Consultant(s)– Baseline Study for Care Connect Project At Oxfam

Oxfam Canada is an affiliate of the international Oxfam Confederation, is dedicated to lasting solutions to poverty and injustice, focusing on women’s and girls’ rights. We partner with communities and women’s organizations to challenge inequality and influence decision-makers. We collaborate to challenge systems of inequality and influence power structures, ensuring women in poverty can voice decisions affecting them and their communities.

The ‘Care Connect: Action for Care Workers in the Philippines and Indonesia’ project in partnership with 6 local organizations, is a $5.95 million, 4-year initiative designed to transform gender dynamics and improve the lives of women and girls in these countries. The project enhances empowerment, socioeconomic well-being, and rights for women and girls by addressing the challenges of unpaid and paid domestic care work. Care Connect seeks to empower care workers, ensuring their full participation in economic, social, cultural, and political spheres. The project involves a wide range of stakeholders, including employers, unions, opinion leaders, and community members, to champion the cause of care workers in Indonesia and Philippines.

Care Connect seeks to empower care workers, ensuring their full participation in economic, social, cultural, and political spheres. The project operates through two pillars:

Pillar One: Enhances protection and promotion of women’s rights in paid care work.

Pillar Two: Boosts participation of women and girls in various societal activities.

The project leverages Oxfam’s gender-transformative approach to advance the rights and empowerment of care workers. Local partners, chosen for their commitment to gender equality, play a critical role in implementing and designing activities.

Purpose of the study: The baseline study will provide baseline values for key project outcome-level indicators. It will also draw an analysis of the current context of paid and unpaid care work situation in Indonesia and Philippines. The primary audiences are both internal and external, namely: Oxfam Canada, Oxfam Affiliates in Indonesia and the Philippines, as well as the key project partners. The report and findings will also be shared with the donor, GAC. With this in mind, the Care Connect Baseline Study will employ a mixed-methods approach, leveraging both quantitative and qualitative data.

Scope of the study: The scope of the study is to establish a comprehensive understanding of the current context of care work within the project locations, aligned with the project’s intended outcomes. It will serve as a foundation for monitoring and evaluating project progress and impact. To achieve this, the baseline study will specifically aim to:

  1. Provide a situational analysis of the current status and dynamics of care work, including practices, policies, influential stakeholders, and the status of the civic space.
  2. Establish benchmarks on key outcome indicators for comparison and analysis upon program completion.
  3. Analyze care work dynamics and social attitudes toward globally, including in Canada, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Overall, the study will establish baseline values for key project outcome-level indicators, serving as a benchmark for measuring progress throughout the project lifecycle.

Methodology: The baseline study will provide initial data on indicators in the Care Connect Project Performance Management Framework. The consultant(s) should use appropriate data analysis techniques to ensure quality and address ethical concerns.

Guidance and Quality Control for Primary Data Collection- information gathering and field-based exercises in targeted areas of Indonesia and the Philippines. The data will be collected by each national consultant in each country. The consultant(s) will be responsible for supporting with national consultant(s) for provide oversight for quality control and technical guidance on tool development for data collection, and analysis & making country report.

Secondary data review– the consultant(s) will actively engage with Oxfam colleagues to receive comprehensive briefings. These briefings are crucial for gaining insights into the project’s goals, objectives, and context. The consultant(s) will also perform a comprehensive review of all relevant project documents, including conducting desk research to identify and analyze pertinent literature related to the project context. This review will enable them to understand the scope and nuances of the project, ensuring that their approach and methodology are well-informed and tailored to meet the project’s specific needs.

Baseline Report Compilation and Analysis- the consultant(s) will be tasked with integrating the country-specific reports (Indonesia and Philippines) into a comprehensive baseline report. This report will feature baseline values meticulously tabulated against key performance indicators, providing a clear and concise overview of the data. It will serve as the final version for both the donor and external stakeholders, ensuring all essential information is accurately presented. Furthermore, the report will delve into the dynamics of care work and the prevailing social attitudes towards it globally, with specific analyses for Canada, the Philippines, and Indonesia. This broader perspective will offer valuable insights into the international context of care work, enriching the overall findings of the report.

Consultant(s) Responsibilities: The consultant(s) will integrate country-specific reports into a comprehensive baseline report, clearly tabulating baseline values against key performance indicators. The consultant(s) will oversee quality control and provide technical guidance on data collection tools and analysis in collaboration with national consultants. Additionally, the consultant(s) will analyze global care work dynamics and social attitudes, with a specific focus on Canada, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

The consultant(s) will be specifically responsible for:

  • Consolidating and compiling the country-specific reports into a comprehensive baseline report, with baseline values clearly tabulated against the key performance indicators.
  • Serving as a technical advisor to the national consultants, offering support in methodology and tool development, data collection, quality control, analysis, and reporting.
  • Conducting a comprehensive review of all relevant project documents, including desk research to identify and analyze pertinent literature related to the project context.
  • Reviewing secondary data on care issues and analyzing global care work dynamics and social attitudes, focusing on Canada, the Philippines, and Indonesia, while preparing relevant analytical references.
  • Conducting virtual workshops to provide technical support, select the methodology for the baseline report, and gather input for analyzing care work dynamics and social attitudes in the Philippines and Indonesia.
  • Preparing analytical references on thematic areas, such as social attitudes toward care work in target communities and key government stakeholders, and providing references for outcomes related to OCA (IO 1130: Annex-A).
  • Engaging with Oxfam colleagues for comprehensive briefings and presenting key baseline findings to Oxfam and partners for validation.

Please note that this will be a virtual assignment. The consultant(s) will receive all necessary support and will submit all deliverables online. No travel expenses will be required.

Additionally, consultant(s) will not be involved directly in primary data collection or field visits but will provide technical and advisory support remotely. The consultant(s) will not manage the national consultants directly but will instead offer technical and advisory support. The management and oversight of the work of the national consultant in Indonesia and the Philippines will be the responsibility of the respective Oxfam affiliates.

The Approach and Key Deliverables are included in the Request for Proposals document here.

Consultant(s) Profile: Key competencies of the team include:

  • Experience in leading baseline study and/or evaluations for multi-country project, particularly those focusing on care, women economic empowerment, and themes related to gender equality and women’s rights.
  • Experience utilizing feminist MEAL principles and practices.
  • Ability to facilitate and relate to stakeholders at multiple levels and in diverse contexts.
  • Proven quantitative data analysis skills, preferably with Survey-CTO experience.
  • Consultant(s) must excel in research, data analysis (quantitative/ qualitative), and report writing.
  • Strong written and verbal communication and presentation skills in English.
  • Sensitivity to cultural and historical contexts in the data collection and analysis process.
  • Experience working in varied southeast Asian contexts.
  • Consultant(s) should be ready for possible delays of up to three months.

How to apply

Consultant(s) meeting the criteria should email proposals to with the subject line “Proposal for Care Connect – Baseline Consultant” by Sunday, 22 September 2024, 11:59 pm EST. Proposals must be no longer than 10 pages and include the following:

  1. Technical Proposal: (within 10 pages, the following information to be provided);
    1. summary of the baseline study, including proposed research questions, methodology, data analysis, challenges, and strategies for high-quality deliverables. A list of key activities, linked to the proposed activities, within a scheduled timeframe.
    2. Short Cover letter detailing relevant experience with similar projects, and geographies.
    3. Curriculum vitae of the consultant(s).
  2. Financial Proposal: (outside of the 10 pages and must be submitted in Excel, separately);
    1. Estimated budget, not exceeding a maximum of CAD 20,000 including tax/HST.
    2. proposal should include contractor costs, daily fees, workdays per staff, and additional costs (note: no travel cost is required).

Oxfam Canada will review proposals, shortlist candidates, and finalize contracts by 04 October 2024. The consultancy is expected to begin on 07 October 2024.

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