Grants Officer – Headquarters – H/F At ALIMA


L’ESPRIT ALIMA : ’alima’s reason for being is to save lives and care for the most vulnerable populations, without any identity, religious or political discrimination, through actions based on closeness, and, L’innovation et l’ alliance of’organisations and’individuals. We act with humanism, impartiality and respect for l’ethics universal medical. In order to access patients, we are committed to intervening in a neutral and independent manner.

CARE – INNOVATE – TOGETHER :Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated more than 10 million patients, and today deploys its operations in 12 countries of’Africa. In 2022, we developed more than 60 humanitarian medical response projects to meet the needs of populations affected by conflict, epidemics and extreme poverty. All these projects are in support of national health authorities through nearly 511 health facilities (including 47 hospitals and 464 health centres). We work in partnership, including with local NGOs, as soon as possible to improve access and transfer of skills that ensures the sustainability of our actions to our patients. In addition, to improve the humanitarian response, we conduct operational and clinical research projects, including,in particular to combat malnutrition and viral hemorrhagic fevers.

THE ALIMA TEAM :More than 2,000 people currently work for ALIMA. The field teams, as close as possible to the patients, receive their support from the coordination teams generally based in the capital of the countries of intervention’. These receive the support of the 4 desk teams and the’ team of the emergency department and openings based at the operational headquarters of Dakar, Senegal. The teams of Paris and New York are actively working on fundraising and’ at the representation of’ALIMA. The rest of the ALIMA Galaxy includes individuals and partner teams working on behalf of’ other organizations such as BEFEN Medical NGOs, Health ALERT, SOS Doctors, KEOOGO, AMCP-SP, and others, DEMTOU-Humanitaire, the research organizations PAC-CI, Inserm, the Universities of Bordeaux or Copenhagen and many others.

OUR COUNTRIES D’INTERVENTIONS : Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan, Chad, Ethiopia, Haiti.

OUR THEMES PROJECT : Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Pediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Coronavirus, Lassa Fever), Research, Hospitalization, Emergencies, Gender-based Violence, vaccinations, mental health, …


The vast majority of’ALIMA programmes are financed by donors: institutional donors, United Nations agencies, cooperations, private foundations, etc, CDCS,’AFD and others. ALIMA also carries out projects in consortium with international NGOs and’ other partners or research institutes. Many of our donors and partners have representatives on the ground, so the relationship with them is built directly from the’ALIMA country offices. The financing of projects, and therefore the search for funds, is the responsibility of the mission, with the support of the Dakar operations teams and support teams. A Head of Relations Bailleurs is present in each country. At headquarters,a dedicated service supports the operational teams for the relationship with donors, in particular for the monitoring of calls for proposals, contractual follow-up, etc, and official communication with the various donors. This service is part of the Operations Department and is composed of’une Responsable du Service Relations Bailleurs, a Referente Bailleurs Recherche, a.e Grants Officer, and’un.e Referent.e Bailleurs by geographical desk. ALIMA also has a Department of Development, based in Paris, Dakar and New York, in charge of seeking funds from private donors and foundations.This service is part of the Operations Department and is composed of’une Responsable du Service Relations Bailleurs, a Referente Bailleurs Recherche, a.e Grants Officer, and’un.e Referent.e Bailleurs by geographical desk. ALIMA also has a Department of Development, based in Paris, Dakar and New York, in charge of seeking funds from private donors and foundations.This service is part of the Operations Department and is composed of’une Responsable du Service Relations Bailleurs, a Referente Bailleurs Recherche, a.e Grants Officer, and’un.e Referent.e Bailleurs by geographical desk. ALIMA also has a Department of Development, based in Paris, Dakar and New York, in charge of seeking funds from private donors and foundations.



Level 1 : The holder of the post will not have contact with children and/or vulnerable adults or access to personal data concerning them in the course of his work ; as a result, criminal record checks will not be mandatory for this position unless the content of the position changes, in this case, the level of protection of vulnerable populations will have to be reviewed.


You are under the responsibility of the Head of the Service Relations Bailleurs, you work in close collaboration with the’ whole of the donor team.


The Grants Officer position is governed by the “Generation ALIMA” policy, which aims to support junior profiles and equip them to deploy them effectively in our countries of intervention. This is a unique opportunity to join the pool of Responsible Relations elsewhere at ALIMA. During the term of the contract, the objectives will be established quarterly, in parallel with an individual development plan. The Grants Officer will also carry out’ support missions in the field, based on the identified needs. Subject to a positive evaluation, at the end of the contract the Grants Officer will be deployed in the field as Head of Foreign Relations.


You will be mobilized on the following activities. The responsibilities listed are not exhaustive and could be adjusted to the identified operational needs as long as they remain consistent with the general responsibilities of the position.

1.Support funding research and reporting for cross-country and thematic projects and in support of desks

  • Funding research and production of concept notes and project proposals for cross-country and thematic projects

You are in charge of the search for funding and reporting for multi-country projects and cross-cutting themes such as environmental’action and logistics. You coordinate the writing of concept notes and project proposals in relation to the teams concerned to respond to the identified opportunities.

  • Ensure the production of narrative reports for cross-country and thematic projects

You are responsible for the preparation of intermediate and final reports for multi-country projects and cross-cutting themes such as ENVIRONMENTAL’action and logistics, and, according to the reporting formats and rules imposed by the funder. You participate in the follow-up of the project with the teams concerned. You are responsible for drafting the documents and ensure compliance with deadlines and are responsible for the quality of the reports.

  • Support to the Emergency and Open Service

You support the Emergency and Open Services in mapping donors and collecting information for project openings. You also support writing concept notes, project proposals, and reports for project openings and emergency responses.

  • One-time support to desks

You can provide one-time support to desks according to the needs identified, on specific projects or missions. You will perform short field missions according to the needs identified to better understand the operation of donors and offer support to the team.

2.Support for the revision of the work tools of the Service de Relations Bailleurs.

You will pilot the revision of the tools and procedures of the Relations Department of Bailleurs. In consultation with the Relations Bailleurs team, you propose improvements to existing tools and the creation of new tools.



HOLDER of a diploma of’higher studies (level Master or equivalent) in connection with the position (political sciences, international relations, ..). You at least 1 year of’experience field in humanitarian context and/or in the seat of’ONG. You have a good knowledge of the main donors (ECHO, BHA, DUE, AFD CDCS..) You have excellent editorial abilities. You have a good command of project management tools (project cycle, logical framework, project proposal, reporting, etc.) ;


Excellent written and oral expression in french and english


Duration and type of contract : Fixed term contract under Senegalese law of 12 months

Taking post : 15/09/2024

Salary : Level 6 of the internal salary grid of’ALIMA (a gross monthly amount of FCFA 1 285 978 – is approximately 1950 €)

ALIMA supports:

  • Travel costs between the country of ORIGIN and the base country (If recruited internationally)
  • Five weeks of paid leave per year and a system of recovery days for travel
  • Housing premium (If recruited internationally)
  • Support for tuition fees for dependent children, as part of the current ALIMA policy and ceilings
  • Complementary health coverage and evacuation supported by ALIMA for the’employee and its beneficiaries

How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and Letter of Motivation online on our page.

Link to apply :

Applications are processed according to the’order of’arrival.

ALIMA reserves the right to close the’offer before the term initially indicated if an application is accepted.

Only complete applications (CV in PDF format + Motivation Letter) will be studied.

Female applications are strongly encouraged.


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