Responsible(e) for Real Estate Affairs H/F At French Red Cross

The French Red Cross is an association law 1901 recognized of’utility public which acts to prevent and soothe all human suffering without any discrimination for more than 160 years.
With its history, its roots in all metropolitan and ultra-marine territories, its participation in the largest humanitarian and social movement in the world, it is the first social organization in France.
Our association is at the head of’an important network of 70,000 volunteers that occupies more than 1,000 locations. It employs more than 17,000 employees and has 600 establishments in the health, medical-social, social and’ education sectors.
All these structures, at the heart of societal challenges, develop new projects and work towards innovative solutions.
By joining us, you will share our commitment and ethics and develop your skills.


The main mission of the Real Estate and Heritage Department (DIP) is to organize and structure the real estate function around several trades including the management and the’ optimization of the real estate park of the’association, the control of’ construction projects, conservation in good condition of the heritage,’development and valuation of land and real estate.
The’actions field of the DIP includes 3 major areas: the’Immobilier, the’Environment and Heritage. Its strategic plan “DIP Digital and Verte” aligned on the plan “Resiliences 2030” of the French Red Cross is declined at the level of its’information system itself urbanized according to the 3 large sets : S.I. Real estate, S.I. Environment and S.I. Mobility.
Within the Real Estate and Heritage Department (DIP), you will be attached (e) to the Real Estate Agency Manager of the Network and you will be in charge of’a portfolio of projects on issues related to the real estate of the Voluntary Network of the’association.


You want to join a large association that brings meaning, which works daily with vulnerable people, and whose benevolence is at the heart of its company culture’ ?
The French Red Cross promotes the well-being at work of employees and their development by accompanying their professional development : annual’assessment interview via a digitalized tool, or free access to the e-learning platform « MYMOOC” (digital tool referencing more than 10,000 MOOCs from 550 prestigious institutions and giving access to an inexhaustible and constantly renewed number of resources also with articles, podcasts and videos updated regularly) to allow you to train independently, on or off work time.
An infirmary health at work on site also deploys a set of’actions aimed at protecting the health of employees at work (medical visit, going ccinations, prevention project..). The Campus Croix-Rouge also has’a restaurant of’company and’a cafeteria,’a free parking and a bicycle park.
Your status as a self-employed executive allows you to benefit from 23 to 25 days of rest which are added to the 5 weeks of compulsory paid leave, and our telework policy allows you to benefit from 2 days /week or 10 days per month.
Once you have acquired your six months of’seniority, you will be able to benefit from the many advantages of our Social Economic Committee (CSE). Cinema vouchers and culture vouchers at reduced rates, support of’a part of your fee for registration for a sports activity, participation in your cultural activities (museum visits, shows, concerts, etc.), rental of accommodation at the sea or the mountain, etc.

Date of taking of desired position
As soon as possible

Post conditions

CDD post as part of a replacement
Located either in Montrouge, Bordeaux or Lyon
Compensation under the applicable collective agreement
Possible telework (up to 10 days of telework allowed per month), in accordance with the telework agreement applicable within the organisation
50% refund of public transport subscription, access to corporate restaurant.
Work place

The Croix-Rouge campus in Montrouge hosts the central services of the French Red Cross. Very modern, it complies with the HQE standard (high environmental quality), provides many outdoor spaces and conviviality, a company restaurant and a gym of more than 140 m2 to improve the living environment at work.

Higher education (bac +5), you have experience of’at least 5 years in the management and management of real estate projects requiring a great versatility of knowledge both in project management, maintenance/maintenance, real estate law or asset and property within’a large organization operating in network of’ establishments or subsidiaries. A first experience in corporate real estate (tertiary and Institutions receiving the public) is desired.
Equipped(e) with an excellent relational and’a great pedagogy, you are recognized(e) for your ability to work with multiple actors in a complex organization whose governance is ensured by volunteers, your ability to animate a Community and your ability to organize with multidisciplinary project teams.
Your dynamism, your agility, your rigor and your team spirit will be essential assets for success in the position.


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