Research on unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents in Mexican territory: focus on the Northern Border At Plan International

Research on unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents in Mexican territory: focus on the Northern Border

Duration: 5 months

Total amount

$ 384,000.00 MXN

Main objective:

To explore, systematize and make visible the reasons why unaccompanied children and adolescents migrate or are forcibly displaced, as well as the conditions in which they find themselves on the northern border of Mexico, particularly in the cities of Tijuana, Baja California; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and Reynosa, Tamaulipas. Relevance will be given to the risk factors and agents involved in the problem, revealing situations that remain invisible to society and civil society organizations.

  1. About Plan and his work
    1. From the institution:

Plan International works to advance children’s rights and equality for girls everywhere. As an independent international humanitarian and development organisation, we work alongside children, young people, donors and partners to address the root causes of the challenges faced by girls and all vulnerable children. Plan supports children’s rights from birth to adulthood and their ability to prepare for and respond to crises and adversity by promoting changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels. Plan draws on the reach, experience and knowledge gained over more than 80 years of building meaningful partnerships for children and working in more than 75 countries.

Likewise, Plan International is an organization without political or religious affiliation and its purpose is to work “for a fair world that promotes children’s rights and equality for girls.” In Mexico, Plan International has been working since 2020, and focuses on the humanitarian response to the migration crisis occurring in the region.

Save the Children is an international organization that works in more than 120 countries to promote and defend children’s rights. For more than 100 years, we have been working for a world that respects every girl, boy and adolescent; that promotes their participation as agents of change, listens to them and learns from them.

At Save the Children we believe that all children deserve a better life and, therefore, we defend their rights and interests, giving priority to the most vulnerable. In Mexico we work in 20 states of the country, directly impacting the lives of more than 400 thousand children and adolescents through development and humanitarian aid programs.

  1. About the project and the need for research:

Plan International Mexico, in alliance with Save the Children in Mexico, and in its clear search to promote children’s rights and gender equality, especially in the migration emergency in Mexican territory, has decided to take as a basis the previous studies developed by Plan International: “Girls In Crisis: life in contexts of human mobility in Central America and Mexico” and “Adolescent Girls in Crisis: impact of migration policies in Ciudad Juárez”. These antecedents have allowed to build a robust methodology to investigate the situation of unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents, broadening the focus to include boys and adolescent boys, in addition to girls and adolescents.

The methodology derived from these studies is characterized by an approach based on human rights and the centrality of childhood and adolescence, incorporating the principles of non-discrimination, participation of children and adolescents, and responsibility and transparency. It also includes a feminist and intersectional approach that seeks to advance the rights and empowerment of adolescents, recognizing the diversity of their experiences.

One of the key principles of this methodology is the growing recognition of the roles that young people, including young women, play as humanitarian actors and peacebuilders. In this regard, the humanitarian system must work not only for young people, but also in close collaboration with them. This framework places the leadership of girls and adolescent women as a central focus, respecting and amplifying their voices and experiences.

It is also based on constructive participation, involving active collaboration with civil society and establishing relationships with other partners, authorities and donors, all supported by a solid understanding of the socio-political context in which we work.

Previous research has revealed that the problems of unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents are still current and growing, and that they are an urgent issue that is little understood in all its magnitude. The risks they face and the agents involved in this problem require specific research that can offer a clear and detailed view of their circumstances, both in the causes of such displacement and in the conditions in which they find themselves in transit and/or destination places. In this context, it is essential that this research continues to place the voices, experiences and opinions of children and adolescents as the central axis of the analysis.

This research is therefore essential to make visible the challenges faced by unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents, as well as the risks and agents that cause them, which remain invisible to society and civil society organizations that provide humanitarian aid. Likewise, the collection of experiences, knowledge and perspectives of children and adolescents will allow progress in identifying actions for management and defining interventions necessary to promote access to their human rights, as well as in the creation and implementation of accessible protection mechanisms and agency, recognizing the diversity of their experiences through an intersectional approach.

In summary, this research aims to fill a critical gap in knowledge about the situation of unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents in Mexico, providing data and analysis that can be used to improve their protection and well-being, as well as to promote their rights. A central aspect will be to pay special attention to the repression and minimization of their emotions, a key finding of previous studies, which observed that the migration project often monopolizes attention and relegates the voices and emotions of children and adolescents. This approach will allow a better understanding of the complexities of their situation, respecting and amplifying their voices and experiences.

The research will also include other key actors in the information gathering process, understanding their role in crisis contexts. Furthermore, by integrating a feminist and intersectional approach, the research will contribute to the promotion of gender equality and the specific protection of girls and adolescents in contexts of human mobility.

  1. About Consulting
    1. Goals:

General Objective:

Explore, systematize and make visible the reasons why unaccompanied children and adolescents migrate or are forcibly displaced, as well as the conditions in which they find themselves on the northern border of Mexico, particularly in the cities of Tijuana, Baja California; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

Specific Objectives

  1. Identify the causes and conditions under which unaccompanied children and adolescents migrate or are forcibly displaced from their places of origin;
  2. To investigate the living conditions and risk factors faced by children and adolescents aged 7 to 17, unaccompanied migrants and internally displaced persons, in Mexican territory, especially those located in the cities of Tijuana, Baja California; Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; and Reynosa, Tamaulipas.
  3. Analyze the psychosocial impact and violated rights of these children and adolescents.
  4. Identify barriers to access to protection and assistance services for this population group.
    1. Geographic Scope of Consulting

Tijuana, Baja California; Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua; Reynosa, Tamaulipas

  • Research Questions

What are the causes of unaccompanied and forced migration or displacement of children and adolescents? What are the living conditions and demographic profile of unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents in Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez and Reynosa, and how do they vary between these cities? What specific experiences and risks do these children and adolescents face or perceive during their transit and stay in border cities, including aspects of violence, exploitation and lack of access to rights such as protection, accommodation, education and health? How do children and adolescents describe their emotions and coping mechanisms in the face of the difficulties and stress they experience during their migration or forced displacement, and in their daily lives in border cities? What perceptions and responses do the presence of these children and adolescents generate in local communities and in supporting actors (NGOs, government institutions), and what barriers do they face when seeking to provide assistance and protection? How is respect for and protection of the rights of these children and adolescents ensured? and to what extent do existing migration policies and programs address their needs and ensure their safety and well-being? What impact do migration policies and actions related to internal displacement have on the lives of unaccompanied children and adolescents, and what recommendations can arise to improve their protection and assistance? And, what lessons learned (good practices, challenges) from other regions could be applied to improve the situation of unaccompanied children and adolescents in the border cities of northern Mexico?

  1. Consulting users

User audience:

Technical and strategic staff from the offices of Plan International Mexico and Save the Children in Mexico.

Public institutions and international cooperation agencies.

Organizations and groups at national and international level.

United Nations Agencies

Reference for

follow-up or support:

Plan Mexico Team. Project Coordinator: Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning and Program Quality Officer

Direct supervision: Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning and Program Quality Officer

Save the Children Mexico Team: Support from Humanitarian Engagement Leader, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Humanitarian Learning Leader (MERAH), and Migration and Internal Displacement Leader.

  1. Ethics and child protection

Plan International is committed to ensuring that the rights of those involved in data collection or analysis are respected and protected, in accordance with the MERL Ethical Framework and our Global Policy for Safeguarding Children and Youth. The service offer must include sufficient detail in its proposal to clarify how it will ensure the ethics, safeguarding and protection of children and adolescents in the data collection process. In particular, the contracted person must explain how the appropriate, safe and non-discriminatory participation of all stakeholders will be guaranteed and how special attention will be paid to the needs of children, adolescents and other vulnerable groups. The contracted person must also explain how it will ensure the confidentiality and anonymity of participants.

With respect to the informants, any inconvenience or discomfort that this consultation may cause to the informants will be avoided or minimized. It is essential that hard evidence of informed consent or assent is available for all consulted persons . The complete consents will be delivered as an annex to the final or preliminary report.

Punctuality in fulfilling commitments, with the organization and mainly with informants, is essential .

Regarding the Accreditation of sources, both primary and secondary, used, they must be duly accredited according to international standards, preferably in updated APA format.

  1. Research methodology

In its proposal, the consulting services provider team must propose a methodology that serves to achieve the research objectives, answers the research questions, and is appropriate and adapted to the context and framework of the research. This will then be a mixed approach, proposed by the consulting team, containing in a minimal, but not restrictive, manner the following characteristics:

  1. Primary data collection
    • Semi-structured interviews with unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents (15-20 interviews per city). The instruments to be applied must be appropriate for ages 7 to 17 years, and contain comparable data. The instruments and their results will be shared as Annexes.
      • Focus groups with service providers (NGOs, government institutions, health services, etc.) and unaccompanied migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents (one group of children and one group of service providers, per city). Activities for these groups, especially those aimed at children and adolescents, must be appropriate and adapted to their ages and contain comparable data. The instruments and results they produce will be shared as Annexes.
      • Quantitative surveys at strategic points in the three cities to obtain statistical data on demographic profiles and living conditions (100 surveys per city). These surveys will be applied to mothers, fathers, caregivers, children and adolescents. It is necessary to apply surveys adapted to the different age groups and containing comparable data. The instruments and results will be shared as Annexes.
      • The consulting team must integrate relevant and pertinent information on the calculation of the representative sample for the application of surveys.
    • Secondary data collection
      • Documentary review of previous reports and research on the topic of migration of children and adolescents in Mexico.
      • Analysis of current public policies, official data and relevant legal frameworks.
      • Review of news and media to contextualize current events and trends.
    • Support activities
      • Discussions with specialists in migration, human rights and protection of children and adolescents.
      • Analysis of case studies and good practices in the protection of migrant and internally displaced children and adolescents in other regions.
  2. Proposed duration, products and schedule

The contract execution period will be 5 calendar months, counted from the date of signing the contract. The following table presents the partial delivery times for each of the products established for the consultancy:



Delivery Date

1. Research preparation and design

Review and adjustments of the methodology.

October 25th

Development of instruments for interviews, focus groups and quantitative surveys.

Initial document review.

Preliminary report with methodology and execution plan.

2. Data collection and preliminary analysis

Implementation of interviews and focus groups.

December 20th

Application of quantitative surveys.

Conversations with specialists and analysis of case studies.

Interim report with preliminary results and update of documentary reviews.

3 Final report and final products

Final analysis of qualitative and quantitative data.

February 28th

Writing the final report, including findings and recommendations.

Delivery of the final product with attachments and raw data.

  1. Consulting team profile
  • Individual professional and/or consulting group with studies in human rights, political science, humanities, social sciences, economics, or related fields.
  • Proven prior experience in gathering, organizing, and analyzing information and data.
  • Knowledge in working from a rights perspective for Girls, Boys and Adolescents.
  • Experience in working with organizational processes and associations focused on children, gender and inclusion, and people in the context of human mobility and migration.
  • Ability to work and coordinate actions remotely and experience with virtual methodologies for information gathering.
  • Experiences in diagnostics, research and data collection in Mexico.
  • Presence and/or partnerships at the local level (northern border of Mexico and in particular the states of Baja California, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas) to facilitate the collection of data and information.
  • Knowledge of the situation of migrant children in Mexico and the entities that exist to care for them.
  • No history of child and adolescent abuse and/or sexual abuse.
  • No criminal or police record.

Other requirements:

  • Empathy with gender equality and sexual diversity.
  • Empathy with migrant and returnee populations.
  • Social sensitivity.
  • Interest and commitment to working with girls, boys, young people and women.
  1. Plan International Values

We work to achieve a lasting impact

  • I have the courage to challenge the way we work, both ourselves and others, in order to achieve the best results.
  • I take the initiative to find new and better ways to do my job.
  • I focus my efforts on where they will best contribute to the purpose and strategic objectives of our organization.
  • I am flexible and adapt – or even change – my way of working when necessary.
  • I seek and use information to improve efficiency and effectiveness in my work, to increase my contribution.
  • I persevere and encourage others to persist in a positive attitude in the face of setbacks and adversity.

We are open and accountable

  • I take responsibility and encourage equal responsibility within and outside the organization for what we have agreed to do and for the impact of our actions on others.
  • I am open, honest and transparent in my work.
  • I am not afraid to admit my mistakes, but I try to correct them and do my job better next time.
  • I voluntarily share information that helps my team and other units or bodies make effective decisions.

Together we do it right

  • I offer information, experience and support to colleagues both within Plan International and outside the organisation to help achieve our common goals.
  • I adhere to the codes of conduct at work agreed with my team and with other organizations involved in our work.
  • I develop improvements and solutions by working together with my colleagues and others outside the organization.
  • I help my team and others face challenges and celebrate success.
  • I ask for help if I need it, and I seek and listen to the experiences and knowledge gained by others, in order to learn and improve.
  • I value the contributions of my colleagues at Plan International.

We are inclusive and empowering

  • I help create an environment where children, young people, communities, partners and colleagues feel supported and safe.
  • I respect and attend to the rights and needs of all people.
  • I listen to others with humility and value their opinions, beliefs and perspectives, including those that contradict my own point of view.
  • I confront and reject all forms, direct or indirect, of discrimination, gender inequality, intimidation and harassment.
  • I encourage the people I work with to develop themselves and influence the decisions that are made.
  • I involve, where appropriate, children and young people in decisions that affect them.

9. Criteria for selection and evaluation of the offer

Aspect to be technically assessed Weighting
Proven experience in research work on immigration issues in Mexico 40
Financial proposal 20
Quality of the technical proposal and its approach 40

How to apply

  1. Applications (TBD)

Applications should be sent to and include the following documents in PDF format:

  • Individual consultants: Send individual CV.
  • Consulting teams: Send the CV of the consulting team and the CV of each of its members, indicating the specific role they will play in the research.
  • Executive proposal of no more than 8 pages, presenting a research approach aligned with these Terms of Reference, as well as the proposed methodologies.
  • Budget, broken down by item.

Deadline for receipt of proposals: September 17, 2024 before 23:59 hrs (GMT-6)

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