Referent(e) technique, protection, gender, and inclusion (PGI) – Moroccan Red Crescent | National Position At International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Organizational Context

Created by royal decree in 1957, the Moroccan Red Crescent is a voluntary relief association, auxiliary to the civil and military authorities, which has 8,565 volunteers across the country. As an auxiliary of the public authorities, the CRM supports the organs of the State while maintaining its neutrality and independence by complying with the principles and values of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

The Moroccan Red Crescent is currently implementing a two-year response and recovery plan to support those affected by the Marrakesh-Safi earthquake (september 2023). The plan includes aspects of relief (distribution of basic necessities), shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene, community health, first aid and psychosocial support, as well as disaster risk reduction through community and participatory approaches. The activities are implemented with the support of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and its other partners.

Job Purpose

The priority of the Refer(e) technical protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) position is to ensure that protection considerations, including gender and inclusion are at the heart of Moroccan Red Crescent programmes and operations, including the response to the September 2023 earthquake and the recovery phase This is an approach and working method to address the causes, risks and consequences of violence, discrimination and exclusion in an integrated manner.

People who are affected by disasters, crises and conflicts can have very different experiences. Gender, gender identity, age, physical and mental abilities, race, nationality and many other factors of diversity that overlap can influence the way in which a person is vulnerable and affected by disasters, conflicts and crises. They can also influence how they react and recover. In emergency situations, people are often exposed to threats to their lives, safety and dignity, discrimination, loss of access to basic services and other risks.

Emergencies can exacerbate existing inequalities and discrimination. This is reflected in the increase in cases of sexual and gender-based violence, child marriage, violence against children and trafficking in human beings during and after emergencies.

To effectively reach and support vulnerable populations, ERP considerations must guide Moroccan Red Crescent efforts in preparedness, mitigation and response, and ensure inclusiveness.

ERP(la)refer(e) will support the Moroccan Red Crescent and IFRC operational teams to improve the quality, effectiveness, scope and impact of emergency response operations by implementing ERP activities and approaches. This includes institutional development, ERP integration and the “do-no-harm” approach, management of
programs, support and training of staff, and the strengthening of relationships with the communities. It will AIM TO ensure that the operation takes a people-centred approach, by strengthening the dignity, access and participation and safety of women and men of all ages and from all walks of life. The IGP leader will support teams to develop operational capacity to identify protection risks, including child protection and sexual and gender-based violence, and take measures to prevent, mitigate and respond to violence, exploitation and abuse, including the establishment of appropriate reporting and referral mechanisms.

The (the) Referent(e) PGI will be responsible, with the support of the FICR PGI delegate, to develop, update and follow up the PGI’ action plan as well as the smooth running of activities specific to the PGI sector. The MRC and IFRC have a zero tolerance policy for behaviour consistent with the goals and objectives of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment and other forms of harassment, abuse of authority, discrimination and lack of integrity (including, but not limited to, financial malpractice). IFRC also adheres to strict principles of child protection.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Integration of the’ ERP approach into Moroccan Red Crescent programs and services

  • Support for the identification of risks and protection needs in multisectoral needs assessments.
  • Support to sectoral teams to ensure the collection and analysis of data disaggregated by sex, age and disability (SADDD).
  • Support for capacity building of staff and volunteers on minimum ERP standards, including at branch level through field missions and in support of the MRC based on identified ERP needs and lessons learned from the field.
  • Support for the integration of ERP minimum standards into MRC programs and services to prevent, respond to and mitigate the risks of violence, discrimination or exclusion to affected groups.
  • Support for MRC emergency response operations to meet minimum ERP standards in emergency programming and contribute to ERP-related emergency plans and calls.
  • Support for technical aspects of ERP activities with partners supporting the RCN.
  • Support for the establishment of an appropriate, secure and confidential reference system (between sectors and with other service providers).
  • Support for the establishment/strengthening of child protection and protection mechanisms, and the provision of safe spaces for children and vulnerable adults.
  • Provide advice on ensuring equitable access and inclusion (including the inclusion of persons with disabilities) in the design and implementation of community resilience programs.
  • Support in collaboration with the CEA focal point and Internal Audit/HR to ensure the inclusion of minimum ERP standards as well as a responsive complaint handling mechanism.

Institutionalization of the ERP in the Moroccan Red Crescent

  • Work with ERP delegates, NSD and the delegation/operation leader, as well as other technical coordinators, to support the RCN in strengthening its institutional capacity in ERP.
  • Conduct assessments of RCM organizational and technical capabilities for ERP and identify priorities for informing and reviewing ERP plans and actions.
  • Supports the RCM in the development of policies, guidelines and the adaptation of tools relevant to the ERP.
  • Supports capacity building of MRC staff and volunteers through training, coaching, mentoring and support.

Movement and External Coordination

  • Work with the ERP delegate and the RCN in a technical working group of the ERP Movement.
  • Collaborate with the ERP delegate on representation and coordination with external agencies, including inter-agency working groups.
  • Support monitoring and research on protection trends and risks, including supporting the development of key messages for proposals, review of response plans, etc.
  • To support advocacy, humanitarian diplomacy and influence with key internal and external actors.

Job Duties and Responsibilities (continued)

Management of the’action PGI plan of the’ earthquake response operation

  • With the ERP delegate, develop and update the activities of the ERP theme in the IFRC operational plans and monitor performance against the identified results.
  • Support the budgetary follow-up of the PGI’action plan with the PGI delegate of the IFRC.
  • Support the preparation and submission of funding proposals to donors for activities related to the ERP.
  • Support work to implement IFRC’s commitments on ERP within the Moroccan Red Crescent and programmes, including in relation to the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PEAS) and child protection policies and procedures, in collaboration with Human Resources.
  • Support the development of systems and processes to promote the implementation of child protection policies within the Moroccan Red Crescent and ensure their integration into programming.


  • Maintaining strict moral confidentiality and non-disclosure of any confidential or sensitive information.
  • Organize the archives of all reports and documents and treat them in a confidential manner.

Functions applicable to all staff

  1. Actively working towards the goals of the Moroccan red crescent
  2. Respect the principles of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and work in accordance with them.
  3. Carry out all other tasks and responsibilities related to the work that can be entrusted by the supervisor.


  • University degree or equivalent vocational training in community development, social work, law and human rights, social sciences, public health or other related field Required.


  • Prior experience in an ERP-related role (protection, gender, sexual and gender-based violence, rights of persons with disabilities), including proven experience in providing policy guidance and in developing and delivering technical advice tools and results – and Required.
  • Prior professional experience in an emergency response setting, with community engagement approaches, direct support to survivors of violence, exploitation or abuse, or a response to the specific needs of marginalized groups at the community level – Preferred.
  • Experience in working with partner organisations, developing and adapting tools, training and experience, and building the capacity of local and national actors Required.
  • Prior experience in humanitarian project management or development and budget monitoring – Preferred.
  • Proven experience in the application of standards and guidelines in the field of humanitarian protection, gender and accessibility, as well as in the establishment and management of accountability systems and participatory planning processes Required.
  • Experience in mentoring, training and developing local staff and volunteers to build long-term capacity and build buy-in – Required.
  • Previous experience with the Moroccan Red Crescent or organizations of
    community development in Morocco – Preferred.

Knowledge, Skills and Languages

  • Good understanding of global humanitarian issues and international humanitarian standards in protection, gender equality and integration into disaster response and programmes – and Required.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication and networking skills, capable of building relationships with people at all levels of the organization, across multiple countries and cultures, in person and remotely, to drive engagement and support for the ERP – a Required.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills, including making concepts accessible to a wide audience – including Required.
  • Good analytical skills and knowledge of quantitative, qualitative and participatory research and analysis methods – Preferred.
  • Good coordination and negotiation skills, and ability to partner with internal and external organizations Required.
  • Good planning skills, with the ability to identify areas for improvement of the programs, operations and working methods of the Moroccan red crescent through the integration of approaches and activities of ERP – the following Required.
  • Good knowledge of gender and diversity issues in Morocco Required.
  • Animation and training skills – Required.
  • Speak and write fluent Moroccan arabic – Required.
  • Good command of French – Required.
  • Good command of english – Preferred.
  • Good command of language(s) Berber(s) – Preferred.

How to apply

Interested persons can send their curriculum vitae and a cover letter specifying the position requested and the location of the’assignment to:

The closing date for the submission of applications is set at 02/09/2024, applications will be revised in order of receipt. The CRM reserves the right to change this date, if it is deemed necessary to do so. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. The CRM subscribes to the principle of’ equity, diversity and’inclusion.

This is a role within the CRM and the salary range is from 10,000 to 13,000 MAD gross, according to the’experience of the candidate.

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