Diagramming And Illustration Technical Guidelines Document In The Approach To Sexual Rights And Reproductive Rights At SOS Children’s Villages International

As part of the actions to advance the guarantee and protection of sexual and reproductive rights, a guide has been developed to incorporate the approach of health, sexual and reproductive rights in the programming of services. In this regard, the hiring of a professional and/or team specialized in graphic design is required to diagram and illustrate said document, in order to guarantee that its content is accessible, pedagogical and visually attractive, aligned with the brand guidelines of the organization.

Objective of the consultancy

Design and diagram the Technical Guidance Guide for the incorporation of sexual and reproductive rights in SOS Children’s Villages programs. The document must have a user-friendly and educational design, accompanied by illustrations that reinforce the understanding of the content, and comply with the organization’s visual identity standards.

Expected Products

The consultancy will cover the delivery of the following products:

  • Technical Guidance Guide (English and Spanish versions):
  1. 65-page document, including front and back cover.
  2. Pedagogical and user-friendly design that facilitates understanding of the topics covered, using illustrations and graphics as indicated in the document.Note: Translation of the documents is not required, as both English and Spanish versions are available. The consultancy’s task will be to ensure coherence and consistency in both languages.
  • Educational Infographics:
  1. An infographic on sexual and reproductive rights aimed at adolescents and young people, to serve as educational material for use in workshops and training activities. (English and Spanish versions).
  2. Infographic on key principles and elements for strengthening DSDR. (English and Spanish versions).
  3. Infographic on essential actions to improve the sexual and reproductive health of young people in the context of SOS Children’s Villages. (English and Spanish versions).
  • Graphic Material for Social Networks
  1. Two posts or images on sexual and reproductive rights for use on social platforms.

Technical Design Requirements

Deliverables must meet the following quality and format parameters:

  • Guides (English and Spanish) : A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm), vertical format, with a design consistent with the graphic guidelines of SOS Children’s Villages.
  • Infographics and posts for social networks : Adapted for printing and digital use, ensuring high quality (minimum 300 dpi for printing and 72 dpi for digital versions).
  • Delivery of materials in editable formats (Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop) and versions ready for printing and digital distribution (interactive and web-optimized PDF).
  • The final deliverable should include versions that facilitate future editing based on the organization’s needs.

Methodology and Work Plan

The consultancy must be developed based on a clear and detailed work plan, which includes the following delivery phases:

Deliverable 1: Detailed work plan and schedule, including the methodology to be followed (First week). September 20, 2024. Payment percentage 10%

Deliverable 2: Draft of all defined products, including preliminary revisions and adjustments based on feedback from SOS Children’s Villages (Third week). 4 October 2024. Payment percentage 40 %

Deliverable 3: Final version of all products, adjusted to the feedback received, ready for implementation. October 11, 2024. Payment percentage 50%

Payment for products is made upon prior acceptance of the deliverables.

Execution period

The estimated time for the complete execution of the consultancy is 4 weeks from the signing of the contract.

Consultant Profile

The consultant or professional team must meet the following requirements:

  • Proven experience in illustration, graphic design, especially in the layout of technical documents and educational materials.
  • Fluent command of English and Spanish, not for the translation of documents, but to ensure coherence and consistency in both versions of the products.
  • Previous experience working with non-governmental organizations, preferably on projects related to human rights, gender, or child protection.
  • Knowledge in the creation of visual educational materials, with a focus on dissemination and awareness.

Budget and Payment Conditions

The budget available for this consultancy is $2200. Consultants must submit a detailed economic proposal for each product, specifying the individual costs for the layout, illustration and production of each material. In addition, the consultant or company is required to be up to date with its tax obligations and to be duly registered with the corresponding tax authorities.

How to apply

Bidders must submit a technical and economic offer that includes the following documents:

  • Technical proposal , describing the work methodology, delivery plan and schedule.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the consultant and the professional team, if applicable, specifying relevant experience in similar projects.
  • Economic proposal , detailing the cost of each of the products mentioned.

Once the proposals have been received, SOS Children’s Villages will evaluate them and select the most suitable consultant. The result of the selection will be notified by email.

Submission of Proposals

The deadline for receiving proposals is September 13 , 2024.
Offers should be sent to the following email addresses: Programas.LAAM@sos-kd.org and maricruz.granados@sos-kd.org with the subject: ” Consultancy for the Sexual and Reproductive Rights Guide”.

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