Terms of Reference: Research on Locally-Led Humanitarian Action in Sudan: South Kordofan and Blue Nile State At Trócaire

  1. About Trócaire

Trócaire is the official overseas humanitarian and development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Trócaire was established to express the concern of the Irish Catholic Church for any form of human need, but particularly for the needs and challenges faced by communities in the global south. Together with our partners, we work towards supporting women, men, and communities for long-term change. In Ireland, we raise awareness about the causes of poverty through our outreach programmes in the education sector, through parish networks, and through our public campaigns and advocacy work. More information about Trócaire is available at www.trocaire.org.

  1. Context of Work

Trócaire has worked in partnership with local organisations for nearly 50 years. As a partnership agency, Trócaire is committed to the ‘Localisation of Aid’ agenda[1], aimed at shifting greater power to local actors and ensuring that development and humanitarian programmes are locally led*.* Trócaire is also a signatory to the Grand Bargain and Charter4Change, two of the key international instruments focused on advancing the localisation agenda. To deliver on these commitments, Trócaire established a Global Hub on Partnership & Localisation in March 2021. Based in Nairobi and working across the organisation globally, the Hub works to deepen Trócaire’s approaches to and expertise in partnership and localisation, as outlined in its Partnership and Localisation Strategy (2021-2025)[2]. Trócaire’s approach to localisation focuses on four key outcome areas: 1) Increased voice and influence of local actors, 2) Effective capacity strengthening and sharing, 3) Equitable partner relationships, and 4) Increased access to funding and resources for local partners.

This consultancy will cover Trócaire’s operational areas in Sudan: South Kordofan State and Blue Nile. These regions have been affected by prolonged conflict and instability, leading to increasing humanitarian needs. In 2020 the UN has established a skeleton presence in the area of operation; following the outbreak of the conflict in April 2023, agencies have temporarily withdrawn and until now have yet fully reestablished its presence in the area. The humanitarian response has primarily been carried out by a handful of local organizations, who partner with INGOs and work with community-based organizations (CBOs), coordinated by the secretariats of the de facto local authorities.

This local setup allows organizations to respond effectively to the needs of their communities, but

working with multiple INGOs in multisectoral programmes with limited funding available strains available resources such as human, financial and technical. These local organizations are juggling projects from multiple actors, each with different due diligence, capacity-strengthening, and reporting requirements. They work closely with CBOs, who are closest to the affected communities and play a crucial role in identifying needs, facilitating access to services, and ensuring that aid reaches the most vulnerable populations. More recently, the two areas have seen an increasing number of INGOs present in the region and responding to the crisis through direct implementation, including some who were previously working through local partners.

Recognizing the challenges and the critical role of local actors, Trócaire has been actively supporting partners in South Kordofan State. In 2021, Trócaire established a small presence in Kauda in the heart of the Nuba Mountains and in 2022, expanded our work into the Blue Nile State. For Trócaire, the programmes in these areas remains highly relevant. In partnership with local organizations, Trócaire has been supporting the crisis-affected communities in the two areas with contextually relevant, need-based, coordinated, and complementary multisectoral lifesaving support encompassing Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA), Health and Nutrition, Water, Hygiene, Sanitation (WASH), Food Security, Livelihoods, and Protection Mainstreaming. Additionally, Trócaire supports with organizational capacity strengthening of local organizations and institutions like the Secretariats of Health and Agriculture.

It is within this complex landscape that Trócaire is commissioning this research to gain a deeper understanding of locally-led development in South Kordofan State and Blue Nile. The goal is to assess our impact to date, better understand our partners perspectives of Trócaire’s approach and identify ways to better support our partners and community-based organisations. This research is funded by Irish Aid, under the ongoing ICSP programme.

  1. Research Objectives

The objective of this research is to assess the current status, opportunities, perceptions and risks of localisation in the specific contexts of South Kordofan State and Blue Nile. The insights gained from this research will help Trócaire tailor our approaches to promoting local leadership and advocate to the humanitarian sector to adopt similar practices in these regions of Sudan. This research will also generate valuable learnings on opportunities and challenges for locally led development in conflict-affected contexts with difficult access, where only a handful of local actors are present, local authorities lead coordination mechanisms, and international actors provide support mostly remotely.

To this end, the study will be guided by the following overall research question:

How can Trócaire’s vision for localisation be effectively implemented in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, considering the complex interplay of factors such as restricted access, lack of formalized coordination structures, limited presence of local NGOs, and the dynamic potential offered by active CBOs?

Specific research questions include:

  1. How are local organizations and CBOs providing support and services in South Kordofan and Blue Nile State?
  • What local knowledge, social capital, and humanitarian response experience capacities do they draw on?
  • What are the strengths and roles of women-centred organizations and CBOs in addressing the complexities of humanitarian work in these conflict-affected regions?
  1. How are the local authorities coordinating and supporting the humanitarian response in the two areas?
  • How does the complex political landscape, including the presence of non-state actors and contested governance, impact the principle of neutrality and impartiality in humanitarian work?
  1. What has been the role of international actors, including Trócaire, in strengthening local NGOs and government institutions in the two areas?
  • How effective has Trócaire’s capacity strengthening support been for local partners, and what areas require further development?
  • How can international actors further and better support local NGOs, CBOs, and local authorities in advancing local leadership in humanitarian response?
  1. What potential risks or unintended negative consequences exist in current localization approaches, and how can they be mitigated?

A critical examination of power dynamics will be central to this research, analysing the intricate relationships among local NGOs, CBOs, and international stakeholders. This approach will illuminate how these power structures shape the landscape of humanitarian action in the region. By doing so, the study aims to uncover both the potential opportunities and inherent challenges these dynamics present for advancing locally led approach.

  1. Scope of work

In line with the objective of this research, the consultant will undertake the following activities:

  • Conduct a comprehensive review and analysis of the humanitarian landscape in South Kordofan State and Blue Nile, including mapping of key actors and review of relevant literature.
  • Develop and refine the research design, including methodology and data collection tools, ensuring integration of gender and power analysis.
  • Engage with key stakeholders to collect primary data, including local authorities, local organizations, CBOs, international organizations, and donors operating in the region.
  • Analyse collected data.
  • Prepare a comprehensive report detailing the research findings and recommendations, including case studies that highlight good practices and challenges in locally led humanitarian coordination and response.
  • Facilitate a validation workshop with key stakeholders to present findings and gather feedback.
  • Finalize the research report and develop additional outputs (summary report, presentation) based on the research findings.
  1. Methodology

This study will primarily employ a qualitative approach to ensure a comprehensive understanding of localisation efforts in South Kordofan State and Blue Nile. The consultant is expected to undertake the activities outlined in the scope of work, utilizing methods such as:

  • Document analysis of relevant strategies, policies, and research
  • Semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders
  • Focus group discussions with local organizations and CBOs
  • Case study development
  • Stakeholder mapping and analysis

The methodology should incorporate a critical lens to examine power dynamics and gender considerations throughout the research process.

While these methods are suggested, the consultant is encouraged to propose additional or alternative methodologies that they believe will enhance the research outcomes. The final methodology should ensure a participatory and inclusive research process. Furthermore, the proposed methodology should be flexible enough to adapt to the challenging context of South Kordofan and Blue Nile, while robust enough to generate reliable and valid findings that can inform Trócaire’s localisation strategies and broader sector advocacy.

  1. Timelines

The consultancy will take place between the months of September and November 2024 with approximately 25 working days.

  1. Deliverables

The consultant will be responsible for producing the following deliverables:

  1. Inception Report:
  • To be submitted following the inception meeting
  • Outlining the detailed methodology, including data collection tools
  • Providing a stakeholder mapping
  • Presenting a work plan with timelines for all deliverables
  • Addressing any ethical considerations and risk mitigation strategies

2. Literature Review and Context Analysis Report:

  • Summarizing relevant strategies, policies, and research
  • Providing an overview of the humanitarian landscape in South Kordofan and Blue Nile

3. Draft Research Report:

  • Presenting initial findings, analysis, and preliminary recommendations
  • Including case studies on good practices and challenges in advancing local leadership
  • Addressing all research questions comprehensively

4. Final Research Report:

  • Incorporating feedback from Trócaire and inputs received during the validation workshop
  • Providing a thorough analysis of localisation efforts in the region
  • Including an executive summary, methodology, findings, analysis, conclusions, and recommendations
  • Annexing all relevant data collection tools and list of stakeholders consulted

5. Summary Report:

  • Concisely highlighting the answers to the research questions
  • Summarizing key findings and recommendations

6. PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Showcasing key findings, analysis, and recommendations

7. Validation Workshop Materials:

  • Agenda, presentation slides, and any handouts for the workshop

8. Data Set:

  • Anonymized raw data collected during the research (in compliance with data protection regulations)

All deliverables should be submitted in English. The submitted final products will require the final review and approval by Trócaire for the consultancy to be brought to conclusion. Trócaire reserves the right to request revisions to ensure the deliverables meet the required standards and fully address the research objectives.

  1. Experience/Skills

The ideal consultant or consulting team should possess the following qualifications, experience, and skills:


  1. Education: Advanced degree (Master’s or PhD) in a relevant field such as Development Studies, International Relations, Public Policy, Social Sciences, or a related discipline.
  2. Research Experience: Extensive experience conducting localisation-related research, particularly in conflict-affected areas • Demonstrated expertise in applying qualitative research methodologies • Proven track record of producing high-quality research reports for international organizations.
  3. Contextual Knowledge: In-depth understanding of humanitarian response and development work in fragile and conflict-affected areas • Familiarity with the operational context of South Kordofan State and Blue Nile • Understanding of the challenges and opportunities in implementing localisation strategies in complex environments.
  4. Methodological Expertise: Demonstrated experience in applying power and gender lenses in research, with a focus on understanding and addressing power dynamics and gender-specific challenges • Experience in stakeholder mapping and analysis in humanitarian contexts.
  5. Sector Experience: Substantial experience working with international, national, and local NGOs and community-based organisations • Understanding of capacity strengthening approaches in the humanitarian and development sectors.
  6. Communication Skills: Excellent English writing skills, as evidenced by previous reports and publications • Strong English verbal communication skills for conducting interviews and facilitating workshops • Ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely to diverse audiences.
  7. Project Management: Excellent time management skills, with a proven ability to deliver high-quality outputs on time • Experience in managing research projects from inception to completion.
  8. Ethical Considerations: • Demonstrated commitment to research ethics and data protection • Willingness to sign and adhere to Trócaire’s Safeguarding Programme Participants Policy.


  1. Language Skills: Knowledge of Arabic would be an added advantage.
  2. Regional Expertise: Previous research or work experience in Sudan, particularly in South Kordofan and Blue Nile.Safeguarding

All consultants who work for Trócaire will be required to sign and abide by Trócaire’s official position statement on exploitation and abuse, including zero-tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse. Trócaire recognises that abuse of power has led, and continues to lead, to many forms of exploitation and abuse. The nature of Trócaire’s work creates a power differential between those employed by or working with Trócaire and programme participants and partners. Trócaire acknowledges that the potential exists for those who work with programme participants and partners to abuse their position of power. Trócaire’s commitment to safeguarding is inclusive of its staff and all those with whom it comes into contact through its work.

[1] Trócaire, 2017. More Than The Money: Localisation in Practice.

[2] Trócaire, 2021. Partnership and Localisation Strategy.

How to apply

Proposal Submission

Interested consultants should submit a proposal marked “Research on Locally-Led Humanitarian Action in Sudan: South Kordofan and Blue Nile State” by e-mail to infohub@trocaire.org by the 31st of August 2024.

Proposals should include the following:

  • The CV of the consultant(s), outlining relevant experience, accomplishments, and contact information of 2 references.
  • Technical Proposal (Maximum 6 pages) outlining: • Detailed methodology, including approach to data collection and analysis • Proposed work plan with timeline for each deliverable • Risk assessment and mitigation strategies • Approach to ensuring research quality and ethical standards.
  • Financial Proposal including: • Detailed budget in Euro, including daily rates for each team member (if applicable), estimated number of days per deliverable, any additional costs, and total cost of the consultancy.
  • Conflict of interest statement: Applicants should state clearly whether they have an actual or potential conflict of interest with the staff, volunteers, and/or board of Trócaire.
  • Two recent writing samples of similar/relevant work.

Each technical proposal will be evaluated based on quality of the technical proposal; relevant experience and qualifications of the consultant(s); value for money; and quality of writing samples. Any queries relating to this Terms of Reference should be directed by e-mail only to Terry Githinji (terry.githinji@trocaire.org)

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