Photographer At BRAC

BRAC International is looking for a photographer to document photos and a 1.5 minutes reel of program participants, programme activities and staff of BRAC in the BARMM region in the Philippines.


Photographs will be primarily used for external communications such as social media, websites, brochures, posters and other communication materials.


BRAC International intends to onboard a capable firm/photographer to document project activities and impact effectively through high-quality and meaningful photos and one short video.

The specific objective of this assignment is provided below:

  • To portray the impact of BRAC interventions on programme participants and their communities in a storytelling style.
  • To showcase how BRAC reaches the last mile on a remote island in the BARMM region via a 1.5 minute [max] reel.


  1. Highly engaging visual photographs in landscape and portrait format.
  2. High-Resolution photos. Files must meet the archival standard, remain unaltered, be delivered as camera RAW and JPEG file formats, and include captions in metadata. Captions must be descriptive, written in complete sentences in English. Captions must describe the who, what, when and where of the photo.
  3. A minimum of 100 photos including 12 unique participant photos in both portrait and landscape format.
  4. Photos of activities on the field (projects focusing on education, youth empowerment, early childhood development, climate smart agriculture, and disaster preparedness; detailed activities will be shared in the work plan)
  5. Photos must be submitted with digital copies of consent forms signed by those photographed and interviewed
  6. A reel focusing on the journey to BARMM island, capturing the commitment of BRAC frontline staff in reaching the last mile to support the education programme. The audio of the reel will comprise interview and background score and aspect ratio must adhere to various social media platforms.

Photographs produced on the Assignment will successfully capture and emotionally express the core elements of the situation assigned for coverage. The coverage will include different visual perspectives (close-up, medium range, long distance). Photos will be technically good (properly exposed, framed, focused, and edits well optimised).


Payment to be made upon completion of the assignment.


The duration of the assignment will be 10 days (approx) including travelling. Tentatively the documentation is planned for either second and third week of October or last week of October and first week of November. The photographer must strictly comply with the workplan and the creative brief that would be decided prior to contract signing. All deliverables must be submitted within 30 days of the completed assignment. Contract valid for 2 months after signing.



BRAC International will provide the creative brief and the work plan to ensure the photographer/agency has a clear idea about the purpose and the execution plan. The brief will contain guidelines and interview questions to ask participants and staff, including sample images. Information on the staff and programme participants selected will be provided by BRAC International to the photographer.


BRAC Philippines will arrange transport within the country to different shoot locations.

A schedule will be provided, outlining activities over the shoot days.

BRAC International will arrange and cover the accommodation, and food expenses of the photographer, and arrange the transport. The photographer will strictly comply with the timetable and work plan provided and agreed by BRAC. The photographer will be assisted by BRAC staff with necessary support during the photography assignment on the field.


The photographer will be responsible for all aspects of photography and editing. The photographer should ensure that the final product meets BRAC’s values, style and brand identity. The photographer should strongly comply with the Terms and Conditions for Photography as laid down by BRAC. Feedback will be incorporated until BRAC is satisfied that the deliverables will achieve the purpose.

BRAC will not be held responsible for the damage or missing of equipment of the photographer.

BRAC has the right to change the region and final shoot location.


  • Demonstrable prior experience in photographing and recording similar projects/activities, with portfolio provided upon request
  • Ability to deliver products according to the specified technical requirements
  • Preference for those who speak and/or understand languages spoken in BARMM region.
  • Preferably a resident of the Philippines

General Terms and Conditions

  • Photographer must be present at the locations on time
  • The fully dedicated time during the assignment period.
  • Previous experience of documentary-style photography.

How to apply


Please provide us with:

  • Financial proposal (Per day remuneration including Tax and VAT) [Final payment will be made depending on actual workdays]
  • Samples of previous work clearly demonstrating the experience of similar assignments. Previous experience of working with NGOs, International charities, UN will be preferable
  • List of photography equipment to be used in the assignment

Deadline of proposal submission:

  • September 22, 2024
  • please submit your proposal to

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