and representation skills.


Duration and type of contract: 6-month fixed-term contract under French law with possibility of renewal

Start date: As soon as possible

Salary: according to ALIMA salary scale + experience + per diem.

ALIMA supports:

  • Travel costs between the expatriate’s country of origin and the place of assignment
  • Accommodation costs
  • Medical coverage from the first day of contract to one month after the departure date from the mission country for the employee and their dependents
  • Evacuation insurance for the employee

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Cover Letter online.

Applications are processed in the order in which they are received. ALIMA reserves the right to close the offer before the deadline initially indicated if an application is accepted. Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Cover Letter) will be considered.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.

Application link: https://hr.alima.ngo/jobs/detail/11244?utm_campaign=Campagne+d%27offres+&utm_medium=Website&utm_source=relief+web

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